Old School RuneScape Wiki
Old School RuneScape Wiki
For the flatpacked version, see Crystal of power (flatpack).

A Crystal of power is built in the Study of a player-owned house. Crystals of power can change the element of a basic elemental staff for free, an elemental battlestaff for the price of 100 runes of the new element (air, water, fire, earth), or a mystic staff for the price of 1000 runes of the new element. It is not possible to create combination elemental staves this way.

Crystal of power built

The animation of a Crystal of Power once constructed.


  • Even though this piece of furniture cannot be made into a flatpack, the Grand Exchange reveals a flatpackable version of it (Crystal of power (flatpack)). This may be the result of Jagex deciding that these items should not be made flatpackable for unknown reasons, but did not remove the code for the items before launch.
