Old School RuneScape Wiki

Invitation Answers:

Banker: 36,480 (Any Banker)

Blue Moon Inn Barman: 63

Bob - The axe store owner: 9

Duke Horacio: 105

Hans: 2,103,840

Horvik: 4

King Roald: 13 

Leela: 26

Ned: 4

Make-Over Mage: 36

Sir Vyvin: 162

Thessalia: 29

Wise Old Man: 480,000

At the party:

First Floor:

Sir Vyvin needs company with the squire on the second floor

Leela needs a beer

Bribe the Banker 100 coins to pretend he's enjoying the party

Bribe the Make-Over Mage 100 coins to pretend he's enjoying the party

Second Floor:

Thessalia needs a beer

Duke Horacio needs a beer

King Roald needs company with Aggie on the first floor

Kaylee needs company with unknown

(Note: You can get two free Beers from Lucy or Megan on the second floor, then they charge 2 gold coins each.)
