Captain Khaled is a thug who is found in the large eastern building in the Piscarilius House in Great Kourend. He is a former pirate who got tired of sea piracy, so he and his crewmembers decided to steal artifacts from houses in the residential district and ship the stolen goods overseas. The Piscarilius House allows them to do so through political corruption and bribery.
Treasure Trails
Captain Kahled is the solution to the medium cipher clue: ECRVCKP MJCNGF. The answer to his challenge: How many fishing cranes can you find around here? is: 5.
- Upon successfully delivering the artifact to Captain Khaled, he will exclaim You smart. You loyal., and upon getting caught by patrolmen and failing his tasks, he will state Congratulations, you played yourself. Both of these quotes are often said by DJ Khaled, an American record producer, radio personality, DJ and record label executive, who is known for his positive motivational posts on the social media outlet Snapchat.