Old School RuneScape Wiki
Instruction manual
This quest has a quick guide found here.
It briefly summarises the steps needed to complete the quest.

Dragon Slayer is a Link to free-to-play free-to-play Link to Quests quest. This quest is regarded as the most difficult for free-to-play players. Upon successful completion, players gain the ability to equip the Item image of %7B%7B%3Arune+platebody%7D%7D, File:rune platebody rune platebody, Item image of %7B%7B%3Agreen+d%27hide+body%7D%7D, File:green d'hide body green d'hide body, and their variants. It was also the last quest in RuneScape to be released before the addition of Link to members members.


Start point Speak to the Guildmaster in the Champions' Guild. Speak to the Guildmaster in the Champions' Guild.
Official difficulty Experienced
Description Prove yourself a true champion. Kill the mighty dragon Elvarg of Crandor and earn the right to buy and wear the Rune platebody.
Length Long
  • 32 Quest point icon Quest points to enter the Champions' Guild
  • Crafting icon Crafting Optional unless you're an ironman
  • The ability to defeat a level 83 dragon


  • 33 Magic icon Magic, otherwise you will have to pay 10,000 coins
Items required

Strongly recommended:

Enemies to defeat


Talk to the Chat head image of Guildmaster, File:Guildmaster chathead Guildmaster in the Link to Champions' Guild Champions' Guild, and ask him for a quest. He will then tell you to visit Chat head image of Oziach, File:Oziach chathead Oziach, who is located in the north-west corner of Link to Edgeville Edgeville, very close to the Link to Wilderness Wilderness. Oziach says that to be able to buy a Item image of %7B%7B%3Arune+platebody%7D%7D, File:rune platebody rune platebody from him, you have to kill the Green dragon green dragon, Elvarg Elvarg, located on the desolate island of Link to Crandor Crandor.

Return to the Champions' Guild, and talk to the Guildmaster again. He will be shocked and will tell you that you will need to obtain three pieces of the map to get to the island, a boat to reach Crandor, and a shield to protect yourself from the dragon's fire.

Important: You must ask him every question you can; otherwise, you won't be able to progress in the quest.

Ask him where Melzar Melzar's piece is to obtain the Item image of %7B%7B%3Amaze+key%7D%7D, File:maze key maze key (must have open inventory slot), and make sure you ask him where the maps are and where to get an Item image of %7B%7B%3Aanti-dragon+shield%7D%7D, File:anti-dragon shield anti-dragon shield.

Note: To save time, make sure you talk to the Guildmaster about buying a boat (ask how you can get to Crandor and where to get a ship) before you go see Chat head image of Klarense, File:Klarense chathead Klarense in Link to Port Sarim Port Sarim later in the quest. This will save you having to walk back to the Guild after collecting the map.

Obtaining the anti-dragon shield[]

A free Item image of %7B%7B%3AAnti-dragon+shield%7D%7D, File:Anti-dragon shield Anti-dragon shield may be obtained by speaking to Chat head image of Duke Horacio, File:Duke Horacio chathead Duke Horacio in Link to Lumbridge Lumbridge. He is located on the 1st floor[?] floor of the castle, in the northern room. Alternately, you may purchase a shield from the Link to Grand Exchange Grand exchange very cheaply.

Obtaining the map pieces[]

These map pieces may be obtained in any order. When you have all three, use any piece on another piece to form the complete Item image of %7B%7B%3ACrandor+map%7D%7D, File:Crandor map Crandor map.

Melzar's map piece[]

Main article: Melzar's Maze
Items required: The Maze key, food and combat equipment. (The most difficult enemy is the lesser demon; you can safespot it with Magic/Ranged and with melee as well.)
Dragon Slayer - Melzar's Maze

Melzar's Maze

Dragon Slayer - Lesser demon safe spot

The lesser demon in Melzar's Maze can be safe spotted using Ranged or Magic.

The first piece is found in Link to Melzar's Maze Melzar's Maze. You will need food if you have a low Link to combat level combat level. Melzar's Maze can be found north-west of Link to Rimmington Rimmington, south of the Link to Crafting Guild Crafting Guild, and west of Link to Port Sarim Port Sarim. (If your Link to POH portal house portal is located here, you may wish to teleport to house and exit portal.) To get inside of Melzar's Maze, you must use the Item image of %7B%7B%3AMaze+key%7D%7D, File:Maze key key you get from the Chat head image of Guildmaster, File:Guildmaster chathead Guildmaster in the Link to Champions' Guild Champions' Guild when you've started the quest. Once inside Melzar's Maze, do the following:

  1. Kill the small Zombie rat zombie rat with a long tail to get a Key (red) red key. Once you have the red key, use it on the door that is most north (the room has a bookcase, poster, table and chairs in it), and go up the ladder.
  2. You will find yourself in a room full of Chat head image of ghost, File:ghost chathead ghosts; kill the hooded ghost wearing a tube top and without a cape to receive an Key (orange) orange key. To the east of the ladder that you came up, go through the second door from the north, and go up the ladder.
  3. You will find yourself in a room full of Skeleton skeletons. Kill the skeletons with small, round shields until you get a Key (yellow) yellow key; open the southwestern door, and go down the ladder at the end of the room.
  4. Go down the ladder again, and again, until you find yourself in a room with two Zombie zombies and a blue door. Don't use the normal exit door. If by chance you exit through the normal door, you will have to start the maze over again. Kill the zombies until you get a Key (blue) blue key. Use the key on the blue door to get to the next room.
  5. In this room, you will need to kill Melzar Melzar the Mad (level 43). For lower level Skill icon of Magic, File:Magic icon mages or Skill icon of Ranged, File:Ranged icon rangers, it might be possible to trap a Spider spider between you and Melzar Melzar, preventing him from using his Link to Melee Melee attack, which causes him to do nothing for long periods of time during the fight. After you have killed him, pick up his Key (magenta) magenta key, and use it to open the magenta door.
    Dragon Slayer - Lesser demon melee flinch safe spot
  6. In this room, there is a Lesser demon lesser demon (level 82). There is a Link to Safe spot safespot for rangers/mages and for meleers as well. For mages and rangers, stand one square to the right of the magenta door when looking north (this spot can also be used with a halberd). For meleers, lure the demon to the western part of the room, and attack it at his maximum attack range then walk one square west to make it lose interest, repeating that strategy as many times as needed (see gif to the right). Kill it to get a Key (green) green key; use this key on the green door then open and search the chest to get a map part.
  7. Go up the ladder, and exit through the doors.

Thalzar's map piece[]

Items required: An unfired bowl, a wizard's mind bomb, a lobster pot, and silk.

Dwarven Mine map

Dwarven Mine

To obtain this piece, you'll need an Item image of %7B%7B%3Aunfired+bowl%7D%7D, File:unfired bowl unfired bowl, created in the Skill icon of Crafting, File:Crafting icon Crafting skill, a Item image of %7B%7B%3AWizard%27s+mind+bomb%7D%7D, File:Wizard's mind bomb Wizard's mind bomb, which can be bought in Link to Falador Falador for 3 Coins 1 coins, a Item image of %7B%7B%3Alobster+pot%7D%7D, File:lobster pot lobster pot, which can be bought in Link to Port Sarim Port Sarim for 20 coins, and a piece of Item image of %7B%7B%3Asilk%7D%7D, File:silk silk, which can be bought in Link to Al Kharid Al Kharid or stolen from a Link to silk stall silk stall with level 20 Skill icon of Thieving, File:Thieving icon Thieving. When you have all these items, talk to the Chat head image of Oracle, File:Oracle chathead Oracle, who is located on the northern end of Link to Ice Mountain Ice Mountain.

Then, when the Oracle is done talking, go into the Link to Dwarven Mine Dwarven Mine with all those items. Look for a magic door in the northeastern part of the mines. It is just before you see Scorpion scorpions. When you've found it, you must use all of your items on the door to open it. Open the chest and search for the second map piece.

Note: Placing the wrong items into the door or putting some in, leaving, then coming back, and putting in the rest of the items will not cancel out the items already placed in the door. Be careful not to left click your Wizard's Mind Bomb, as you will consume it rather than use it.

Lozar's map piece[]

Items required: 10,000 coins or Ranged/Magic combat equipment, an air rune and a law rune (33+ Magic required).

Port Sarim Jail

Port Sarim Jail

The third and final piece can be obtained by talking to Chat head image of Wormbrain, File:Wormbrain chathead Wormbrain. Not Required: You can make your way to the Goblin Village and talk to the General who will tell you that Wormbrain has been arrested and is located in the jail in Port Sarim. Use one of two different ways to get the map piece from Wormbrain, located in Link to Port Sarim Jail Port Sarim Jail.

  • You can attack him using Skill icon of Ranged, File:Ranged icon Ranged or Skill icon of Magic, File:Magic icon Magic. Once his health reaches zero, he will say "Ow!" and drop the map part for you to Link to Telekinetic Grab telegrab (if you bought an extra Item image of %7B%7B%3AWizard%27s+mind+bomb%7D%7D, File:Wizard's mind bomb Wizard's Mind Bomb, you can drink it to boost your Magic level +2).
  • Wormbrain can be attacked and will drop his map piece whether the player has spoken to the Goblin General or not.
  • Alternatively, you can pay him 10,000 Coins 1 coins in exchange for it.

With all three map pieces, simply use two together, and they will all combine into the Item image of %7B%7B%3ACrandor+map%7D%7D, File:Crandor map treasure map.

Obtaining a boat[]

Items required: A hammer, the Crandor map, 90 steel nails, 3 planks, and 2,000 coins.

Dragon Slayer - Crandor map

Crandor Map with all 3 pieces combined.

Note: You will need to talk to the Chat head image of Guildmaster, File:Guildmaster chathead Guildmaster about buying a boat before you go see Chat head image of Klarense, File:Klarense chathead Klarense, but only if you haven't asked him already.

You will need 90 Item image of %7B%7B%3Asteel+nails%7D%7D, File:steel nails steel nails and three Item image of %7B%7B%3Aplank%7D%7D, File:plank planks. To obtain the steel nails, you can either Skill icon of Smithing, File:Smithing icon smith six Item image of %7B%7B%3Asteel+bar%7D%7D, File:steel bar steel bars into nails (requires level 34 Smithing, which is boostable), or you can buy them from the Chat head image of Sawmill operator, File:Sawmill operator chathead Sawmill operator north-east of Link to Varrock Varrock or from other players. If you are a free to play ironman, the only place to get planks is at the Link to Graveyard of Shadows Graveyard of Shadows in level 19 Wilderness. Next, get a Item image of %7B%7B%3Ahammer%7D%7D, File:hammer hammer and 2,000 Coins 1 coins. Go to Link to Port Sarim Port Sarim and look for Chat head image of Klarense, File:Klarense chathead Klarense, a sailor. He is located on the second-most southern dock. He will sell you his boat named Link to Lady Lumbridge Lady Lumbridge for 2,000 coins. Pay him the 2,000 coins, and the boat is now yours. Go on the ship and go inside it. Repair the hole in the ship by using the planks with the hole.

Note: If you forgot your hammer, and are on a Link to members members' world, you can buy one from a Trader Crewmember (1) Trader Crewmember on the dock to the south, travel to the Link to Void Knights' Outpost Void Knights' Outpost and buy one from the general store, or you can attack the Chat head image of Goblin, File:Goblin chathead goblins to the west until one is dropped. If you are on a free world you can kill goblins west of Link to Port Sarim Port Sarim until they drop a Item image of %7B%7B%3Ahammer%7D%7D, File:hammer hammer.

Do this three times, and the hole will be repaired. Next, go to Link to Draynor Village Draynor Village and find Chat head image of Ned, File:Ned chathead Ned, the person who makes Item image of %7B%7B%3Arope%7D%7D, File:rope ropes for you. Ask him to be the captain and help sail you to Link to Crandor Crandor. Make sure you have the Item image of %7B%7B%3ACrandor+map%7D%7D, File:Crandor map Crandor map in your inventory, or you will need to retrieve it from your bank. He will agree and tell you to meet him on your ship.

The fight[]

Items required: Food, combat equipment and the anti-dragon shield.

Crandor (island) map

Now, it is time to prepare. Equip the Item image of %7B%7B%3AAnti-dragon+shield%7D%7D, File:Anti-dragon shield Anti-dragon shield, some Link to armour armour, and a Link to Weapons weapon. Elvarg Elvarg is weak against Link to Stab weapons stab attacks, so consider bringing a sword or dagger instead of a scimitar. Adamant or better is recommended. Elvarg is also weak against Skill icon of Ranged, File:Ranged icon Ranged Attack, so Rangers should bring their best Link to Crossbow (weapon) crossbow with the best Link to bolts bolts they can use. Elvarg is not immune to Link to poison poison, so adding Item image of %7B%7B%3Aweapon+poison%7D%7D, File:weapon poison weapon poison will make the battle go much smoother, thus a p++ dagger would be superb. The rest of your inventory should be filled with food; Item image of %7B%7B%3Alobster%7D%7D, File:lobster lobsters or Item image of %7B%7B%3Aswordfish%7D%7D, File:swordfish swordfish should do. Swordfish are preferable to lobsters since they heal more per bite (14 vs 12), but with a Link to combat level combat level of around 40 and appropriate gear, you should be able to easily defeat Elvarg with just lobsters. If your stats are lower, you can buy or cook Item image of %7B%7B%3Ameat+pizza%7D%7D, File:meat pizza meat pizzas or Item image of %7B%7B%3Aanchovy+pizza%7D%7D, File:anchovy pizza anchovy pizzas with level 45 Skill icon of Cooking, File:Cooking icon Cooking to bring as they heal more Skill icon of Hitpoints, File:Hitpoints icon Hitpoints per inventory slot, but require a second bite to consume. A meat pizza heals 8 HP per bite (16 total) while an anchovy pizza heals 9 per bite (18 total).

Dragon Slayer - Cabin boy Jenkins fried

A reason why good defence and dragonfire protection is needed to face Elvarg.

Go to your ship and sail to the island Link to Crandor Crandor. After crashing on the island, make your way through the island to the top, avoiding the monsters there. You'll see stairs behind some Lesser demon lesser demons. Run past them, and enter the hole. You'll be in a cave surrounded by Skeleton skeletons. Keep walking and you'll see Elvarg behind a door in a room.

Before you enter the room, make sure that your anti-dragon shield is equipped. Also, if you go south a little further past the lesser demons, you should see a wall with an open option. Push it to go through and unlock a shortcut back to Elvarg in the event that you die or teleport away. Now, go in and fight Elvarg.

Battle strategies[]

Note: You can return and continue the fight if you die, as well as pick up your items. But when returning you can use the Item image of %7B%7B%3Aamulet+of+glory%7D%7D, File:amulet of glory amulet of glory to Karamja and go down the volcano to return to Elvarg quickly, If you have opened the secret door before the fight. If not you must refix the boat and return with Ned again.

Dragon Slayer - Fighting Elvarg

A player battles against Elvarg, the destroyer of Crandor.

Consider having Link to Protect from Magic Protect from Magic activated, as Elvarg Elvarg's Link to Fire Blast Fire Blast-like magical attacks hit high. Again, using a Link to Stab weapons stab weapon like a Dragon dagger dragon dagger (p++) is a good idea since Link to Dragon (race) dragons are weak to stab. If you also use Skill icon of Ranged, File:Ranged icon Ranged on the dragon, make sure you are using a one-handed weapon such as a Link to Crossbow (weapon) crossbow, unlike a Link to bow bow, which is two-handed. With a crossbow, you are still able to equip the Item image of %7B%7B%3Aanti-dragon+shield%7D%7D, File:anti-dragon shield anti-dragon shield necessary in the quest.

If you are using magical attacks, make sure you are using tier-2 Skill icon of Magic, File:Magic icon Magic (i.e. Link to Bolt spells Bolt spells such as Link to Wind Bolt Wind Bolt, Link to Water Bolt Water Bolt, etc.) or higher and can equip the anti-dragon shield. Also, bring Link to teleportation teleportation Link to runes runes just in case you are about to die.

It is important to note that if you use an anti-dragon shield, as well as a drinking a dose of Antifire potion(1) antifire potion, Elvarg can only hit a maximum of 7 (3 or 4 if combined with Protect from Magic) with her magical attack instead of 11, thus saving you a lot of food.

If you are around 35 Skill icon of Defence, File:Defence icon Defence, or more, it may be advised to stand next to Elvarg, rather than Link to Safe spot safespotting, as her mage hits can easily outweigh her Link to melee melee hits. It is also advised to stand under her while you eat, as it will save food by not getting hit whilst you can't hit.

Lower levels and Link to Ironman Mode iron men without antifire potions are advised to use a Item image of %7B%7B%3Aring+of+recoil%7D%7D, File:ring of recoil ring of recoil, as Elvarg's fast hits make it particularly useful in dealing back damage.

Also, Elvarg can be flinched using melee attacks. This is fairly easy for players who know and practiced Link to flinching flinching before, to the point where it takes almost no food to kill her. For players who don't know what flinching is, it is still recommended to take a lot of food, as getting her in the right position is quite tricky. You need to stand in the southeastern corner of her cave, in the square directly next to the top-left corner of the little lava pool, and you need to get Elvarg to stand directly left of the skeleton on the ground to the northwest. If you pull this off, you will notice she does not use melee or magic attacks, while you're standing on the square mentioned above. From there, you simply attack her, and immediately click on the top-left corner of the little lava pool again to walk back to the safe square (as there are often rats occupying the actual square). Wait for her health-bar to disappear and repeat the process. As this can and will still go wrong every now and then, it is still recommended, but not strictly necessary, to bring food and have a decent combat stat (30+).

If you die or teleport away, you will need to repair the boat again, unless you open the shortcut. If you did open the shortcut, you will not be able to travel to Crandor again by boat. You must use the entrance underneath Link to Karamja Volcano Karamja Volcano.

If you happen to teleport away, Elvarg will not heal if you go back quick enough. So, if you get her down low enough and leave, she will still be injured, making her much easier to kill the second time around.

Finishing up[]

Dragon Slayer - Elvarg slain

A player beheads Elvarg

Once Elvarg Elvarg is defeated and you have triumphed, you will automatically collect Item image of %7B%7B%3AElvarg%27s+head%7D%7D, File:Elvarg's head Elvarg's head (make sure you have an empty inventory slot). Either teleport out, or go through the shortcut and past the Deadly red spider deadly red spiders, to the south east of the dungeon where the skeletons are, and climb up the hanging rope to arrive on top of Karamja volcano. From here, journey to Link to Edgeville Edgeville, straight to Chat head image of Oziach, File:Oziach chathead Oziach with Elvarg's head in order to prove your feat (although the head is not required in order to complete the quest).


Dragon Slayer reward scroll


  • When speaking to Oziach at the start of the quest, he asks you how you found out he sells the rune platebody. If you reply 'I am a master detective,' and have completed the Link to Murder Mystery Murder Mystery quest, your character will exclaim that they even solved the Sinclair murder mystery all by themselves.
  • When speaking to Duke Horacio during Link to The Lost Tribe The Lost Tribe quest, Chat head image of Sigmund, File:Sigmund chathead Sigmund mentions to him that you are the same adventurer who defeated Elvarg.