Old School RuneScape Wiki
Old School RuneScape Wiki

Crossbow limbs are a Members-only item, and are used to make crossbows. They can be smithed, but most can also purchased at the crossbow shops in Keldagrim, White Wolf Mountain, and The Dwarven Mines. The experience and Smithing level needed to make them are as follows:

Metal Level Experience Image Notes
Bronze 6 12.5 Bronze limbs Used with a wooden stock at level 9 Fletching to make an unstrung bronze crossbow, granting 12 experience.
Blurite 13 17 Blurite limbs Used with an oak stock at level 24 Fletching to make an unstrung blurite crossbow, granting 32 experience.
Iron 23 25 Iron limbs Used with a willow stock at level 39 Fletching to make an unstrung iron crossbow, granting 22 experience.
Steel 36 37.5 Steel limbs Used with a teak stock at level 46 Fletching to make an unstrung steel crossbow, granting 27 experience.
Mithril 56 50 Mithril limbs Used with a maple stock at level 54 Fletching to make an unstrung mithril crossbow, granting 64 experience.
Adamant 76 72.5 Adamantite limbs Used with a mahogany stock at level 62 Fletching to make an unstrung adamant crossbow, granting 82 experience.
Rune 91 75 Runite limbs Used with a yew stock at level 69 Fletching to make an unstrung rune crossbow, granting 100 experience.
