Old School RuneScape Wiki

Beige shirt Brown shirt Green trousers Grey trousers Green skirt Pink skirt Red skirt Yellow skirt

Cave goblin child (Beige shirt) chathead
Cave goblin child (Brown shirt) chathead
Cave goblin child (Green trousers) chathead
Cave goblin child (Grey trousers) chathead
Cave goblin child (Green skirt) chathead
Cave goblin child (Pink skirt) chathead
Cave goblin child (Red skirt) chathead
Cave goblin child (Yellow skirt) chathead

Cave goblin child is a Dorgeshuun child who is under the care of Mernik. They are located in eastern part of the middle floor in Dorgesh-Kaan. They can be seen playing with a ball and playing an abridged version of 'Patty Cake' or 'Miss Mary Mack'.
