Old School RuneScape Wiki
Old School RuneScape Wiki

Blessed spirit shield detail

The blessed spirit shield requires 70 Defence and 60 Prayer to wield. To make this shield, players must use a holy elixir with a normal spirit shield, which requires 85 Prayer. Once blessed, players may apply sigils to enhance the shield. Attaching a sigil onto the shield requires 90 Prayer and 85 Smithing.

This shield's stats are comparable to the stats of the Arcane and Spectral spirit shield. It differs only in lacking the higher magic attack and defence stats of the enhanced shields. This shield is a good choice for any player using melee because of its substantial defence bonuses and prayer bonus. Its crush defence bonus is also one point higher than that of a completely charged Dragonfire shield. Players who use magic or ranged may also find this shield useful due to its lack of negative stats.


  • Originally, this item had a high alchemy value of 840,000 coins. Because this caused it to protect over godswords, it was polled in Content Poll #27 whether it should be lowered, and passed by 77%.
