A battlestaff is a members-only staff which boosts Magic. It requires 30 Attack and Magic to wield. Mostly, though, it is used in making elemental staves. By using the appropriate (earth, water, fire, air) charge orb spell on an Obelisk with an unpowered orb in your inventory, players can make an elemental orb, which can then be attached to the top of the battlestaff. Should a player wish to do so, they can take the completed battlestaff to Thormac (if Scorpion Catcher is completed) to make a mystic staff for 40,000 coins (30,000 if the player has completed the hard Kandarin Diary, or 20,000 if the player has completed the elite Kandarin Diary).
Visually the battlestaff is identical to the staff, however the battlestaff holds better stats.
Battlestaves can be bought from Zaff in Varrock (after partial completion of What Lies Below), The magic store owner in the Wizards' Guild or Baba Yaga on the Lunar Isle. Zaff stocks 15 to 120 extra staves daily for players who have completed the Varrock Diary. These can be obtained by interacting with the barrel in the northwest corner of the shop.
Combat styles[]
Combat style | Type | Experience | |
Bash | Crush | Attack and Hitpoints | |
Pound | Crush | Strength and Hitpoints | |
Focus | Crush | Defence and Hitpoints | |
Spell | Magic | Magic and Hitpoints | |
Spell (Defensive) | Magic | Magic, Hitpoints and Defence |
Dropping monsters[]
Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity Skotizo 321 25 (noted) Common Revenant imp 7 5 (noted) Uncommon Revenant goblin 15 5 (noted) Uncommon Revenant pyrefiend 52 5 (noted) Uncommon Revenant hobgoblin 60 5 (noted) Uncommon Revenant cyclops 82 5 (noted) Uncommon Revenant hellhound 90 5 (noted) Uncommon Revenant demon 98 5 (noted) Uncommon Revenant ork 105 5 (noted) Uncommon Revenant dark beast 120 5 (noted) Uncommon Revenant knight 126 5 (noted) Uncommon Revenant dragon 135 5 (noted) Uncommon Otherworldly being 64 1 Uncommon Twisted Banshee 89 1 Uncommon Cave kraken 127 1 Uncommon Enraged barbarian spirit 166 1 Uncommon Deviant spectre 169 1 Uncommon Chaos Fanatic 202 5 (noted) Uncommon Skeletal Wyvern 140 10 (noted) Uncommon Kraken 291 10 (noted) Uncommon Abyssal Sire 350 10 (noted) Uncommon Zulrah 725 10 (noted) Uncommon Eclectic impling N/A 1 Rare Skeleton Mage 16; 83 1 Rare Dagannoth Prime 303 1–10 (noted) Rare Vorkath 732 5–10 (noted) Rare