Old School RuneScape Wiki
Old School RuneScape Wiki

Axeman's folly detail

The Axeman's Folly is an ale that temporarily raises one's Woodcutting level. However, it also lowers some melee combat skills. It requires level 49 Cooking to make and gives 413 experience when made. It can be brewed by members, as shown in the in-game brewing section of the Cooking skill. To brew, a player must visit one of the breweries found in Keldagrim or Port Phasmatys.

Because it would take many axeman's follys to woodcut effectively, this item is not used often.



The full recipe for axeman's folly is as follows (in the order given):

  1. 2 buckets of water
  2. 2 barley malts
  3. (optional) 1 "the stuff," to increase chance of maturity
  4. 1 oak roots
  5. 1 ale yeast
  6. Wait 1-2 days
  7. Collect the completed ale using 8 beer glasses or 2 calquat kegs
