Old School RuneScape Wiki
Old School RuneScape Wiki
Karil's armour equipped

A player wearing Karil the Tainted's equipment.

Barrows equipment refers to a number of sets of combat equipment earned from the Barrows minigame. There are six sets of Barrows equipment: four for warriors, one for rangers, and one for mages. Each set has four pieces: a two-handed weapon (except for Ahrim's Staff, which after an update was changed to be a one-handed weapon like other staffs in an effort to buff the weapon), a helmet, a torso piece and legwear. When all four pieces for a particular brother are equipped, a special set effect is granted, which is different for each set which is listed below after the bolded name of the set's special. Additionally, the Amulet of the damned enhances the set effects while equipped. Barrows sets can't be made using the Smithing skill.

Players can also buy gloves resembling Barrows armour after full completion of the Recipe for Disaster quest.

Degrading and repairing[]

Barrows equipment degrades as it is used. Equipment received from the Barrows minigame is fully repaired and can be used for 15 hours of combat until it degrades completely and requires repair before it can be used again. Barrows armour degrades even if the player is using protection prayers or not taking damage. Unlike the crystal shield and crystal bow, Barrows equipment does not suffer in performance as it degrades from fully repaired to fully degraded. Fully repaired Barrows items start out with no numbers in their names, e.g. Barrows equipment. It will become Barrows equipment 100 the first time it's used in combat. Eventually it will degrade to Barrows equipment 75, then 50, then 25 and finally 0 at which point the armour will be unusable until repaired. Additionally, Barrows equipment may only be traded if fully repaired or fully degraded.

When dropped or lost on death, any piece of Barrows equipment will automatically degrade to 0. Players who attempt to drop Barrows equipment will receive a warning message about this.

There are two ways to repair Barrows armour. Players can talk to any of the NPCs listed below and they will repair the items for a price, or repair the pieces themselves using an armour stand in any player-owned house. The equipment can be repaired at any stage, and the cost will be adjusted according to how much it has degraded. The repair costs below are as if the equipment has fully degraded.

The following NPCs can repair the armour:

Costs to repair
barrows equipment
NPC POH Armour Stand
Level 1 Smithing Level 99 Smithing
Helm 60,000 59,700 30,300
Body 90,000 89,550 45,450
Legs 80,000 79,600 40,400
Weapon 100,000 99,500 50,500
Total 330,000 328,350 166,650
The price is exactly 50% when operating a Smithing cape.

Note: If you drop any of the Barrows items or die in an unsafe area, the item or items will automatically deplete to 0.

It costs less to repair Barrows equipment at an armour stand compared to paying Bob in Lumbridge. Stat boosts do affect the price of repair. Use the following calculator to figure the costs.

The formula used to calculate the cost at a repair stand is:

A player with a Smithing level of 60, for instance, would pay 70% of normal cost:

Barrows equipment stacks in bank with the corresponding item degradation, so if a Karil's crossbow has a degradation level of 100, it will stack with another Karil's crossbow if it also has a degradation level of 100. The item with the same degradation level will be taken out with the same amount of hits as before, so if a Karil's crossbow 100 has 59 shots left before it will go to level 75 degradation, and that same one is in a stack with another crossbow that has 300 shots before it will degrade further. The one you take out of the stack will be the one with 59 shots left. It is advised to take out the helmet of any armour set when using, and degrade it slightly by being hit 2-3 times in combat; this will degrade the helmet slightly more than the other pieces of the set when using them, so when the helmet degrades to the 0 degradation level, the other pieces will be at the 25 degradation level, but you will know they only have a few hits left before they degrade to the 0 degradation level, which will save you some money when you repair them.

Dharok the Wretched (Melee)[]

Wretched Strength

A player activating Dharok's set effect, Wretched Strength.

70 Defence is required to wear the armour, and 70 Attack and Strength are required to wield the weapon. Dharok's is the Strength armour. The items can only be traded at 100 percent or 0 percent.

Wretched Strength: Attacks do more damage as the player's Hitpoints decrease. To be exact, 1% damage for every 1% HP lost. Dharok's maximum potential is unleashed at 99 HP and 99 Strength whereof a player can deal up to 98.9% extra damage when at 1 health point.

Dharok the Wretched's equipment:

Bonus table[]

Item Attack Bonus Defence Bonus Other Bonus
Stab Slash Crush Magic Range Stab Slash Crush Magic Range Strength Prayer
Dharok's helm 0 0 0 -3 -1 +45 +48 +44 -1 +51 0 0
Dharok's platebody 0 0 0 -30 -10 +122 +120 +107 -6 +132 0 0
Dharok's platelegs 0 0 0 -21 -7 +85 +82 +83 -4 +92 0 0
Dharok's greataxe -4 +103 +95 -4 0 0 0 0 0 -1 +105 0
Total -4 +103 +95 -58 -18 +252 +250 +234 -11 +274 +105 0

Torag the Corrupted (Melee)[]


A player activating Torag's set effect, Corruption.

70 Defence is required to wear the armour, and 70 Attack and 70 Strength is required to wield the weapon. Torag's is the Defence armour, as full Torag carries the highest overall Defence bonuses.

Corruption: Successful melee attacks have a 25% chance of lowering the victim's run energy by 20%.

Torag the Corrupted's equipment:

Bonus table[]

Item Attack Bonus Defence Bonus Other Bonus
Stab Slash Crush Magic Range Stab Slash Crush Magic Range Strength Prayer
Torag's helm 0 0 0 -6 -2 +55 +58 +54 -1 +62 0 0
Torag's platebody 0 0 0 -30 -10 +122 +120 +107 -6 +132 0 0
Torag's platelegs 0 0 0 -21 -7 +85 +82 +83 -4 +92 0 0
Torag's hammers -4 -4 +85 -4 0 0 0 0 0 0 +72 0
Total -4 -4 +85 -61 -19 +262 +260 +244 -11 +286 +72 0

Guthan the Infested (Melee)[]


A player activating Guthan's set effect, Infestation.

70 Defence is required to wear the armour, and 70 Attack is required to wield the weapon. Guthan's is the Hitpoints armour. It is not advised to only buy armour because of the cost and the special attack it gives. Guthan's is considered to be the best set of Barrows because it saves you money when buying food, as you will need little to none for most Combat training (exceptions are mostly things that will not let you wear Guthan's as you need to wield a special piece of equipment for that particular creature [i.e. Aberrant spectres require a nose peg]). Because of the Hitpoints bonus, players may choose to use this while doing Fight Caves as it will save food. Many players use Guthan to heal on Slayer tasks and in Nightmare Zone.

Infestation: Attacks have a 25% chance of replenishing the player's health equal to the damage dealt.

Guthan the Infested's equipment:

Bonus table[]

Item Attack Bonus Defence Bonus Other Bonus
Stab Slash Crush Magic Range Stab Slash Crush Magic Range Strength Prayer
Guthan's helm 0 0 0 -6 -2 +55 +58 +54 -1 +62 0 0
Guthan's platebody 0 0 0 -30 -10 +122 +120 +107 -6 +132 0 0
Guthan's chainskirt 0 0 0 -14 -7 +75 +72 +73 -4 +82 0 0
Guthan's warspear +75 +75 +75 0 0 +7 +7 +7 0 0 +75 0
Total +75 +75 +75 -50 -19 +259 +257 +241 -11 +276 +75 0

Many players use full Guthan when attempting the TzHaar Fight Caves minigame. It is also popular with high level players for training because no food is needed.

A common strategy for Guthan users is to use an Abyssal whip and a Dragon defender, then switch to Guthan's warspear when they run short on health. This is effective because Guthan's warspear does not deal damage as efficiently.

Verac the Defiled (Melee)[]


A player activating Verac's set effect, Defiler.

70 Defence is required to wear the armour, and 70 Attack is required to wield the weapon. Verac's is the Prayer and Attack armour.

Defiler: Attacks have a 25% chance of ignoring any armour, Defence, and protection prayers.

Verac the Defiled's equipment:

Bonus table[]

Item Attack Bonus Defence Bonus Other Bonus
Stab Slash Crush Magic Range Stab Slash Crush Magic Range Strength Prayer
Verac's helm 0 0 0 -6 -2 +55 +58 +54 0 +56 0 +3
Verac's brassard 0 0 0 -6 -2 +81 +95 +85 0 +81 0 +5
Verac's plateskirt 0 0 0 -21 -7 +85 +82 +83 0 +85 0 +4
Verac's flail +68 -2 +82 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +72 +6
Total +68 -2 +82 -33 -11 +221 +235 +222 0 +221 +72 +18

Verac's armour is usually used for players taking on the Kalphite Queen due to its special. It is also very popular for fighting other players in the Duel Arena, Tzhaar Fight Pits, and Wilderness.

Karil the Tainted (Ranged)[]

Tainted Shot

A player activating Karil's set effect, Tainted Shot.

70 Defence and 70 Ranged are required to wear the armour, and 70 Ranged is required to wield the weapon. Karil's is the Ranged armour. Note that Karil's has the highest Magic Defence of all the Barrows equipment. It has some of the best magical Defence available in the game, greater than black d'hide and just behind Armadyl ranged gear.

Tainted Shot: Successful ranged attacks have a 25% chance of lowering the enemy's Agility level by 20%.

Karil the Tainted's equipment:

Bonus table[]

Item Attack Bonus Defence Bonus Other Bonus
Stab Slash Crush Magic Range Stab Slash Crush Magic Range Strength Prayer
Karil's coif 0 0 0 -1 +7 +6 +9 +12 +6 +10 0 0
Karil's leathertop 0 0 0 -15 +30 +47 +42 +50 +65 +57 0 0
Karil's leatherskirt 0 0 0 -10 +17 +26 +20 +28 +35 +33 0 0
Karil's crossbow 0 0 0 0 +84 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 -26 +138 +79 +71 +90 +106 +100 0 0

Ahrim the Blighted (Magic)[]

Blighted Aura

A player activating Ahrim's set effect, Blighted Aura.

70 Defence and 70 Magic are required to wear the armour. Also, 70 Attack and 70 Magic are required to wield the weapon. Ahrim's is the Magic armour.

Blighted Aura: Successful magical attacks have a 25% chance of lowering the enemy's Strength by 5 levels.

Ahrim the Blighted's equipment:

Bonus table[]

Item Attack Bonus Defence Bonus Other Bonus
Stab Slash Crush Magic Range Stab Slash Crush Magic Range Strength Prayer
Ahrim's hood 0 0 0 +6 -2 +15 +13 +16 +6 0 0 0
Ahrim's robetop 0 0 0 +30 -10 +52 +37 +63 +30 0 0 0
Ahrim's robeskirt 0 0 0 +22 -7 +33 +30 +36 +22 0 0 0
Ahrim's staff +12 -1 +65 +15 0 +3 +5 +2 +15 0 +68 0
Total +12 -1 +65 +73 -19 +103 +85 +117 +73 0 +68 0


Ahrim's set[]

Icon Item Price Direction Low Alch High Alch Limit Members Details Last updated
Ahrim's armour setAhrim's armour set5,265,356
80,000120,000UnknownP2P iconview4 years ago
Ahrim's staffAhrim's staff104,883
34,00051,000UnknownP2P iconview4 years ago
Ahrim's hoodAhrim's hood61,586
5,2007,800UnknownP2P iconview4 years ago
Ahrim's robetopAhrim's robetop2,900,631
20,00030,000UnknownP2P iconview4 years ago
Ahrim's robeskirtAhrim's robeskirt2,169,900
18,80028,200UnknownP2P iconview4 years ago

Dharok's set[]

Icon Item Price Direction Low Alch High Alch Limit Members Details Last updated
Dharok's armour setDharok's armour set2,944,821
160,000240,000UnknownP2P iconview4 years ago
Dharok's greataxeDharok's greataxe652,656
83,200124,800UnknownP2P iconview4 years ago
Dharok's helmDharok's helm243,630
41,20061,800UnknownP2P iconview4 years ago
Dharok's platebodyDharok's platebody978,025
112,000168,000UnknownP2P iconview4 years ago
Dharok's platelegsDharok's platelegs1,026,058
110,000165,000UnknownP2P iconview4 years ago

Guthan's set[]

Icon Item Price Direction Low Alch High Alch Limit Members Details Last updated
Guthan's armour setGuthan's armour set2,746,794
160,000240,000UnknownP2P iconview4 years ago
Guthan's warspearGuthan's warspear917,108
40,00060,000UnknownP2P iconview4 years ago
Guthan's helmGuthan's helm550,010
41,20061,800UnknownP2P iconview4 years ago
Guthan's platebodyGuthan's platebody819,022
112,000168,000UnknownP2P iconview4 years ago
Guthan's chainskirtGuthan's chainskirt427,208
110,000165,000UnknownP2P iconview4 years ago

Karil's set[]

Icon Item Price Direction Low Alch High Alch Limit Members Details Last updated
Karil's armour setKaril's armour set2,371,494
80,000120,000UnknownP2P iconview4 years ago
Karil's crossbowKaril's crossbow107,192
64,00096,000UnknownP2P iconview4 years ago
Karil's coifKaril's coif62,835
5,2007,800UnknownP2P iconview4 years ago
Karil's leathertopKaril's leathertop1,972,648
20,00030,000UnknownP2P iconview4 years ago
Karil's leatherskirtKaril's leatherskirt224,442
18,80028,200UnknownP2P iconview4 years ago

Torag's set[]

Icon Item Price Direction Low Alch High Alch Limit Members Details Last updated
Torag's armour setTorag's armour set672,096
160,000240,000UnknownP2P iconview4 years ago
Torag's hammersTorag's hammers97,256
64,00096,000UnknownP2P iconview4 years ago
Torag's helmTorag's helm95,267
41,20061,800UnknownP2P iconview4 years ago
Torag's platebodyTorag's platebody218,595
112,000168,000UnknownP2P iconview4 years ago
Torag's platelegsTorag's platelegs241,084
110,000165,000UnknownP2P iconview4 years ago

Verac's set[]

Icon Item Price Direction Low Alch High Alch Limit Members Details Last updated
Verac's armour setVerac's armour set1,037,397
160,000240,000UnknownP2P iconview4 years ago
Verac's flailVerac's flail102,775
64,00096,000UnknownP2P iconview4 years ago
Verac's helmVerac's helm116,139
41,20061,800UnknownP2P iconview4 years ago
Verac's brassardVerac's brassard177,411
112,000168,000UnknownP2P iconview4 years ago
Verac's plateskirtVerac's plateskirt624,036
110,000165,000UnknownP2P iconview4 years ago

