Old School RuneScape Wiki

'Black-eye' chathead

'Black-eye' is one of the builders on strike near the Tower of Life during and after the Tower of Life quest. If the player does not have a Hard Hat they can talk to him and answer a few questions and receive one. To get the hat you must answer three questions. The answers are three, torn curtains, and ten pieces of clay.

Players with level 1 Thieving can pickpocket him to get a Triangle sandwich and 8 thieving experience.


  • Based on his name and examine text, 'Black-eye' has most likely picked many fights and received many black eyes.
  • The hard hat he gives the player seems to be from a former builder who died or was seriously injured. As 'Black-Eye' gives the player the helmet, they notice there is blood on it and 'Black-Eye' quickly explains that it is paint.
