Abigaila is an NPC who lives upstairs in the Lumbridge General Store. She can also be found by the spirit tree north-east of the Grand Exchange. She is a refugee from Morytania who managed to escape from the vampyres, and is paid by the local gentry for her scrying skills.
Players can speak to her to spectate players participating in the Theatre of Blood. Before doing so, players are not allowed to bring any items with them (excluding the oculus orb), and they must not be poisoned or diseased.
- Abigaila: What can I help you with, dear?
- Player: Who are you and what are you doing?
- Abigaila: I'm Abigaila, from Morytania. It's a terrible place, run by the vampyres. They visit the towns and collect everyone's blood for food!
- Abigaila: I tried for years to escape, with my son, Suro, to make a better life for ourselves in Misthalin. I scraped together enough money to bribe a boatman to get us out.
- Abigaila: The journey was tough. Some men in pink hoods attacked our boat, shouting at us to go back where we belonged, and to keep out of their country. In the struggle, the boat overturned.
- Abigaila: It was dark, and I couldn't find Suro in the water. I swam as deep as I could, until my lungs screamed, but I couldn't find him. He wasn't good at swimming.
- Abigaila: Eventually I got myself to the shore. The sun was rising, and I found Suro there. On the shore, where the water had dumped his... body.
- Abigaila: *sob*
- Abigaila: I've done alright in Misthalin, I guess. I know a bit of magic, and the local gentry pay me well for my scrying skills. I'm good at turning a profit on Grand Exchange trades too.
- Abigaila: Anyway, I'm able to rent a room in Lumbridge, and to buy food. I'm not being a burden on anyone, and there are no vampyres coming for my blood.
- Abigaila: I am free!
- Abigaila: But I haven't forgotten my people in the east. There's one vampyre there who runs a place she calls the Theatre of Blood, challenging humans to face monsters in her arena.
- Abigaila: My husband went there, trying to win freedom from the blood-gatherers by surviving her arena, but he never returned. No-one does.
- Abigaila: So now I pass my spare time scrying on the Theatre of Blood, watching other adventurers there. You can have a look, if you like.
- Remaining dialogue options are displayed.
- Player: I'd like to look in your scrying ball.
- The player can then observe a specific party, observe a recently formed party, or cancelling the dialogue. However, if a player is poisoned or diseased, or has anything equipped or in their inventory, the following dialogue will appear:
- Abigaila: I'm afraid I can't let you use my scrying ball now, dear. Clear out everything you're carrying, and make sure you're not sick or poisoned.
- Player: I'll leave you be.
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Music |
The Maiden's Sorrow • The Maiden's Anger • Welcome to my Nightmare • The Nightmare Continues • Dance of the Nylocas • Arachnids of Vampyrium • The Dark Beast Sotetseg • Power of the Shadow Realm • Predator Xarpus • Last King of the Yarasa • It's not over 'til... • The Fat Lady Sings • The Curtain Closes |