Old School RuneScape Wiki
Old School RuneScape Wiki
This article is about the Farming skill. For information on training Farming, see Farming training.


Farming is a skill in which players grow crops using seeds and harvest useful items from them, or more commonly, harvest the plant itself. The crops grown range from the standard staples of vegetables, fruit trees, herbs, hops, to more exotic and unusual crops such as wood-bearing trees, cacti, and mushrooms. The harvested items have wide range of uses, but are mostly used to train Herblore or Cooking, or simply eaten as food. Many players sell their harvest for a significant profit.

Once players have reached the intermediate level range and beyond, they can begin to plant wood-bearing trees. Player grown trees function just like their standard equivalents, which can be chopped down and regenerate after a short period of time to yield Woodcutting experience and logs. Player grown woodcutting trees have the added benefit of being only accessible to the player who grew them, which means that players will not need to compete to gather their own tree's wood.

Listen to audio.
Farming level-up music (link)
The first music that can be played when levelled up.
Listen to audio.
Farming level-up music (link)
The second music that can be played when levelled up.

General overview[]

The first thing any player will do when they begin training this skill is to rake away the weeds from one of the many farming patches found scattered around RuneScape. Once cleared, players have the option of applying compost to the patch, which will decrease the chance of the crop becoming diseased, and will also possibly increase the yield of the crop once it reaches maturity. Players can also cast the Fertile Soil spell from the Lunar spellbook at any point during the plant's growth cycle to apply supercompost.

Compost can be bought in farming shops, or obtained by placing a total of 15 weeds or various other unwanted vegetables into one of the compost bins. Supercompost, which results in an even higher yield and further lowers chances of disease, is obtained by filling the compost bin with higher level farming produce such as pineapples, watermelons, calquats, coconuts, and high end herbs. Ultracompost may be made by adding 25 volcanic ash to a full bin of supercompost or adding 2 volcanic ash to a bucket of supercompost.

Farming herbs

A player picking herbs grown from farming.

Seeds are usually easy to obtain. They can be bought from players and stalls, stolen via Thieving or obtained as drops from an enormous variety of monsters. Any lower or intermediate level seeds are usually very cheap, ranging from 1-20 coins each, while the higher level seeds, such as tree, fruit tree, and especially upper end herb seeds, are usually thousands of coins each, if not more.

After growing for a preset period of time crops will mature and can then be harvested, provided that the crops have not become diseased and died while growing. Once planted, crops grow even if the player is not online, so one can plant a seed and come back at any time. Once the crops are fully grown they will remain in the patch indefinitely until harvested; that is, they will not die once fully matured.

Although this would seem to imply that players can simply plant their seeds and go back to their lives, there is a problem with this tactic. At lower levels, unattended crops are extremely unlikely to live long enough to reach maturity unattended. Even at relatively high levels there will always be a significant chance that crops will sicken and die. Therefore, all levels are recommended to pay nearby gardeners to watch crops. Doing so prevents the selected crops from dying, thus guaranteeing their reaching maturity for harvest.

Gardeners all charge for their services, but not in coins. The price that they ask depends on the crop that the player asks them to watch. For example, the price for protecting a patch of potatoes is 2 buckets of compost while the price for protecting a patch of onions is 1 sack of potatoes. They will also accept your payment-items in noted form. Gardeners cannot be paid to protect herbs or flowers. When the player has 50% favour with Hosidius House, in Zeah, the allotment, flower, and herb patches there will be protected by the local farmer at all times. Players can also unlock two herb patches which are perpetually protected from disease, for free, by completing My Arm's Big Adventure and Making Friends With My Arm.

Getting started[]

A common mistake for players who are new to farming is that they tend to wait next to their patch for their crops to fully grown to become harvestable. Reasons why players wait is because crops do have the tendency to become diseased. However, many crops take more than an hour to grow fully, and most introductory crops take over half an hour. Do not waste your time standing near the farming patches wondering when your crops will grow; instead, do something else. If you fear your crops will become diseased there are a few ways to prevent this from happening while you are away (to most crops) and that will be further explained later. In addition, your plants will grow even if you are online playing or offline.

A good way to jumpstart your farming is to do the quest Fairy Tale I - Growing Pains. The experience reward will raise level 1 Farming to level 17. By completing this quest, players will also receive a pair of magic secateurs which, when worn, will increase the yield of crops by 10% while harvesting.

An uncommon, but helpful item is the amulet of nature. It is tradeable in its unenchanted form, but once enchanted cannot be traded. It can be bound to a patch by "using" the amulet on the patch. Once bound, and if worn, the amulet will alert you if your plant becomes diseased or has fully grown. You may also "rub" the amulet to check on your bound patch at any time. It can only be bound to one patch at a time, and you may only have one amulet. If worn when harvesting, the amulet will provide a 5% yield increase. This boost does not stack with the magic secateurs and takes precedence over them, so if magic secateurs are available to you it is recommended that you unequip the amulet before harvesting.

See Farming training for more information on levelling up.


For farming there are certain tools you will need to use, whether it's using a rake to clear a plot or digging up dead plants with a spade. Below is a table of the basic tools and their uses.

Name Use
Rake Rake Used for getting rid of weeds in a plot.
Spade Spade The most useful Farming tool. Used for harvesting crops, clearing away dead plants and removing plant roots and bushes.
Watering can Watering can Used for watering plants to help them grow.
Seed dibber Seed dibber Used for planting Seeds in a plot.
Gardening trowel Gardening trowel Used for filling Plant Pots with Soil.
Magic secateurs Magic secateurs
Secateurs Secateurs
Used for cutting away diseased Branches and Bushes. Magic secateurs provide 10% yield increase when worn.
Basket Basket Used for storing fruit. Holds up to 5 fruits and vegetables (Tomatoes, Strawberries, Oranges, Apples, Bananas)
Empty sack Empty sack Used for storing up to 10 vegetables. (Potatoes, Cabbages, Onions)
Empty plant pot Empty plant pot Used for growing Tree Saplings in.

You can buy a lot of these tools along with compost in farming shops located below.

Tool storage[]

At any farming patch you will come across a tool leprechaun whose job is to look after your farming tools.

Tool leprechaun

A tool leprechaun.

You can store the following:

The Tool leprechaun will also swap herbs (both grimy and clean) and harvested produce into note form by using them on the NPC.


Main article: Seeds

Seeds are essential in training the Farming skill, however, there are only a few ways in retrieving them. These include:


Patches treated with compost are less likely to become diseased. Using compost also increases the minimum and maximum yields on that patch, though it should be noted that this only works for one set of seeds. Once the crops are harvested, another bucket of compost must be applied to the patch in order to receive its effects.

To create compost you will need around 15 pieces of organic material such as produce, weeds, and rotten fruit. Put this in a Compost bin near a patch and close the lid and wait for around 60 minutes. Then, with an inventory of 15 empty buckets you can fill them all up with compost.

Supercompost is created in a similar way but with higher-end materials such as pineapples and watermelons. Patches treated with supercompost yield more crops than ordinary Compost.

Ultracompost is created using volcanic ash on a compost bin or bucket that contains supercompost. Ultracompost yields even greater crops than supercompost and the crops are even less likely to become diseased. 25 volcanic ash must be used on a compost bin containing super compost to become ultracompost. Note that if 25 volcanic ash will be used no matter the remaining super compost is in the bin. For example, if 10 buckets of supercompost remain in the compost bin, the player will still add 25 ash even though only 20 would be needed if using volcanic ash on the individual buckets. It takes 2 volcanic ash to make 1 bucket of ultracompost when the volcanic ash is used on a bucket of super compost. It is more useful to add volcanic ash directly to a full compost bin, as you will save 5 volcanic ash.

Farming patches[]


There are five allotments in RuneScape: south of Falador, north of Catherby, north-east of Ardougne, south-east corner of Great Kourend and west of Port Phasmatys. Each full allotment patch contains:

  • 2 allotment patches
  • 1 flower patch
  • 1 herb patch
  • 1 compost bin

An additional allotment patch (with no adjacent flower or herb patches) can be found on Harmony Island, which can be accessed after completing The Great Brain Robbery.


3 allotment seeds are needed to plant in each allotment patch. If paying a gardener to protect their crops, players must pay the gardener to protect each of the allotment patches within an allotment separately. Having fully-grown flowers of the corresponding type will protect adjacent allotment patches from getting diseased for as long as the flowers are in the patch, as an alternative to paying a gardener to protect the patch.

Fully grown allotment patches can be harvested by clicking on the fully grown crops; harvests vary between 3 and 56 crops. After a patch has been harvested, it is cleared for re-planting.

Farming icon level Seed Produce Payment
1 Potato seed
Potato seed
2 buckets of compost
5 Onion seed
Onion seed
Empty sack
1 sack of potatoes
7 Cabbage seed
Cabbage seed
Empty sack
1 sack of onions
12 Tomato seed
Tomato seed
Empty sack
2 sacks of cabbage
20 Sweetcorn seed
Sweetcorn seed
Jute fibre
10 jute fibres
31 Strawberry seed
Strawberry seed
1 basket of apples
47 Watermelon seed
Watermelon seed
Curry leaf
10 curry leaves


A single flower seed is needed to plant in a flower patch. Most flowers yield 1 flower when harvested; this clears the patch. Flower patches cannot be protected by a gardener. Limpwurt seeds, at minimum, will yield 3 limpwurt roots. The yield can increase depending on the player's Farming level[1].

Farming icon level Seed Produce
2 Marigold seed
Marigold seed
11 Rosemary seed
Rosemary seed
24 Nasturtium seed
Nasturtium seed
25 Woad seed
Woad seed
Woad leaf
3 woad leaves
26 Limpwurt seed
Limpwurt seed
Limpwurt root
3 limpwurt roots


A herb seed can be planted in a herb patch. Harvests range between 3 and 18 grimy herbs. Using supercompost, or ultracompost and magic secateurs a player will gain an average of 7.5 grimy herbs when harvesting a herb patch, with a range of between 5 and 27 grimy herbs. (Although technically an infinite amount of herbs can be harvested from each patch - it is rare to get more than 15)

After completing My Arm's Big Adventure, players can use My Arm's special herb patch, which never becomes diseased, at Trollheim. In addition, a herb patch can also be found on Harmony Island, which requires the completion of the elite Morytania Diary. While players have at least 50% favour in the Hosidius House, the herb patch will not become diseased. Players who have completed Making Friends with My Arm are able to use a disease-free herb patch in Weiss, provided they have built the Fire of Nourishment.

Gardeners cannot be paid to protect herb patches.

Farming icon level Seed Produce
9 Guam seed
Guam seed
Grimy guam leaf
Grimy guam leaf
14 Marrentill seed
Marrentill seed
Grimy marrentill
Grimy marrentill
19 Tarromin seed
Tarromin seed
Grimy tarromin
Grimy tarromin
26 Harralander seed
Harralander seed
Grimy harralander
Grimy harralander
29 Gout tuber
Gout tuber
32 Ranarr seed
Ranarr seed
Grimy ranarr weed
Grimy ranarr weed
38 Toadflax seed
Toadflax seed
Grimy toadflax
Grimy toadflax
44 Irit seed
Irit seed
Grimy irit leaf
Grimy irit leaf
50 Avantoe seed
Avantoe seed
Grimy avantoe
Grimy avantoe
56 Kwuarm seed
Kwuarm seed
Grimy kwuarm
Grimy kwuarm
62 Snapdragon seed
Snapdragon seed
Grimy snapdragon
Grimy snapdragon
67 Cadantine seed
Cadantine seed
Grimy cadantine
Grimy cadantine
73 Lantadyme seed
Lantadyme seed
Grimy lantadyme
Grimy lantadyme
79 Dwarf weed seed
Dwarf weed seed
Grimy dwarf weed
Grimy dwarf weed
85 Torstol seed
Torstol seed
Grimy torstol
Grimy torstol


There are four hops patches: north of Lumbridge, north of McGrubor's Wood, Yanille and Entrana. 4 hop seeds, or 3 jute seeds, are needed to plant in each hops patch. Harvests vary between 3 and 46 hops. After a hops patch has been harvested it will be cleared for re-planting.

Farming icon level Seed Produce Payment
3 Barley seed
Barley seed
3 buckets of compost
4 Hammerstone seed
Hammerstone seed
Hammerstone hops
Hammerstone hops
1 marigold
8 Asgarnian seed
Asgarnian seed
Asgarnian hops
Asgarnian hops
Empty sack
1 sack of onions
13 Jute seed
Jute seed
Jute fibre
Jute fibre
Barley malt
6 barley malts
16 Yanillian seed
Yanillian seed
Yanillian hops
Yanillian hops
1 basket of tomatoes
21 Krandorian seed
Krandorian seed
Krandorian hops
Krandorian hops
Empty sack
3 sacks of cabbages
28 Wildblood seed
Wildblood seed
Wildblood hops
Wildblood hops
1 nasturtium


There are 4 bush patches: west of the Champions' Guild, Rimmington, south of Ardougne, and south-west of Etceteria. One bush seed is needed to plant a bush. All bushes except poison ivy are susceptible to disease.

A player can check the health of and then harvest berries from fully grown bushes. This is done by hand and yields a minimum of 4 berries. Depending on the player's Farming level, the berries yield could be more than 4. Unless a bush is dug up it will continue to regrow berries over time.

Farming icon level Seed Produce Payment
10 Redberry seed
Redberry seed
Empty sack
4 sacks of cabbages
22 Cadavaberry seed
Cadavaberry seed
Cadava berries
Cadava berries
3 basket of tomatoes
36 Dwellberry seed
Dwellberry seed
3 baskets of strawberries
48 Jangerberry seed
Jangerberry seed
6 watermelons
59 Whiteberry seed
Whiteberry seed
White berries
White berries
8 bittercap mushrooms
70 Poison ivy seed
Poison ivy seed
Poison ivy berries
Poison ivy berries
Not protectable


There are 5 tree patches: at Lumbridge, Varrock Castle, Falador Park, Taverley, and the Gnome Stronghold. As with other tree seeds, it must be used on a plant pot filled with soil to create a seedling . The seedling then needs to be watered. After a few minutes the seedling will turn into a sapling, which can then be planted in a tree patch.

A fully grown tree acts similarly to the trees that are used in the Woodcutting skill. After checking a tree's health players can cut it down using an axe to receive logs. As with non-player grown trees, there is a chance of a farmed tree dropping bird's nests. Once a tree is cut down it will leave a tree stump, which can be left to respawn or dug up to gain tree roots and to clear the patch. Players who do not wish to cut down and dig up a tree can use the right-click “clear” option on the tree to instantly remove it. Gardeners can instantly remove a tree for a fee of 200.

Farming icon level Seed Produce Payment
15 Acorn
Oak logs Oak roots Leaves (oak)
Oak logs, Oak roots, Oak leaves
1 basket of tomatoes
30 Willow seed
Willow seed
Willow logs Willow roots Leaves (willow)
Willow logs, Willow roots, Willow leaves
1 basket of apples
45 Maple seed
Maple seed
Maple logs Maple roots Leaves (maple)
Maple logs, Maple roots, Maple leaves
1 basket of Oranges
60 Yew seed
Yew seed
Yew logs Yew roots Leaves (yew)
Yew logs, Yew roots, Yew leaves
Cactus spine
10 cactus spines
75 Magic seed
Magic seed
Magic logs Magic roots Leaves (magic)
Magic logs, Magic roots, Magic leaves
25 coconuts

Fruit tree[]

There are 5 fruit tree patches: at Gnome Stronghold, east of Catherby, west of Tree Gnome Village, Brimhaven, and Lletya. As with other tree seeds, before a fruit tree seed can be planted it must be used on a plant pot filled with soil to create a seedling. The seedling then needs to be watered. After a few minutes the seedling will turn into a sapling, which can be planted in a tree patch.

Once a fruit tree is fully grown the player may check its health and harvest it to receive 6 fruit. A fruit tree will continue to grow fruit over time, unless it is cut down and its stump dug up, with a new fruit regenerating every 45 minutes. Gardeners can instantly remove a fruit tree for a fee of 200.

Farming icon level Seed Produce Payment
27 Apple tree seed
Apple tree seed
Cooking apple
Cooking apples
9 sweetcorns
33 Banana tree seed
Banana tree seed
4 baskets of apples
39 Orange tree seed
Orange tree seed
3 baskets of strawberries
42 Curry tree seed
Curry tree seed
Curry leaf
Curry leaf
5 baskets of bananas
51 Pineapple seed
Pineapple seed
10 watermelons
57 Papaya tree seed
Papaya tree seed
Papaya fruit
Papaya fruit
10 pineapples
68 Palm tree seed
Palm tree seed
Papaya fruit
15 papaya fruit

Special patches[]

The following plants may only be grown in their specific patches:
Farming icon level Seed Produce Payment
23 Seaweed spore
Seaweed spores
Giant seaweed
Giant seaweed
200 numulite
35 Teak seed
Teak seed
Teak logs
Teak logs
Limpwurt root
15 limpwurt roots
36 Grape seed
Grape seed
Not protectable
53 Mushroom spore
Mushroom spore
Not protectable
55 Mahogany seed
Mahogany seed
Mahogany logs
Mahogany Logs
Yanillian hops
25 yanillian hops
55 Cactus seed
Cactus seed
Cactus spine
Cactus spine
Cadava berries
6 cadava berries
63 Belladonna seed
Belladonna seed
Cave nightshade
Cave nightshade
Not protectable
72 Calquat tree seed
Calquat tree seed
Calquat fruit
Calquat fruits
Poison ivy berries
8 poison ivy berries
83 Spirit seed
Spirit seed
Spirit tree (Construction) icon
Spirit tree
Monkey nuts Monkey bar Ground tooth
5 monkey nuts, 1 monkey bar, and 1 ground tooth

Temporary boosts[]

  • A garden pie will boost a player's Farming by +3.
  • Brown spicy stew may boost a player's Farming by up to +5. Requires partial completion of Recipe for Disaster.
    • Note that the boost is only needed at the time of planting. You do not need to boost to check the health of a tree/bush or to harvest produce.


This section is a stub. Please help expand it. All around Gielinor, there are NPCs standing at each farming patch location, who will protect your crops, thus guaranteeing a 100% success rate. However, not all patches are capable of being protected. Those farmers who will protect your crops will ask for a payment in return while others are locked behind quests and favours.

Look under Farming skill tab to see what payment is necessary for what you are growing. All farmer payments will be the same.

Important things to remember[]

Try to complete Fairytale I - Growing Pains as soon as possible in order to get the magic secateurs, which increase your harvesting output by 10%.

Players can use the allotment patches, as well as the flower and herb patches without the need of Hosidius favour. The allotment patch becomes disease-free after 50% Hosidius favour.

Those who have at least 35% Hosidius favour will have access to the spirit tree patch.

In addition, players with 65% favour will have access to the Vinery, where they can farm grapes after using saltpetre and grape seeds on a vine patch.

If a farmer is looking after trees or bushes, it is preferred not to use compost unless you want some exp for adding compost. Trees and bushes have a fixed yield unlike allotments and herbs.

Players who have access to the Lunar Spellbook can cast Geomancy in order to look at the health and status of all of their crops at once.


Growth cycles[]

Crops do not grow continuously: each plant has a discrete set of growth stages. Plants can only advance to their next growth stage during periodically repeating five minute periods called growth stage windows. Regardless of the seed, growth stage windows last five minutes. The frequency of growth stage windows occurring is determined by the type of seed e.g. spirit trees' growth stages take 320 minutes, which includes a 5 minute growth window followed by 315 minutes of inactivity, repeated multiple times. In comparison hops' growth stages last 10 minutes, including a 5 minute growth stage window followed by 5 minutes of inactivity, repeated multiple times.

The cycles of growth stages all start at midnight UTC, and repeat indefinitely until the next midnight, when they begin again. The 320 minute cycle for spirit trees repeats on the second midnight. The following tables list the start times for the growth stage windows. These last for five minutes, so add 5 minutes to the start time to obtain the end time for the growth stage window. Every seed has a growth stage window from 12:00 AM to 12:05 AM.

Cycle length Start times (GMT)
5 minutes All times ending in :00, :05, :10, :15, :20, :25, :30, :35, :40, :45, :50, :55
10 minutes All times ending in :00, :10, :20, :30, :40, :50
20 minutes All times ending in :00, :20, :40
40 minutes 12:00, 12:40, 1:20, 2:00, 2:40, 3:20, 4:00, 4:40, 5:20, 6:00, 6:40, 7:20, 8:00, 8:40, 9:20, 10:00, 10:40, 11:20. All times apply to both AM/PM.
80 minutes 12:00, 1:20, 2:40, 4:00, 5:20, 6:40, 8:00, 9:20, 10:40. All times apply to both AM/PM.
160 minutes 12:00 AM, 2:40 AM, 5:20 AM, 8:00 AM, 10:40 AM, 1:20 PM, 4:00 PM, 6:40 PM, 9:20 PM
320 minutes Day 1: 12:00 AM, 5:20 AM, 10:40 AM, 4:00 PM, 9:20 PM
Day 2: 2:40 AM, 8:00 AM, 1:20 PM, 6:40 PM

The following is a schematic representation of the smallest unit of the growth stage windows. The green blocks represent growth stage windows, and the red blocks represent units of time in which plants cannot grow.

As well as only occurring in growth stage windows, plants only grow when the player reaches a growth tick. A player reaches a growth tick every 500 game ticks, approximately once every 5 minutes, though sometimes slightly longer due to lag. The fact that growth ticks occur at a frequency of slightly over five minutes means that most of the time a growth tick will fall into each growth window. Only when a growth tick falls within a growth window does a crop grow.

The first growth tick occurs 500 game ticks after the player logs in or logs out. Growth ticks are reset when either action occurs, meaning that nothing can grow five minutes after a player logs in or logs out. This may cause players who are constantly switching worlds to miss growth stage windows due to resetting the growth tick timer. Many other Farming actions occur with growth ticks. These include weeds growing and wood and fruit tree seedlings growing into saplings. These grow at any growth tick, so they may be treated as running on a growth stage window with a cycle period of 5 minutes.

Crops will advance a growth stage upon reaching the first growth tick that falls within a growth stage window. Thus, the first growth stage is typically less than the time between two growth stage windows for that crop. For example, herb seeds have 20 minute growth cycles. Suppose a player logs in at 6:32 and plants a seed at 6:35. A growth window for herbs will occur from 6:40 to 6:45, and the player will reach a growth tick every five minutes after logging in, at 6:37, 6:42, et cetera. Thus, assuming the player does not log out after planting the herb, they will advance a growth stage when the tick falls within the growth stage window. Nothing happens at 6:37, as it is not within a window, but the herbs will advance a growth stage at 6:42, as it is a tick within a window. The herbs will only have spent 7 minutes in the first growth stage instead of the stated 20.

Variable crop yield[]

Herbs, allotments, hops, bushes, nightshades, cacti, and limpwurt[1] all produce varying amounts of items each time you harvest them. The mechanism to determine how many items you get works as follows:

  • Your patch starts with three "lives".
  • One life is added if compost is used.
  • Two lives are added if supercompost is used.
  • Three lives are added if ultracompost is used.
  • Each time you harvest an item, there is a chance of losing a life.
  • Once all lives have been lost, the patch will become empty.
  • In theory, if you rolled successfully every time, you'd get an infinite number of items.

Certain things will increase your chance of not losing a life:

The effects of the magic secateurs and farming cape are added together, then multiplied by the kandarin diary effect[2]. Higher level herbs are less likely to lose a life than lower level herbs, but this difference decreases to zero as you approach level 99[3].

Quests rewarding Farming experience[]

Quest Experience
Farming req. Other requirements
Recipe for Disaster
(Goblin generals subquest)
1,000 - -
Enlightened Journey 3,000 30 Farming icon 20 Quest point icon, 20 Firemaking icon, 36 Crafting icon
Fairytale I - Growing Pains 3,500 - -
Grim Tales 4,000 45 Farming icon 52 Herblore icon, 58 Thieving icon, 59 Agility icon, 71 Woodcutting icon
Forgettable Tale... 5,000 17 Farming icon 22 Cooking icon
Garden of Tranquillity 5,000 25 Farming icon -
My Arm's Big Adventure 5,000 29 Farming icon 10 Woodcutting icon
Rum Deal 7,000 40 Farming icon 42 Crafting icon, 50 Fishing icon, 47 Prayer icon, 42 Slayer icon
Total 33,500

Skill choice[]

Upon completing any of the following quests, players may choose to allocate experience to Farming. These rewards usually come in the form of items, such as lamps or books, and are independent of any experience rewards directly received for completing the quest.

Quest Experience
Skills available Skill requirements
Client of Kourend 500 twice Any -
Fairytale II - Cure a Queen 2,500 Any skill above 30 49 Farming icon, 57 Herblore icon
A Tail of Two Cats 2,500 twice Any skill above 30 -
The Great Brain Robbery 5,000 Any skill above 30 16 Crafting icon, 30 Construction icon, 50 Prayer icon
King's Ransom 5,000 Any skill above 50 65 Defence icon
Darkness of Hallowvale 2,000 three times Any skill above 30 5 Construction icon, 20 Mining icon, 22 Thieving icon, 32 Crafting icon, 33 Magic icon, 40 Strength icon
Curse of the Empty Lord
10,000 Any skill above 50 Some players will need 31 Prayer icon
One Small Favour 10,000 twice Any skill above 30 36 Agility icon, 25 Crafting icon, 18 Herblore icon, 30 Smithing icon
Recipe for Disaster
(The final battle)
20,000 Any skill above 50 175 Quest point icon, 48 Agility icon, 50 Mining icon, 53 Fishing icon, 53 Thieving icon, 25 Herblore icon, 59 Magic icon, 40 Smithing icon, 50 Firemaking icon, 40 Ranged icon, 40 Crafting icon, 10 Fletching icon, 10 Slayer icon, 36 Woodcutting icon
Total 74,500


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Old School Team. "Bush Yield Improvements, Nordic Soft Launch and Mobile Changes". 23 August 2018. RuneScape News. *
  2. Jagex. Mod Ash's Twitter account. 26 January 2018. Mod Ash: "For herbs, the percentages are added for the secateurs and cape, then applied, then the Kandarin effect is multplied on afterwards."
  3. Mod Kieren. "Mod archie really needs to stop paraphrasing questions wrong.." 17 December 2015. Reddit Forums.
