Old School RuneScape Wiki
Old School RuneScape Wiki

Barbarian Training is a set of expansions to Skill icon of Firemaking, File:Firemaking icon Firemaking, Skill icon of Herblore, File:Herblore icon Herblore, Skill icon of Fishing, File:Fishing icon Fishing, and Skill icon of Smithing, File:Smithing icon Smithing. This activity also provides access to the Link to Ancient Cavern Ancient Cavern and the numerous monsters within, such as the Mithril dragon Mithril dragon.

Otto Godblessed location

Chat head image of Otto Godblessed, File:Otto Godblessed chathead Otto Godblessed, a barbarian interested in the cultural history of his people, will offer to teach eligible players about Item image of %7B%7B%3ABarbarian+skills%7D%7D, File:Barbarian skills Barbarian skills if a player speaks to him in Link to Otto's Grotto his grotto, on top of Link to Baxtorian Falls Baxtorian Falls. Otto will begin training the player after he or she responds with, "You think so?". Players can get there quickly by using the Item image of %7B%7B%3AGames+necklace%7D%7D, File:Games necklace Games necklace teleport to the Link to Barbarian Outpost Barbarian Outpost and running south. Alternatively, players can also use the Link to Barbarian Assault Barbarian Assault Link to Minigame Group Finder minigame teleport, or run up directly from Link to East Ardougne East Ardougne and climb the cliff side of the waterfall to the plateau.

When you begin, you will receive a long book titled "Item image of %7B%7B%3ABarbarian+skills%7D%7D, File:Barbarian skills Barbarian Skills", which can be used to look back on what Otto has instructed you to do throughout the tasks. Later on, if you ask about the Link to Ancient Cavern Ancient Cavern under the lake, he will give a note book that is blank at first. You add to the note book as you find Item image of %7B%7B%3Aancient+page%7D%7D, File:ancient page ancient pages in the dungeon usually collected by searching skeletons on the cave floor. Be careful though, as a Skeleton Skeleton (level 132) will sometimes attack you when you search them.


Barbarian Firemaking

Barbarian Fishing

  • 48 Fishing icon Fishing (55 to finish bare-handed fishing)

Barbarian Smithing

Barbarian Herblore




The activities[]

Barbarian Firemaking[]

Firstly, speak to Chat head image of Otto Godblessed, File:Otto Godblessed chathead Otto, and ask about the barbarian Skill icon of Firemaking, File:Firemaking icon Firemaking skills; he will tell you to take a Link to bow bow and use it with oaken (Link to oak oak) logs as a way of lighting them without a Item image of %7B%7B%3Atinderbox%7D%7D, File:tinderbox tinderbox. You can use any type of bow except Twisted bow twisted bows, Item image of %7B%7B%3Acursed+goblin+bow%7D%7D, File:cursed goblin bow cursed goblin bows, Item image of %7B%7B%3AOgre+bow%7D%7D, File:Ogre bow ogre, Item image of %7B%7B%3Adark+bow%7D%7D, File:dark bow dark bows, Item image of %7B%7B%3Acrystal+bow%7D%7D, File:crystal bow crystal bows, and the Item image of %7B%7B%3Asigned+oak+bow%7D%7D, File:signed oak bow signed oak bow. Although lighting logs with a bow is fancier, it gives the same experience as lighting them with a tinderbox and is more click-intensive. After lighting your first logs, speak to Otto again to be able to continue.

Firemaking with a Bow
Logs Firemaking level needed Experience gained
Logs Normal 21 40
Achey tree logs Achey 21 40
Oak logs Oak 35 60
Willow logs Willow 50 90
Teak logs Teak 55 105
Arctic pine logs Arctic Pine 62 125
Maple logs Maple 65 135
Mahogany logs Mahogany 70 157.5
Yew logs Yew 80 202.5
Magic logs Magic 95 303.8
Redwood logs Redwood 99 350

Pyre ships[]

Pyre Ship chewed bones

An Ancient Barbarian Spirit being laid to rest

Talk to Chat head image of Otto Godblessed, File:Otto Godblessed chathead Otto after you completed an oak Item image of %7B%7B%3ABarbarian+skills%7D%7D, File:Barbarian skills bow fire. Otto will now explain the art of making a Link to Barbarian Training#Pyre ships pyre ship after doing the following.

  1. Tell him that your mind is ready for Skill icon of Firemaking, File:Firemaking icon Firemaking wisdom.
  2. Seek more answers, and ask him, "What follows this?"

You need to enter the Link to Ancient Cavern dungeon below the lake and fight the monsters within to obtain Item image of %7B%7B%3Achewed+bones%7D%7D, File:chewed bones chewed bones or Item image of %7B%7B%3Amangled+bones%7D%7D, File:mangled bones mangled bones to be used in constructing a pyre ship.

High-level Link to Dragon (race) dragons will use a Skill icon of magic, File:magic icon magic-based attack on you immediately after descending the steps in the dungeon. Don't bring in anything you are not willing to lose.

When rummaging through barbarian skeletons found on the ground or killing the various barbarians within the cavern, you may find mangled bones. The only way to get chewed bones, however, is to kill Mithril dragon mithril dragons. Both chewed and mangled bones, in conjunction with any type of log, can be used on the burnt spaces (pyre sites), found scattered around the lake near Link to Otto's Grotto Otto's house, to make a pyre ship. Burning a pyre ship will grant the player an experience bonus of up to 300%, depending on the logs used, the next time they bury Item image of %7B%7B%3Abones%7D%7D, File:bones bones.

Spirits released from chewed bones are benevolent and will give you Link to Chewed bones#Rewards some items, including a slim chance for a Item image of %7B%7B%3Adragon+full+helm%7D%7D, File:dragon full helm dragon full helm, while spirits released from mangled bones are Link to Aggressiveness aggressive Ferocious barbarian spirit ferocious barbarian spirits. Please note that if you use mangled bones to make a pyre ship, you will be unable to make another pyre ship until you kill the spirit. If you attempt to make another one while a barbarian spirit is around, the sacrifice will be declined.

Completing the barbarian skills book requires burning chewed bones dropped by mithril dragons. Otherwise, the final paragraph of the section on Skill icon of crafting, File:crafting icon crafting pyre ships will be missing, and page 21 of the book will be blank even if the rest of the training has been completed. You will also need to speak to Otto again after burning the bones.

Logs Firemaking/Crafting level required Crafting experience gained Firemaking experience gained Number of bones with enhanced XP rewards
Normal Logs 11 10 40 1
Achey Achey tree logs 11 10 40 1
Oak Oak logs 25 15 60 2
Willow Willow logs 40 22.5 90 2
Teak Teak logs 45 26.2 105 3
Arctic pine Arctic pine logs 52 31.2 125 3
Maple Maple logs 55 33.7 135 3
Mahogany Mahogany logs 60 39.3 157.5 4
Yew Yew logs 70 50.6 202.5 4
Magic Magic logs 85 75.9 303.8 5

Barbarian Fishing[]

Chat head image of Otto Godblessed, File:Otto Godblessed chathead Otto will give the player information about Barbarian Skill icon of Fishing, File:Fishing icon Fishing. To start this section of the training, the player must have a Fishing icon Skill icon of Fishing, File:Fishing icon Fishing level of at least 48, an Agility icon Skill icon of Agility, File:Agility icon Agility level of 15, and a Strength icon Skill icon of Strength, File:Strength icon Strength level of at least 15.

There are two types of activities that fall under Barbarian Fishing: Item image of %7B%7B%3ABarbarian+rod%7D%7D, File:Barbarian rod heavy rod fishing and bare hand fishing.

Heavy Rod Fishing[]

Speak to Chat head image of Otto Godblessed, File:Otto Godblessed chathead Otto and then ask about fishing rod methods. He will tell you that barbarians use stronger fishing rods to catch leaping fish in the lake nearby. Search under his bed and collect a heavy Item image of %7B%7B%3Abarbarian+rod%7D%7D, File:barbarian rod barbarian rod; make sure to also have Item image of %7B%7B%3Afishing+bait%7D%7D, File:fishing bait fishing bait or Item image of %7B%7B%3AFeather%7D%7D, File:Feather feathers on you. Use the fishing spots around the lake and hook a leaping fish. The Skill icon of Cooking, File:Cooking icon Cooking experience refers to the amount of experience received from successfully gutting the fish with a knife and obtaining Item image of %7B%7B%3Aroe%7D%7D, File:roe roe or Item image of %7B%7B%3Acaviar%7D%7D, File:caviar caviar as well as a good chance of obtaining Item image of %7B%7B%3AFish+offcuts%7D%7D, File:Fish offcuts fishing offcuts, which can be used as bait for this fishing method. Roe and caviar can also be used as bait if there are no feathers, offcuts, or fishing bait in the player's inventory.

To use the barbarian rod, you don't need to do anything other than obtain the rod from Otto's bed. Find a world with people power-fishing (drops will not appear immediately after hopping), collect some fish, and cut them using a Item image of %7B%7B%3Aknife%7D%7D, File:knife knife to get some bait. Rapidly using the knife on the bottom-right fish in the inventory will gut all fish of that type very quickly, and is faster than manually dropping them if not using Windows Mousekeys. However, in order to keep fishing relatively uninterrupted, the number of fish offcuts in the inventory must be at most equal to the number of empty inventory spaces after all the fish have been gutted.

Heavy Rod Fishing
Fish Image Fishing level required Strength/Agility levels required Fishing experience gained Strength/Agility experience gained Cooking experience gained from cutting
Leaping Trout Leaping trout 48 15 50 5 10
Leaping Salmon Leaping salmon 58 30 70 6 10

Leaping sturgeon

Leaping sturgeon 70 45 80 7 15

Bare-Handed Fishing[]

Speak to Chat head image of Otto Godblessed, File:Otto Godblessed chathead Otto Godblessed about the barbarian Skill icon of Fishing, File:Fishing icon Fishing methods; he will talk to you about catching fish with your arms instead of a harpoon. Level 55 Fishing is required to do this part of the training. To fish bare-handed, you do not have to retrieve Item image of %7B%7B%3AMangled+bones%7D%7D, File:Mangled bones mangled or Item image of %7B%7B%3Achewed+bones%7D%7D, File:chewed bones chewed bones from the Link to Ancient Cavern Ancient Cavern, or burn a pyre during the Link to #Barbarian Firemaking Firemaking section of the training; you only must have lit a fire with the bow method.

Go to an area where you can harpoon Item image of %7B%7B%3Aswordfish%7D%7D, File:swordfish swordfish, Item image of %7B%7B%3Atuna%7D%7D, File:tuna tuna or Item image of %7B%7B%3Ashark%7D%7D, File:shark sharks; the Link to Fishing Guild Fishing Guild and Link to Catherby Catherby are good choices. You may also wish to use an Item image of %7B%7B%3AAmulet+of+glory%7D%7D, File:Amulet of glory Amulet of glory to teleport to Link to Karamja Karamja. Click on the harpoon spot as you would normally, but without a harpoon equipped or in your inventory, and you will catch a fish using your fingers as bait!

Fishing barehanded is just as fast as fishing normally with a harpoon, but it provides small amounts of bonus Skill icon of Strength, File:Strength icon Strength experience (see the table below); however, it takes a significantly higher level to fish this way.

Bare-Handed Fishing
Fish Image Fishing level required Strength level required

Fishing experience gained

Strength experience gained

Tuna Raw tuna 55 35 80 8
Swordfish Raw swordfish 70 50 100 10
Shark Raw shark 96 76 110 11

Barbarian Smithing[]

You must bring two sets of Link to bar bars and two Item image of %7B%7B%3Alogs%7D%7D, File:logs logs to complete the Skill icon of Smithing, File:Smithing icon Smithing portion, not just one!

To begin Barbarian Smithing, the player must have finished Link to #Barbarian Fishing Barbarian Fishing. They must also have completed the Link to Tai Bwo Wannai Trio Tai Bwo Wannai Trio quest and have level 5 Smithing icon Skill icon of Smithing, File:Smithing icon Smithing. To create and wield a Link to hasta hasta, you do not have to retrieve Item image of %7B%7B%3AMangled+bones%7D%7D, File:Mangled bones mangled or Item image of %7B%7B%3Achewed+bones%7D%7D, File:chewed bones chewed bones from the Link to Ancient Cavern Ancient Cavern, or thereoff burn a pyre during the Link to #Barbarian Firemaking Firemaking section of the training; you only must have lit a fire with the bow method. If Otto says, "You do not exude the presence of one who has poured his soul into manufacturing spears," it means that you need to smith a spear on the anvil near his hut first.

There are two types of activities that fall under Barbarian Smithing: Link to Spear Spear smithing and Link to Hasta Hasta smithing.


The first part of Barbarian Smithing a player will learn is about how to make Link to spear spears. You will need a Item image of %7B%7B%3Ahammer%7D%7D, File:hammer hammer, a metal Link to bar bar and some corresponding Item image of %7B%7B%3Alogs%7D%7D, File:logs logs, and use them on the barbarian anvil near Link to Otto's Grotto Otto's house. Once you've made the spear, talk to Chat head image of Otto Godblessed, File:Otto Godblessed chathead Otto again, and he will tell you about Link to Hasta hastae.


Forging Link to Hasta hastae is exactly the same. Take a metal Link to bar bar and the corresponding Item image of %7B%7B%3Alogs%7D%7D, File:logs logs, and then use them on the barbarian anvil. Next, talk to Chat head image of Otto Godblessed, File:Otto Godblessed chathead Otto again, and your Barbarian Smithing is completed.

A table of the spears and hastae that you can make, as well as the logs and bars needed is found below:

Spears & Hasta Wood required Smithing icon level required Smithing icon experience gained
Bronze hasta Bronze hasta Logs Logs 5 25
Bronze spear Bronze spear
Iron hasta Iron hasta Oak logs Oak 20 50
Iron spear Iron spear
Steel hasta Steel hasta Willow logs Willow logs 35 75
Steel spear Steel spear
Mithril hasta Mithril hasta Maple logs Maple logs 55 100
Mithril spear Mithril spear
Adamant hasta Adamant hasta Yew logs Yew logs 75 125
Adamant spear Adamant spear
Rune hasta Rune hasta Magic logs Magic logs 90 150
Rune spear Rune spear
Zamorakian hasta Zamorakian hasta


Zamorakian spear Zamorakian spear


  1. Otto can convert your Zamorakian hasta back into a spear, free of charge.
  2. You only need to pay Otto 300,000 coins in order to convert a Zamorakian spear into a Zamorakian hasta.

Barbarian Herblore[]

Before learning this section, the player needs at least level 4 Herblore icon Skill icon of Herblore, File:Herblore icon Herblore. Seek more answers, and select the first option. Talk to Chat head image of Otto Godblessed, File:Otto Godblessed chathead Otto to learn about barbarian Link to Herblore#Potions potion-making after you completed Link to #Barbarian Smithing Barbarian Smithing. You will be asked to make an Attack mix(1) Attack mix from a Attack potion(1) Attack potion (2 doses).

Add the Item image of %7B%7B%3Aroe%7D%7D, File:roe roe you obtained during Link to #Barbarian Fishing Barbarian Fishing to the normal two-dose attack potion and hand it back to Otto. Your training is now completed.

After finishing this training stage, many other potions can be enhanced by adding roe or Item image of %7B%7B%3Acaviar%7D%7D, File:caviar caviar to a two-dose variant of the potions. The Barbarian Herblore skill, through the creation of 'mixes', allows ordinary potions to not only heal 3-6 Skill icon of Hitpoints, File:Hitpoints icon Hitpoints but also to provide the regular benefits of that potion, though each potion mix can have at most two doses.

Enhancing potions[]

First, the player must have a two-dose vial of a particular potion. To make 2 two-dose potions from a four-dose potion, the player can just use the four-dose potion on an empty Item image of %7B%7B%3Avial%7D%7D, File:vial vial or have certain Link to Decanting#Decanting to 2-dose and 3-dose NPCs do it for you. The player must then add either some Item image of %7B%7B%3Aroe%7D%7D, File:roe roe or Item image of %7B%7B%3Acaviar%7D%7D, File:caviar caviar to the two-dose potion, which will create a mix. Note that Item image of %7B%7B%3Aroe%7D%7D, File:roe roe cannot be used in mixes higher levelled than the Restore mix(1) Stat restore mix; any higher level mix requires Item image of %7B%7B%3Acaviar%7D%7D, File:caviar caviar. When the mix is consumed, it will not only grant the regular benefits but it will also heal 3 Skill icon of Hitpoints, File:Hitpoints icon Hitpoints (Restore mix(1) restore mix and lower) or 6 Hitpoints (Energy mix(1) energy mix and higher). Mixes therefore count as food, and drinking them will interrupt combat in the same way as eating food does.

Left-clicking will not work for Barbarian Herblore, and each mix must be created manually. The best way to avoid accidentally consuming the fish eggs is to position them in the bottom row of the inventory so that one can select the "use" option right after right-clicking without moving the cursor.

Potion Image Herblore Level Required Experience gained Eggs used
Attack mix Attack mix(2) 4 8 Roe Roe or Caviar Caviar
Antipoison mix Antipoison mix(2) 6 12 Roe Roe or Caviar Caviar
Relicym's mix Relicym's mix(2) 9 14 Roe Roe or Caviar Caviar
Strength mix Strength mix(2) 14 17 Roe Roe or Caviar Caviar
Restore mix Restore mix(2) 24 21 Roe Roe or Caviar Caviar
Energy mix Energy mix(2) 29 23 Caviar Caviar
Defence mix Defence mix(2) 33 25 Caviar Caviar
Agility mix Agility mix(2) 37 27 Caviar Caviar
Combat mix Combat mix(2) 40 28 Caviar Caviar
Prayer mix Prayer mix(2) 42 29 Caviar Caviar
Superattack mix Superattack mix(2) 47 33 Caviar Caviar
Anti-poison supermix Anti-poison supermix(2) 51 35 Caviar Caviar
Fishing mix Fishing mix(2) 53 38 Caviar Caviar
Super energy mix Super energy mix(2) 56 39 Caviar Caviar
Hunting mix Hunting mix(2) 58 40 Caviar Caviar
Super str. mix Super str. mix(2) 59 42 Caviar Caviar
Magic essence mix Magic essence mix(2) 61 43 Caviar Caviar
Super restore mix Super restore mix(2) 67 48 Caviar Caviar
Super def. mix Super def. mix(2) 71 50 Caviar Caviar
Antidote+ mix Antidote+ mix(2) 74 52 Caviar Caviar
Antifire mix Antifire mix(2) 75 53 Caviar Caviar
Ranging mix Ranging mix(2) 80 54 Caviar Caviar
Magic mix Magic mix(2) 83 57 Caviar Caviar
Zamorak mix Zamorak mix(2) 85 58 Caviar Caviar
Stamina mix Stamina mix(2) 86 60 Caviar Caviar
Extended antifire mix Extended antifire mix(2) 91 61 Caviar Caviar
Super antifire mix Super antifire mix(2) 98 70 Caviar Caviar
Extended super antifire mix Extended super antifire mix(2) 99 78 Caviar Caviar