Old School RuneScape Wiki
Old School RuneScape Wiki

Avantoe detail

Avantoe is a mid-level herb, requiring a Herblore level of 48 to clean from the grimy version. It can be obtained as a monster drop or through the Farming skill, with a level of 50, by planting an avantoe seed in a herb patch. It is used to make fishing potions, super energy potions, and hunter potions.


Potion Level Secondary Ingredient XP Effect
Fishing potion(3) Fishing potion

Herblore icon 50

Snape grass 112.5 Boost skill: Fishing, by 3
Super energy(3) Super energy potion

Herblore icon 52

Mort myre fungi 117.5 Restore run energy, 20% each dose
Hunter potion(3) Hunter potion

Herblore icon 53

Kebbit teeth dust 120 Boost skill: Hunter, by 3
