Old School RuneScape Wiki

The Dark bow is currently the most powerful bow in Runescape 2007. There is no player at this time of editing that has gained the required level of 90 slayer to obtain this weapon.

Its special attack fires 2 shots with increased accuracy and damage, and when used with Dragon Arrows it will fire graphics of dragonheads at the target, hitting for nearly 2 times the damage and accuracy. It also holds the second place for highest hitting weapon behind Supersetted DH special, hitting up to 68 in both bubbles, or 136 total damage.

The Dark Bow is very feared by mages and warriors alike, the rushed special has such high accuracy it can hit efficiently on Torag's armour making it a great rushing weapon for most players, however, if it does miss the bow itself is slow, about the same speed as a 2 handed sword.This makes it a risky option to bring, as the bow is worth a considerable amount. The special attacks are Descent To Darkness with any arrows other than dragon, and with dragon arrows are Descent to Dragons giving it the dragon headed arrow whilst in flight.
