Old School RuneScape Wiki
Old School RuneScape Wiki
This is a static calculator.
It does not take user inputs, but it does use changing prices from the Grand Exchange Market Watch. If prices appear to be outdated, purge the page by clicking here.

This calculator provides a cost-analysis of brewing ales.

Basic Ingredients[]

All ales require the following ingredients at a minimum:

Name Cost
Bucket of water Bucket of water (2x) 78
Barley malt Barley malt (2x) 2,078
Calquat keg Calquat keg (2x) 306
Beer glass Beer glass (8x) 528
Ale yeast Ale yeast (1x) 25
Total (Beer glass) 2,709
Total (Calquat keg) 2,487


Ale Cooking icon Level Ingredient GE Price Regular Ale Mature Ale
Glass GE Price Profit Keg GE Price Profit Glass GE Price Profit Keg GE Price Profit
Cider Cider 14 Apple mush Apple mush (4x) 45 Cider 218 1,539 Calquat keg 6,233 6,028 Mature cider 51,400 410,995 Calquat keg 67,285 67,080
Dwarven stout Dwarven stout 19 Hammerstone hops Hammerstone hops (4x) 295 Dwarven stout 66 −3,361 Calquat keg 20,686 17,019 Dwarven stout(m) 26,240 206,031 Calquat keg 235,836 232,169
Asgarnian ale Asgarnian ale 24 Asgarnian hops Asgarnian hops (4x) 244 Asgarnian ale 63 −3,181 Calquat keg 9,709 6,246 Asgarnian ale(m) 2,577 16,931 Calquat keg 2,736 −727
Greenman's ale Greenman's ale 29 Harralander Harralander (4x) 706 Greenman's ale 578 −909 Calquat keg 21,710 16,399 Greenman's ale(m) 23,689 183,979 Calquat keg 157,584 152,273
Wizard's mind bomb Wizard's mind bomb 34 Yanillian hops Yanillian hops (4x) 1,032 Wizard's mind bomb 93 −6,093 Calquat keg 22,858 16,243 Mature wmb 8,042 57,499 Calquat keg 20,312 13,697
Dragon bitter Dragon bitter 39 Krandorian hops Krandorian hops (4x) 116 Dragon bitter 306 −725 Calquat keg 5,475 2,524 Dragon bitter(m) 333 −509 Calquat keg 14,364 11,413
Moonlight mead Moonlight mead 44 Mushroom Mushroom (4x) 105 Moonlight mead 99 −2,337 Calquat keg 137,695 134,788 Moonlight mead(m) 4,145 30,031 Calquat keg 200,000 197,093
Axeman's folly Axeman's folly 49 Oak roots Oak roots (1x) 68 Axeman's folly 1,924 12,615 Calquat keg 27,689 25,134 Axeman's folly(m) 47,179 374,655 Calquat keg 229,586 227,031
Chef's delight Chef's delight 54 Chocolate dust Chocolate dust (4x) 68 Chef's delight 3,189 22,531 Calquat keg 23,735 20,976 Chef's delight(m) 39,781 315,267 Calquat keg 181,492 178,733
Slayer's respite Slayer's respite 59 Wildblood hops Wildblood hops (4x) 59 Slayer's respite 32 −2,689 Calquat keg 36,478 33,755 Slayer's respite(m) 34,034 269,327 Calquat keg 327,318 324,595