Old School RuneScape Wiki
Old School RuneScape Wiki

Bologano seed detail

Bologano seeds are used to grow bologano fruit in the Tithe Farm minigame, which requires 100% favour with house Hosidius. At least level 54 in the Farming skill is required to use the seeds.

The seeds cannot be taken out of the minigame area; upon leaving the area, all seeds in a player's inventory will disappear.

No experience is granted for planting the seeds. The player will receive 14 experience upon harvesting the fruit, and 140 experience for depositing the plant into the sacks. The player will also receive an experience bonus should they successfully harvest more than 75% of the plants. 100 seeds can be obtained from the table by the entrance of the minigame.

The total experience earned for a full batch of seeds (100 fruits) is 22,540. Wearing the full farmer's outfit will also boost experience from depositing fruit by 2.5% bringing total experience per 100 fruits to 23,103.5.

Farming info[]

Bologano seed
Farming level 54
Patch Tithe patch
Seeds per 1 seed
Payment N/A
Time 3 min
Crop Bologano fruit
Harvesting 14
