The cave goblin miner is an NPC found outside of Dorgesh-Kaan in the Dorgeshuun Mines. They can be found strutting about the rocks or mining ore. They wield a bone pickaxe that is not obtainable by players, but instead is just used to symbolize the Dorgeshuun's ability to adapt to new use of materials. If you are found attacking one, a cave goblin guard will yell, "Stop that!", and will target you.
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Bones 1 Always 89
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Mining helmet 1 Common 621
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Coins 6 Common Not sold Cave goblin skull 1 Common [1] Not sold Tinderbox 1 Common 62 Iron ore 2; 7 Uncommon 346–1,211 Silver ore 1 Uncommon 70
- ↑ Only during Rag and Bone Man II.