Councillor David Andrews is the current head councillor of the Kourend Council. He can be found on the 1st floor[?] of the Kourend Castle, next to the throne.
- Player: Hi there.
- Councillor Andrews: Good day to you.
- Player: Who are you?
- Councillor Andrews: My name is David Andrews I'm the head councillor of the Kourend Council.
- Player: Tell me about the Kourend Council.
- Councillor Andrews: Kourend's last king, Kharedst IV, had only one child when he died. She was too young to take the throne so the Kourend Council was formed to look after things until she came of age.
- Councillor Andrews: Alas, she was very close to her father and his sudden death drove her to insanity. With no suitable ruler, the Kourend Council was made permanent.
- Player: How is the council structured?
- Councillor Andrews: The Kourend Council is made up of four councillors. Every four years there is an election for the people to decide who the councillors should be.
- Councillor Andrews: One of the councillors holds the position of head councillor and this rotates every year. I am the current head councillor.
- If the player has not completed The Queen of Thieves:
- Councillor Andrews: The other councillors are Councillor Hughes, Councillor Unkar and Councillor Orson.
- If the player has completed The Queen of Thieves:
- Councillor Andrews: The other councillors are Councillor Unkar and Councillor Orson. The fourth seat on the council is currently vacant after the recent arrest of Councillor Hughes.
- Player: So where do the houses fit in?
- Councillor Andrews: The five houses of Kourend each have their own leader who rules over them. The leaders of the individual houses must enforce and obey the laws set out by the Kourend Council but can otherwise rule as they see fit.
- Councillor Andrews: I hope that helps.
- Player: Yes, thank you.
- Player: Time for me to go.
- Councillor Andrews: Good day citizen.