Old School RuneScape Wiki
Instruction manual
This quest has a quick guide found here.
It briefly summarises the steps needed to complete the quest.

Desert Treasure is a quest surrounding the Link to Mahjarrat Mahjarrat Chat head image of Azzanadra, File:Azzanadra chathead Azzanadra's escape from his Link to Jaldraocht Pyramid pyramid prison in the Link to Kharidian Desert Kharidian Desert, known for rewarding players with the powerful Link to Ancient Magicks Ancient Magicks spellbook.


Start point Speak to the archaeologist at the Bedabin Camp. Speak to the archaeologist at the Bedabin Camp.
Official difficulty Master
Description Rumours abound throughout Varrock and Al-Kharid that an archaeologist has discovered clues to a hoard of treasure hidden deep in the desert, south of Al-Kharid.

Anybody prepared to offer him assistance in his treasure hunting could well find themselves benefitting from a very large reward indeed...

Length Long
Items required

Strongly suggested:

Enemies to defeat
  • Kamil (level 154) - Also, five ice trolls (level 120-124) need to be killed to reach him.
  • Dessous (level 139)
  • Fareed (level 167)
  • Damis (1st form: level 103 and 2nd form: level 174)
  • Also, you will need to tank hits by mummies (level 103) and scarab swarms (level 96)


Desert Treasure is one of Runescape's most well-known and popular quests, and is commonly completed by Link to Player killing Player Killers for its reward of the Link to Ice Barrage Ice Barrage spell. Due to the difficult nature of the quest's bosses, players are highly advised to read through each section before facing them to properly understand the fight. Each boss has unique fight mechanics that heavily favor certain combat styles, including immunity to specific spells. Link to Pure Pures wishing to avoid gaining Hitpoints experience should note that each boss can be defeated through the use of a cannon, but should be prepared to use 500 or more cannonballs due to the high amount of combat throughout the quest.

At any point in the quest, if you're carrying one or more of the diamonds, you may be attacked by a level 95 Stranger Stranger who appears next to you and carries a poisoned Item image of %7B%7B%3ADragon+dagger%7D%7D, File:Dragon dagger Dragon dagger. This is random and does not happen to everyone. Always carry a Link to Teleportation teleport and Antipoison(1) Antipoison when moving the diamonds, and have some Skill icon of Prayer, File:Prayer icon Prayer points remaining until you finish the quest, as he could appear the second you get the diamond. Players can simply flee from him when he appears if they do not wish to fight him, and simply banking the diamonds will prevent him from appearing.


Kharidian Desert map

The Kharidian Desert - Desert Treasure starts in Bedabin Camp.

Enchanting the mirrors[]

Items needed for this part of the quest: Two Shantay passes, 1500 coins, blood rune. Several waterskins, and some Desert clothing. The following items can be noted: Ashes, bones, charcoal, 6 molten glass, 12 magic logs, 6 steel bars. Teleports to the Digsite and back to Al-Kharid are recommended.

  • Travel through the Link to Shantay Pass Shantay Pass south of Link to Al Kharid Al-Kharid, and then travel west via flying carpet or running until you reach the Link to Bedabin Camp Bedabin Camp. Link to Fairy rings Fairy ring code BIQ, near the Link to Kalphite Lair Kalphite Lair, will also bring you northeast of the camp. Once there, talk to the Chat head image of archaeologist, File:archaeologist chathead archaeologist near the small water pool, and he'll give you some Item image of %7B%7B%3Aetchings%7D%7D, File:etchings etchings to bring to the archaeological expert, Chat head image of Archaeological expert, File:Archaeological expert chathead Terry Balando, at the Link to Digsite Digsite Link to Exam Centre Exam Centre.
  • Travel to the Digsite east of Link to Varrock Varrock, and talk to the expert in the Exam Centre. He'll take the etchings; talk to him again to gain the Item image of %7B%7B%3Atranslation%7D%7D, File:translation translation to take back to the archaeologist.
  • Go back to the archaeologist in the desert. When talking to the archaeologist, choose the Don't read book option, then talk to him again and agree to help.
  • Go south to the Link to Bandit Camp (Kharidian Desert) Bandit Camp (before entering the camp, remove any equipment that depicts Saradomin or Zamorak imagery; otherwise, the bandits will be aggressive. Note that the Toxic staff of the dead counts as Zamorakian). Talk to the Chat head image of Bartender (The Big Heist Lodge), File:Bartender (The Big Heist Lodge) chathead bartender and buy a Item image of %7B%7B%3Abeer%7D%7D, File:beer beer for 650 Coins 1 coins, and find out about the four Link to Diamonds of Azzanadra Diamonds of Azzanadra. You must complete this step before talking to Eblis, or the option to talk with him about the diamonds won't appear.
  • Talk to Chat head image of Eblis, File:Eblis chathead Eblis in the same camp (directly east of the bar past the Link to general store general store). Ask him of the four diamonds, and he'll tell you that he needs various items to create some scrying glasses.
  1. Item image of %7B%7B%3AAshes%7D%7D, File:Ashes Ashes
  1. Item image of %7B%7B%3ABlood+rune%7D%7D, File:Blood rune Blood rune
  2. Item image of %7B%7B%3ABones%7D%7D, File:Bones Bones
  3. Item image of %7B%7B%3ACharcoal%7D%7D, File:Charcoal Charcoal
  4. 6 Item image of %7B%7B%3AMolten+glass%7D%7D, File:Molten glass Molten glass
  5. 12 Item image of %7B%7B%3AMagic+logs%7D%7D, File:Magic logs Magic logs
  6. 6 Item image of %7B%7B%3ASteel+bar%7D%7D, File:Steel bar Steel bars
  • If you did not bring them with you, go back to the bank and withdraw or collect necessary items, then return to Eblis and use the items on Eblis to hand them over. It's recommended that you note the bones when doing this to avoid accidentally burying them.
DT mirrors

The mirrors, made by Eblis.

  • Eblis will disappear, reappearing a little to the southeast on top of a hill, shown as a grey circle on the minimap, surrounded by six mirrors.
    Note: Those looking to save time don't need to look into the mirrors to continue the quest, but looking into them will show locations related to the diamonds and enhance the quest experience.
  • Talking to Eblis reveals that due to the finicky nature of magic, the mirrors aren't perfect, and only show where the diamonds have been at one point in time. Two of the mirrors show other locations, the Link to Bedabin Camp Bedabin Camp, and Link to Jaldraocht Pyramid the Pyramid itself, which you need to acquire the diamonds from the other locations first in order to enter. You may attempt these diamonds in any order.
    Bug warning: From this point forward, the Stranger can sometimes appear next to you and attack you even after the quest is complete, without any diamonds in your inventory. It is unknown how long after the quest is completed that this bug will occur.

Blood diamond[]

Items needed for this section: (Save gearing up until after you get the Silver pot.) Garlic powder (created by using your pestle and mortar with garlic), silver bar, spice, pestle and mortar, good food (e.g. Swordfish, Monkfish, Sharks), 1-2 prayer potions. Optional: 3 Fenkenstrain's Castle Teleports and a Draynor teleport method.

Note: You'll need to go to Link to Entrana Entrana to bless your Silver pot (empty) silver pot, which cannot be accessed with combat equipment; wait to get your Link to armour armour/Link to weapons weapons out of the bank until after returning.
Graveyard Map

Reaching Dessous in the Morytania Graveyard.

  • Travel to Link to Canifis Canifis (Link to Fairy rings Fairy ring code cks), and talk to Chat head image of Malak, File:Malak chathead Malak in the pub, telling him that you're looking for a diamond. He'll agree to give you the diamond if you kill Dessous Dessous, and give you a list of items that you need to kill him successfully.
    • Note: Make sure to ask Malak how to kill Dessous before you go to Ruantun, or he won't make the silver pot for you.
  • Travel to Link to Draynor Village Draynor (if you need, you can pick up some Item image of %7B%7B%3Agarlic%7D%7D, File:garlic garlic from the cupboard upstairs in Chat head image of Morgan, File:Morgan chathead Morgan's house while you're here). Take your Item image of %7B%7B%3Asilver+bar%7D%7D, File:silver bar silver bar, and go down the trapdoor just east of the bank by the jailhouse to enter Link to Draynor Sewers Draynor Sewers. Head north and talk to Chat head image of Ruantun, File:Ruantun chathead Ruantun, and he'll make you a Silver pot (empty) silver pot.
  • Take the pot to Link to Entrana Entrana (make sure you have no Link to weapons weapons/Link to armour armour on you; there's a deposit box at the ship that can be used to bank before embarking). Once you arrive, head to the church, and use the silver pot on the Link to High priest High Priest to get it blessed.
    • Note: If you forgot to bless your pots, the High Priest will still bless it when it is full of blood - although he will be slightly shocked!
  • Go back to Canifis, and talk to Malak again. He'll fill the pot with blood - your blood! This will damage you for 5 Skill icon of Hitpoints, File:Hitpoints icon Hitpoints. Add the Item image of %7B%7B%3Agarlic+powder%7D%7D, File:garlic powder garlic powder to the pot along with some Item image of %7B%7B%3Aspice%7D%7D, File:spice spice to prepare for the battle.

The examine for the pot should read: A blessed silver pot filled with blood, garlic and spices. If the examine does not say this and you attempt to kill Dessous, he will regenerate to full Hitpoints, and you will need to refill the pot.

Once you arrive at the Link to Graveyard Graveyard, pour the blood on the tomb and Dessous Dessous will appear.

  • Dessous teleports to you if you use prayer, making it difficult to safespot him. If you make him teleport more than three times, he'll say he's bored and will leave, causing you to have to start the fight again with a new pot.
  • Dessous has two attacks, a melee attack that can hit up to 19, and a combination range and magic attack that always hits double 5's. Because of this, it's strongly recommended to use protect from melee, reducing his max hit to 10 at any given time.
  • Despite his teleport, it's possible to attack him through the fence using range, magic or a Item image of %7B%7B%3Ahalberd%7D%7D, File:halberd halberd simply run behind the fence when he appears and attack. If you have access to Prayer, this method is pointless, as he'll teleport next to you at random times, but this can nonetheless be used to avoid melee combat by running around the other side of the fence after he teleports and repeating. Safespotting with prayers allows you to avoid his strong melee for the majority of the time, and use Link to Protect from Magic Protect from Magic instead; keeping protection prayers disabled should prevent him from teleporting entirely, although he will still occasionally teleport randomly.
  • He uses all three Link to Combat Options attack styles, so be prepared. Eat food as necessary, and never let your health drop below 16, as his double 5's will sometimes lag, stacking up to 15 altogether.
  • For those using melee, utilize a stabbing weapon to take advantage of his low stab defence. It would be wise to bring a Combat potion(1) combat potion.
  • Dessous is weak to air spells. Using the fence method to mage him will drastically reduce his damage-per-second if done correctly, but will also take much longer; if possible, standing next to him with protect from melee on and eating when necessary shouldn't take more than one prayer pot and a few pieces of food.
    Note for low HP pures: A Link to Dwarf multicannon Dwarf multicannon can be used to kill Dessous Dessous, but is fairly innacurate against him. High healing food is recommended. Link to Tick manipulation Tick eating can be used to survive with low HP, but the double 5s make this difficult to do, seeping HP above 10 is a must, due to his double attack. For low HP pures, it's recommended to use foods that boost HP above your current level such as Item image of %7B%7B%3AGuthix+rest%7D%7D, File:Guthix rest Guthix rests (requires Link to One Small Favour One Small Favour) and Saradomin brew(1) Saradomin brews. At 10 HP, a brew will boost your hp by 3; you can eat a slice of Item image of %7B%7B%3APineapple+pizza%7D%7D, File:Pineapple pizza Pineapple pizza and then drink a brew in the same tick, restoring/boosting your hp to 13 after every hit Dessous makes. Be sure to set up the cannon before opening the coffin, and bring at least 50 cannonballs. Since you won't be using prayer, the magic/ranged combo will always hit you for a 10, so ignore the defence bonus, focus on bringing gear that gives you the highest ranged accuracy. Turn OFF auto retaliate, and then use the fence safespotting method. Be wary of his teleports, as his melee attacks can kill you in one hit. Be sure to click the other side of the fence immediately after using the pot on the coffin, otherwise you won't be able to trap him on it.
    Note: If your chatbox says Dessous has gotten bored and left when his health has been fully depleted, it means you have defeated him, so don't worry. However, if Dessous disappears before his health has been depleted, or you die or exit the fight early, you will have to make another pot of blood with the spices and garlic and fight him again.
  • Return to Chat head image of Malak, File:Malak chathead Malak in Link to Canifis Canifis to claim the Item image of %7B%7B%3ABlood+diamond%7D%7D, File:Blood diamond Blood diamond, and deposit it in the bank as quickly as possible to avoid being attacked by the Stranger.

Ice diamond[]

Items needed for this section: Chocolate Cake, Runes for fire spell, Spiked boots (made by bringing Dunstan a pair of climbing boots and an iron bar), Climbing boots (not needed if Eadgar's Ruse is done and 61 Magic for Trollheim Teleport), 3-5 Super restore potions or Restore potion and Prayer potions to restore stats drained by the cold, lobsters or better food, (Super set recommended for Melee users), and an emergency teleport that doesn't have a Magic requirement, such as the Ectophial or a magic tablet for a quick teleport out. Mages planning to cast fire spells should be on the normal spellbook (instead of lunar or necromancer).

Ice Path map

After reaching Trollheim, the Ice Path is due northwest.

This section deals with Kamil Kamil, one of the harder bosses of the quest. Link to Protect from Melee Protect from Melee proves extremely valuable, as the path to Kamil is filled with multiple level 100+ creatures who can hit in the 20s in multicombat. Players are recommended to read this entire section through before attempting to complete it, and strongly encouraged to restock after each section.
  • Make your way to Link to Trollheim Trollheim, either by following the path used in Troll Stronghold or using the Link to Trollheim Teleport Trollheim Teleport spell (requires completion of Link to Eadgar's Ruse Eadgar's Ruse and at least 61 Magic), and then make your way towards the western path to the Ice troll chathead Troll child. If following the path from Link to Burthorpe Burthorpe, you will need to pass the Thrower Troll thrower trolls; Link to Protect from Missiles Protect from Ranged will negate their damage entirely, but those without prayer can follow other players and allow them to tank the hits to avoid taking damage. If you are running past the thrower trolls, DO NOT enter the path with a boulder in the way; this leads to the Link to God Wars Dungeon God Wars Dungeon. Continue past it until you see the path that leads to Ice troll chathead Troll child standing by an ice gate; this is the entrance to the Link to Ice Path Ice Path. It should start to snow as you approach the ice gate. In order to gain access to the Link to Ice Path Ice Path via the ice gate talk to Ice troll chathead Troll child and give him a Item image of %7B%7B%3AChocolate+cake%7D%7D, File:Chocolate cake Chocolate Cake.

Note: While on the Ice Path, your stats will be drained every few seconds, your run energy will instantly be reduced to 0, and you will be hit 1's every time the cold hits. All of your Special attack energy will be drained as well, so those planning to use specials attacks on weapons such as Excalibur to raise stats should do so before entering. Restore potions will recover drained stats, and Super restore potions will do the same as well as restore Prayer points. For those who don't mind taking multiple trips, a free but slightly longer way of restoring stats is to use a ring of dueling to teleport to Castle Wars and enter and leave a portal, as this will restore all stats and fully recover prayer on exiting. It should also be noted that if not in combat (such as right after entering the ice cave, or hiding behind the boulder after passing the wolves), it's possible to stall the cold effect by activating a prayer that you don't have unlocked yet, and leaving the dialogue box open. This can be good for those who need to reread a section before proceeding.

  • Enter the ice gate and kill five Ice troll grunt trolls (the trolls have different combat levels; any of these will count towards the five). Note that the trolls can hit up to 21, so those with low Hitpoints or without Protect from Melee should avoid getting in melee distance. Link to Dwarf multicannon Cannons work here, but are inaccurate against the trolls, so be sure to bring enough cannonballs (it can take up to several hundred, especially since they retreat when safespotted). Once you have killed five trolls at the gate, the cave at the back should open, allowing you to enter and proceed to Kamil. Pures may find reaching the cave difficult, as there are dozens of trolls in the area, and it's single combat; one way around this is to enter a Link to Player killing PvP world and remove your weapon and attack a friend, keeping them in combat with you and as such avoiding being attacked by the trolls. If using this method, do NOT eat until you've made it to the cave, as the delay from combat while eating will cause the trolls to attack you. If you forget how many trolls you've killed, you can check your progress by examining the cave. It is recommended you go back to the bank and restock your supplies before returning.
Kamil safespot

Another player can block Kamil, acting as a safespot for the attacker.

  • With the cave now open, you must now follow the Link to Ice Path path until you reach Kamil Kamil. Note that this path contains multiple wolves capable of hitting 10s in multicombat, so protect from melee is a must; however, as with the thrower trolls, following a friend through this area allows pures to avoid taking damage by having their friends tank the hits.
  • From the cave, continue along the path until you reach the wolves. Continue walking and the path will open up and turn to the left; continue along the path until you find a rock, marking the area where you will find Kamil. You'll get a message saying "You can feel an evil presence nearby..." when you enter the area.
  • It's now time to fight Kamil. He uses two attacks, a strong melee attack capable of hitting up to 23, and a magic attack similar to Dessous' combination attack which always hits 5. Due to lag it's possible for these to stack to 10, so it's recommended to keep hp at 12 or above at all times. Unless blocked by the rock, he also consistently freezes you with this attacking using a spell resembling Link to Ice Barrage Ice Barrage, especially if outside of melee range. When frozen, you're unable to move or attack for several seconds. Because of this, it is recommended that mages cast directly from the spellbook instead of Link to Autocast autocasting.
    1. Melee combat is not recommended, although it's still possible to use. Link to Protect from Melee Protect from Melee is a must for this method unless you have very high defense, otherwise you'll be eating faster than you can damage him.
    2. Mages are required to use Link to fire spells fire spells, as no other spells will work; Item image of %7B%7B%3ATrident+of+the+seas%7D%7D, File:Trident of the seas Trident of the seas constantly splashes, and Link to Iban Blast Iban Blast and Link to Flames of Zamorak Flames of Zamorak will only hit 0s. Due to the constant stat drain, while it's possible to continuously restore your stats with potions, it's much easier to use a fire spell significantly below your level; Link to Fire Bolt Fire Bolt is recommended as it is still very accurate, and can be continuously cast without needing to restore for quite a while. Utilising the Item image of %7B%7B%3AChaos+gauntlets%7D%7D, File:Chaos gauntlets Chaos gauntlets will increase the spell's maximum hit.
    3. Ranged is not recommended, but those wishing to use Ranged will find the Item image of %7B%7B%3AToxic+blowpipe%7D%7D, File:Toxic blowpipe Toxic blowpipe accurate against him. A cannon can also be used; those wishing to cannon completely should ensure that it's set up two squares north of the rock, allowing them to safely hide from Kamil, but restock it when it runs out of cannonballs. Since the cannon's position will cause it to attack the wolves as well, be sure to bring enough (100+) cannonballs to kill him.
  • Once he is dead, you need to follow a very hard to see path to the troll parents. Travel west a little, then north, then east, north again until you can go no further, then west and south until you reach the edge of an ice ledge surrounded by ice formations.
DT freeing ice trolls

Thawing the ice troll child's parents.

  • Put on your Item image of %7B%7B%3Aspiked+boots%7D%7D, File:spiked boots spiked boots and right click the front of the ledge, then select "use ledge" to climb up. A long ice path will appear, which you must follow to reach the parents. You might fall and take damage as you walk; using (Super restore(1) Super) Restore potion(1) restore potions to restore your Skill icon of Agility, File:Agility icon Agility level will help here. Follow the ice path all the way to the top, then pass through the ice gate. A path will appear after the ice gate as you walk. Continue until you see the troll's parents encased in ice; attack the cases (they have 10 Skill icon of Hitpoints, File:Hitpoints icon Hitpoints each and are easier to melt with Magic) to free them. It's highly advised to bring an extra super restore or two to manage the ice path and to break the parents free from the ice; otherwise, it's very hard to break. After freeing the troll parents, they will take you back outside the gate and give you the Item image of %7B%7B%3AIce+diamond%7D%7D, File:Ice diamond Ice diamond.
  • If you are completely out of food when you reach the final ice path, you can use Link to Redemption Redemption (requires 49 Skill icon of Prayer, File:Prayer icon Prayer) to stay alive. Since you only take 1 or 2 damage at a time, this prayer will keep you alive without risk of dying, should you run out of food. However, note that this prayer will drain all your remaining prayer points when its effects are triggered, so it is advised to only use do this if you have several doses of super restores, or Prayer potion(1) prayer potions.

Smoke diamond[]

Smoke Dungeon location

The Smokey Well is located west of Pollnivneach.

Items needed for this section: Tinderbox, facemask (Slayer helmet and Gas mask also work), (Super) energy/stamina potion, food and prayer potions, ice gloves or water spell runes, a weapon (only if wearing ice gloves; your weapon will be unequipped if you don't have them), armour (resistant to Magic or with Prayer bonus), 200 coins and Shantay pass (if using carpet rides), and an emergency teleport.

Smoke Dungeon map

A map of the dungeon.

Fareed is considered one of the easier bosses in the quest, but should still not be underestimated. His main attack is a melee hit that can do up to 40 damage, or 36 with ice gloves. Protect from Melee essentially renders him useless, although he may sometimes use a magic attack; those with low Hitpoints or who do not have 43 Prayer should ensure they are not in melee range, Fareed will also remove the weapon of those not wearing ice gloves to their inventory, making melee impossible for those without them, although even with the gloves, melee is not advised due to his high defence to it. Mages can bypass the weapon removal by simply casting from their spellbook. Fareed can also easily be trapped behind another player, allowing him to be safespotted; binding spells are also very effective at maintaining distance, although caution should be taken to not run too far away from him, as he will leave the fight if you walk too far out of range. Magic is recommended, as Fareed is very weak to water spells, and mages should note that any other spell type will not work against him, including God spells and the Trident of the seas and swamp. Rangers will find Ice arrows from the Temple of Ikov quest very effective (other ranged ammunition will not damage Fareed), although as before, usage of a bow requires Ice gloves. Cannons also work in the dungeon.

  • Take all of the items listed above and travel to the Link to Smoke Dungeon Smokey Well. While in the dungeon, it's necessary to use a facemask or equivalent headgear, otherwise the player will be hit for 20 damage every 12 seconds. While this won't kill the player (it will never damage them below 1 hitpoint), it's highly advised to use protection in the dungeon to avoid this affect, as you're able to be one-hit at any time without it. The dungeon entrance is marked on the world map; hug the cliffs on the west side of Link to Pollnivneach Pollnivneach, and head south to find it.
DT torch

The torch the player needs to light.

  • Enter the well. In each of the four corners of this dungeon, there are torches that you need to light using your Item image of %7B%7B%3Atinderbox%7D%7D, File:tinderbox tinderbox. The torches will burn out if you take too long; if you walk, the first lamp will burn out by the time you reach the chest, and as such it's recommended that you use Energy potion(1) energy potions to maintain run energy, starting with the northeastern torch as it's the furthest from the chest. You can light all torches in less than two minutes with 1 or 2 doses of a Stamina potion(1) stamina potion. When all four are lit, go to the centre of the dungeon and open the burnt chest to obtain a Item image of %7B%7B%3AWarm+key%7D%7D, File:Warm key key. If you die with this key, you do not need to relight the torches, simple return to the chest to reclaim the key.
  • Once you have the key, there's no need to run any more. Make your way to the east part of the dungeon, and use the key on the gate to face Fareed Fareed.
Fighting Fareed

A player fights Fareed.

  • As stated above, those in melee range will find Protect from Melee extremely important, as his Link to Melee Melee attacks can hit up to 40 without ice gloves. While he rarely casts it, those who find his magic attack difficult to manage should note that Magic-resistant armour such as Link to Studded leather armour studded leather or Link to dragonhide dragonhide will almost completely block it out.
  • Pures without access to protection prayers should bring runes for the Link to Snare Snare spell, luring Fareed around the large room and casting water spells while he's bound. Players can cast two or three offensive spells while Fareed is still ensnared, but should cast snare again immediately after Fareed moves again so as to not get hit. Note that Fareed is immune to snares for a few seconds after he breaks free, so keeping a few squares distance while waiting to recast is important. The snares seem to bind Fareed even if the spell splashes, but this might be a bug.
  • Once he is dead, he will drop the Item image of %7B%7B%3ASmoke+diamond%7D%7D, File:Smoke diamond Smoke diamond. If the diamond is lost, it will reappear in the chamber on the ground; the player will not have to fight Fareed again.

Shadow diamond[]

Items required: (Suggested gearing after obtaining the cross.) 20 or more lockpicks (you can bring extra noted lockpicks and coins to exchange bank notes for items at the general store nearby by talking to Tiles), antipoisons, sharks or better food, at least 6 prayer potions, runes to cast spells such as Entangle and Earth Wave/Blast, Shantay pass, 2 stamina potions.

Optional: A Skills Necklace to teleport to the Fishing Guild, Dragon dagger (p++), and an emergency teleport.

DT chest

The chest the player needs to open.

  • Take some coins (5000 coins is more than enough), a noted stack of food (do about 10 just to be sure), noted Antipoison(1) antipoisons (at least 10) and noted Item image of %7B%7B%3ALockpick%7D%7D, File:Lockpick lockpicks (do at least 20, but more is always better). Lockpicks can be bought from Link to Martin Thwait's Lost and Found Martin Thwait's Lost and Found (if you have 50 Skill icon of Agility, File:Agility icon Agility and 50 Skill icon of Thieving, File:Thieving icon Thieving). Apart from all the items you have with you in noted form, take also a few pieces of food in un-noted form, one antipoison, and the rest of your inventory with lockpicks. Go to Link to Bandit Camp (Kharidian Desert) Bandit Camp, which is located south of Link to Bedabin Camp Bedabin Camp which you can reach by the magic carpet originating from Item image of %7B%7B%3AShantay+pass%7D%7D, File:Shantay pass Shantay pass. In the most southern tent in Bandit Camp is a Secure Chest. Use your lockpicks on it until you manage to open it and get a gilded cross—this is usually easier said than done. There are three locks, which you must get through, all of which reset themselves if any attempt should fail. Each failure will use up a lockpick and will deal damage. There is also a chance you may be Link to Poison poisoned, so do not underestimate the value of an anti-poison potion or food. If you run out of lockpicks, antipoisons or food, you can un-note your items for a small fee by speaking to Chat head image of Tiles, File:Tiles chathead Tiles in the Link to general store general store tent. Use the noted form of the items you want to un-note with him.
  • Return to Rasolo, and exchange the gilded cross for the visibility ring.
  • When you wear it, a ladder will appear to the east of him in the fenced area.

  1. Entrance east of Link to Baxtorian Falls Baxtorian Falls with Item image of %7B%7B%3Aring+of+visibility%7D%7D, File:ring of visibility ring of visibility
  2. Damis first form Damis

G - Giant skeleton (Shadow Dungeon) Giant skeletons (level 80)
S - Shadow Hound Shadow hounds (level 63)
Note: If you plan to use the Link to Safe spot safespot, lure his first form there. Otherwise, his second form will just disappear into the shadows. If you leave after defeating his first form, you do not have to fight it again! When you return, you will only have to defeat his second form.
  • When you climb down the ladder, head east as far as you can, then north as far as you can. Head east, and go south as far as possible at the first option. Go east again. You will see a little cave to your south as you go past. If you run into this, you can recharge Skill icon of Hitpoints, File:Hitpoints icon Hitpoints and Link to Energy run energy without using vital supplies. After this, take the next turn north, then go east, and you will reach Damis first form Damis' cave. Activate Link to Protect from Melee Protect from Melee to ward off the Giant skeleton (Shadow Dungeon) giant skeletons and Shadow Hound shadow hounds since this is a Link to Multicombat area multi-combat area. Run around for a while, and he'll appear.
  • Attack and kill Damis' first form, which is level 103 and only attacks with Link to Melee Melee and is fairly easy to beat.
  • He will then change to his second form, which is level 174 and rapidly drains Skill icon of Prayer, File:Prayer icon Prayer (at a rate of 4-5 points per second). This form is significantly harder.
  • There are several tried and tested methods for fighting the second form of Damis, and a few will be listed here. See which one looks best for you and try it. Whichever method you choose, he will drop the Item image of %7B%7B%3AShadow+diamond%7D%7D, File:Shadow diamond Shadow diamond after you defeat him.
  • Players who wish to complete the Link to Kandarin Diary Kandarin Diary are advised to kill a Shadow Hound while in the dungeon, as it is a hard task.

Method one[]

Fighting Damis

A player fights Damis.

Combat style: Skill icon of Magic, File:Magic icon Magic

Inventory: Link to Runes Runes (Item image of %7B%7B%3ANature+rune%7D%7D, File:Nature rune nature, Item image of %7B%7B%3AEarth+rune%7D%7D, File:Earth rune earth, Item image of %7B%7B%3AWater+rune%7D%7D, File:Water rune water, Item image of %7B%7B%3ABlood+rune%7D%7D, File:Blood rune blood/Item image of %7B%7B%3ADeath+rune%7D%7D, File:Death rune death, and Item image of %7B%7B%3AAir+rune%7D%7D, File:Air rune air). A one-click teleport (like the Item image of %7B%7B%3AEctophial%7D%7D, File:Ectophial Ectophial), fill your inventory with as many Prayer potion(1) prayer potions (4) as possible (bring at least 8), and just a few Item image of %7B%7B%3Ashark%7D%7D, File:shark sharks or better food. You will rely heavily on Link to Protect from Melee Protect from Melee, otherwise without it activated, you will die quickly because you will be tanking 2-4 Giant skeleton (Shadow Dungeon) giant skeletons and Shadow Hound shadow hounds while trying to kill Damis first form Damis. You will need to click on a Prayer potion(1) prayer potion, to drink a dose, every 4–5 seconds. To make this much more effective, wait until having only about 5 prayer points left to drink another dose of potion. This is effective because prayer points are drained based on percentage.

Optional: A couple of Super energy(1) super energy potions to be used for shortening the journey through the maze.

Tactic: This is basically making Damis first form Damis into a regular fight, just a bit harder. If you have ever fought another creature that only uses Melee with Skill icon of Prayer, File:Prayer icon Prayer, this is basically the same only you will be using more potions. Use Magic spells, and kill him quickly. It is possible to use Melee or Ranged, but he is weak to Magic and incredibly strong against Melee, so it is not recommended. While fighting or even initially, cast Link to Snare Snare/Link to Entangle Entangle on Damis first form Damis, once he moves, re-cast Snare/Entangle.

Note: Damis is not particularly weak to earth spells. This was confirmed by Mod Ash.[1]

You can also use a Item image of %7B%7B%3ATrident+of+the+seas%7D%7D, File:Trident of the seas Trident of the seas for both forms.

Additionally, Damis only appears to drain Prayer when he is within a few tiles of you. Bringing a Stamina potion(1) stamina potion and kiting him around the arena will help reduce the burden of using Prayer potion(1) Prayer potions.

Method two (not recommended)[]

Combat style: Link to Melee Melee

Inventory: A Item image of %7B%7B%3Adragon+dagger%7D%7D, File:dragon dagger dragon dagger (poison necessary), a one-click teleport (like the Item image of %7B%7B%3AEctophial%7D%7D, File:Ectophial Ectophial), a few Prayer potion(1) prayer potions, and the rest of your inventory full of Item image of %7B%7B%3Ashark%7D%7D, File:shark sharks or better food.

Optional: A couple of Super energy(1) super energy potions to be used for shortening the journey through the maze.

Tactic: As soon as you see Damis first form Damis, put on the Link to Protect from Melee Protect from Melee prayer, and use all of your Item image of %7B%7B%3ADragon+dagger%7D%7D, File:Dragon dagger Dragon dagger (p++) Link to Special attacks special attacks on him. This will lower his health and poison him, but it's the poison that is most important. As soon as you have done this, run into the safe room to the northwest. Hide in there until you can see that his poison damage is as low as 2, and hit him with another 4 specials. Repeat until he is dead.

Method three (not recommended)[]

Combat style: Skill icon of Magic, File:Magic icon Magic/Skill icon of Ranged, File:Ranged icon Ranged

Inventory: Link to Runes Runes (Item image of %7B%7B%3ANature+rune%7D%7D, File:Nature rune nature, Item image of %7B%7B%3AEarth+rune%7D%7D, File:Earth rune earth, Item image of %7B%7B%3AWater+rune%7D%7D, File:Water rune water, Item image of %7B%7B%3ABlood+rune%7D%7D, File:Blood rune blood/Item image of %7B%7B%3ADeath+rune%7D%7D, File:Death rune death, and Item image of %7B%7B%3AAir+rune%7D%7D, File:Air rune air), a one-click teleport (like the Item image of %7B%7B%3AEctophial%7D%7D, File:Ectophial Ectophial), and the rest of the space divided between Prayer potion(1) prayer potions and Item image of %7B%7B%3Ashark%7D%7D, File:shark sharks.

Optional: A couple of Super energy(1) super energy potions to be used for shortening the journey through the maze.

Desert treasure safespot

A player uses a giant rat to safespot Damis.

Tactic: Once you encounter Damis first form Damis, activate your Link to Protect from Melee Protect from Melee prayer. Once you have done that, exit out the way you came, and go south, then head towards east. From there, you should see a Giant rat giant rat. There's also another rat roaming around a passage northwest of the area where Damis appears. Either way, position yourself behind the rat, and you can attack it with a weak attack or spell, and Damis can be attacked with Magic without you being harmed. This also works with the small Bat bat found in the southwest corner of the arena from which you entered. Consider bringing a fun weapon such as flowers to draw its attention without killing it.

Jaldraocht pyramid[]

Items required: Smoke diamond, Shadow diamond, Blood diamond, Ice diamond

Recommended items: Prayer point-boosting equipment, Holy wrench, Weight-reducing equipment (such as Graceful clothing), 2+ Prayer potions, 1 Super antipoison (or some strange fruit), Some energy potions or one Stamina potion(4), Waterskin(s), Shantay pass, Some foodCooked sweetcorn is recommended as it has no weight., Emergency teleport for low level players if you run out of prayer potions and/or food.



The pillar absorbs the gem.

Return to Chat head image of Eblis, File:Eblis chathead Eblis at the six mirrors in the desert. Be sure to have the four diamonds in your inventory. Go to Link to Jaldraocht Pyramid the Pyramid southeast of Eblis (marked "Pyramid" on the world map), and place one diamond in each of the four obelisks at the outside corners of the pyramid. Each obelisk takes a specific diamond. You should be able to determine the diamond from the appearance of the obelisk, but trial-and-error placement also works. It is not possible to put a diamond into the wrong obelisk; it is also not possible to take a diamond back out of the obelisk.

When all four obelisks are activated, the pyramid will open and can be entered from the top.

Tomb raider[]

Link to Desert heat Desert heat is not a factor inside the pyramid, but almost all of the interior is dangerous, with level 124 Scarab swarm scarab swarms occasionally boiling out of the floor, and level 110 Mummy (84) mummies roaming about and spontaneously popping out of sarcophagi. All monsters use only Link to Melee Melee, though the scarab swarms can also Link to poison poison. The scarab swarms, spontaneous mummies, and traps cannot be detected in advance. The room containing the altar on Level 4, however, is safe.

Every time a scarab swarm appears or a mummy pops out of a sarcophagus, you will stop moving, and will not be able to move until the animation has finished. It is possible to avoid a scarab swarm entirely by making sure it is behind a mummy. There are also randomly activated traps that will send you back to the entrance of the pyramid. By bringing Link to weight-reducing clothing weight-reducing clothing and plenty of Super energy(1) super energy potions or Stamina potion(1) stamina potions, you can greatly reduce the chance of running into one of these traps. If you get caught by a trap, you will be taken outside to the south side of the pyramid but with no damage done. Do not click directly to the ladder but keep clicking to your goal as this will reduce the chances of getting caught by traps. Just walk north and re-enter the pyramid to start over. It is useful to use a Item image of %7B%7B%3Astrange+fruit%7D%7D, File:strange fruit strange fruit while inside the pyramid due to the fact that it recovers 30% run energy and cures any kind of poison you may have gotten while inside the pyramid.

The levels in the pyramid are numbered in the order the player encounters them in the quest. The purple line marks the route.


Enter the pyramid from its top. The southern entrance to Level 4 and the Link to Ancient Magicks Ancient Magicks altar can only be used after the quest has been completed.

Diagram of the pyramid's exterior

Level 1[]

Run from the entrance ladder to the Level 2 ladder. This level is the smallest in the area, with the fewest mummies. If possible, flick your prayer and save your run energy.

Level 1 of Jaldraocht

Level 2[]

Run from the Level 2 ladder to the Level 3 ladder. This level is the second smallest in area, with a few more mummies roaming about. This room might have a few traps. Be sure to look out for them.

Level 2 of Jaldraocht

Level 3[]

Run from the Level 3 ladder to the Level 4 ladder. This level is fairly large in area, presenting more of a challenge to players traversing it. A significant number of mummies are roaming about, and there is a vast amount of traps.

Level 3 of Jaldraocht

Level 4[]

Run from the Level 3 ladder to the altar room. This level is quite large in area, with a lot of mummies roaming about everywhere except the altar room. The altar room is separated by a door—do not rely on the minimap to run outside.

Level 4 of Jaldraocht
Easy tip to remember which way to start running after each level: North, East, South, West.


Azzanadra chathead


It is possible for a Scarab swarm scarab swarm to boil up inside the altar room, but this only happens if it was boiling up as you were entering the room. If this is the case, trap it between the door and an obstacle that is just in front of the door. Speak to Chat head image of Azzanadra, File:Azzanadra chathead Azzanadra, who has lost track of time and believes that the Link to God Wars God Wars are still going on. He goes on to talk about some ancient unknown civilisations like Link to Edgeville Paddewwa, Link to Ice Mountain Lassar and Link to Demonic Ruins Annakarl. He is also surprised to see that he cannot hear Link to Zaros Zaros in his mind anymore.

Azzanadra, finally coming to peace with the reality, rewards the adventurer with the Link to Ancient Magicks Ancient Magicks of Zaros, for their efforts. (If Azzanadra is not present, use the altar and he should appear.)

Note: Praying at the altar twice after completing the quest will unlock a hard task in the Desert area.

Congratulations! Quest complete!


Desert Treasure reward scroll


  • If a player talks to the Archaeologist after the quest, he will tell a story very similar to 'Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark'.
  • In the Ice Diamond part, when the player speaks to the baby troll he asks "Why so sad, little troll?" and the troll replies "It was the bad man", this is probably a reference to Batman and the Joker.

