Old School RuneScape Wiki
Old School RuneScape Wiki

Arrow shaft detail

Arrow shafts are used in the making of arrows through the Fletching skill. Arrow shafts can be cut from different types of logs by using a knife on them, each type requires a certain level in Fletching. 15 feathers can be attached to 15 arrow shafts at 1 Fletching, granting 15 experience, to make headless arrows. Arrowtips cannot be attached to arrow shafts without feathers.

Fletching icon Level Log Shafts made XP GE price (logs) GE price (shafts) Profit/loss
1 Logs Logs 15 5 138 15 −123
15 Oak logs Oak logs 30 10 143 30 −113
30 Willow logs Willow logs 45 15 19 45 26
45 Maple logs Maple logs 60 20 9 60 51
60 Yew logs Yew logs 75 25 249 75 −174
75 Magic logs Magic logs 90 30 1,090 90 −1,000
90 Redwood logs Redwood logs 105 35 307 105 −202


  • Prior to 25 August 2016, arrow shafts could only have been cut from normal logs. With that update, higher tiered logs can now be cut into more arrow shafts.
