Old School RuneScape Wiki
Old School RuneScape Wiki

Chef's delight detail

Chef's delight is a drink that temporarily boosts Cooking level by 5% of the user's Cooking level (1 to 4 levels) + 1 additional Cooking level while reducing Attack and Strength by 2 or more levels. It also heals 1 hitpoint.

Members can make Chef's delight via the Cooking skill by brewing it at either of the breweries in Keldagrim and Port Phasmatys. They require level 54 Cooking, and gives 446 experience for doing so.

The full recipe for Chef's delight is as follows (in the order given):

  1. Add 2 buckets of water
  2. Add 2 barley malt
  3. (optional) Add 1 of "the stuff" to increase chance of maturity
  4. 4 chocolate dust
  5. 1 ale yeast
  6. Wait 1-2 days
  7. Collect the completed ale using 8 beer glasses or 2 calquat kegs

The following table indicates the amount boosted by Chef's delight:

Cooking lv. Boost
1-19 +1
20-39 +2
40-59 +3
60-79 +4
80-99 +5

Note: A player may also obtain Chef's delight from looting a Gourmet impling. It can also be obtained from a Chef's delight barrel in the kitchen of a player-owned house with a Construction level 48; however, these will disappear when the player exits the house.

Dropping monsters[]

Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity
Gourmet impling N/A 1 4; Rare (1/100)
