This category contains pages and images related to
Treasure Trails rewards. To add an article, image, or category to this category, append [[Category:Treasure trail rewards]]
to the end of the page.
Trending pages
All items (417)
- A powdered wig
- Adamant cane
- Adamant gold-trimmed armour
- Adamant platelegs (g)
- Adamant trimmed armour
- Afro
- Ale of the gods
- Ancient armour
- Ancient blessed d'hide armour
- Ancient blessing
- Ancient bracers
- Ancient chaps
- Ancient coif
- Ancient d'hide
- Ancient d'hide boots
- Ancient platebody
- Ancient platelegs
- Ancient plateskirt
- Anguish ornament kit
- Ankou gloves
- Ankou mask
- Ankou outfit
- Ankou socks
- Ankou top
- Ankou's leggings
- Arceuus banner
- Arceuus house hood
- Arceuus house scarf
- Armadyl blessed d'hide armour
- Armadyl bracers
- Armadyl chaps
- Armadyl coif
- Armadyl d'hide
- Armadyl d'hide boots
- Armadyl godsword ornament kit
- Armadyl kiteshield
- Armadyl platebody
- Armadyl platelegs
- Armadyl plateskirt
- Armadyl rune armour
- Bandos blessed d'hide armour
- Bandos bracers
- Bandos chaps
- Bandos coif
- Bandos d'hide
- Bandos d'hide boots
- Bandos godsword ornament kit
- Bandos platelegs
- Bandos plateskirt
- Bandos rune armour
- Beanie
- Big pirate hat
- Black beret
- Black boater
- Black cane
- Black cavalier
- Black d'hide body (g)
- Black d'hide body (t)
- Black d'hide chaps (g)
- Black d'hide chaps (t)
- Black d'hide gold-trimmed armour
- Black d'hide trimmed armour
- Black demon mask
- Black dragon mask
- Black elegant legs
- Black elegant shirt
- Black gold-trimmed armour
- Black gold-trimmed wizard robes
- Black headband
- Black kiteshield (g)
- Black kiteshield (t)
- Black leprechaun hat
- Black platebody (g)
- Black platebody (t)
- Black platelegs (t)
- Black skirt (g)
- Black skirt (t)
- Black trimmed armour
- Black trimmed wizard robes
- Black unicorn mask
- Black wizard hat (g)
- Black wizard hat (t)
- Black wizard robe (g)
- Black wizard robe (t)
- Blacksmith's helm
- Blue beret
- Blue boater
- Blue d'hide body (t)
- Blue d'hide gold-trimmed armour
- Blue d'hide trimmed armour
- Blue dragon mask
- Blue elegant blouse
- Blue elegant legs
- Blue elegant shirt
- Blue elegant skirt
- Blue gold-trimmed wizard robes
- Blue headband
- Blue skirt (g)
- Blue skirt (t)
- Blue trimmed wizard robes
- Blue wizard hat (t)
- Blue wizard robe (g)
- Blue wizard robe (t)
- Bob's black shirt
- Bob's blue shirt
- Bob's green shirt
- Bob's purple shirt
- Bob's red shirt
- Boots of darkness
- Bowl wig
- Briefcase
- Bronze dragon mask
- Bronze gold-trimmed armour
- Bronze kiteshield (g)
- Bronze kiteshield (t)
- Bronze platebody (g)
- Bronze platebody (t)
- Bronze platelegs (g)
- Bronze platelegs (t)
- Bronze plateskirt (g)
- Bronze plateskirt (t)
- Bronze trimmed armour
- Brown headband
- Bucket helm
- Bucket helm (g)
- Dark bow tie
- Dark cavalier
- Dark infinity colour kit
- Dark trousers
- Dark tuxedo cuffs
- Dark tuxedo jacket
- Dark tuxedo outfit
- Dark tuxedo shoes
- Deerstalker
- Digsite teleport
- Dragon boots ornament kit
- Dragon cane
- Dragon chainbody ornament kit
- Dragon defender ornament kit
- Dragon full helm ornament kit
- Dragon scimitar ornament kit
- Dragon sq shield ornament kit