Old School RuneScape Wiki
Old School RuneScape Wiki
This article is about the Fletching skill. For information on training Fletching, see Fletching training.


Fletching is a skill which allows the player to create various types of ranged weapons and their ammunition. The products of this skill are primarily used in the combat skill, Ranged. It also provides some of the most popular materials used for High Alchemy, which is a commonly used method for training the Magic skill.

At a higher Fletching level, the skill can be trained without losing any coins, although a decent amount of working capital is very useful. Money can usually be generated at higher Fletching levels. Alternatively, it can be extremely fast with more expensive methods.

Materials used[]

Fletchers use the following materials:


Picture Item Notes
Knife Knife Knives are used to whittle wood into unstrung bows or arrow shafts. You can find one in the Lumbridge castle basement and are a item commonly found for sale in general stores.
Chisel Chisel Used to cut gems the second time into various types of bolt tips.
Logs Logs Logs may be obtained from chopping trees via the woodcutting skill.

Making weapons[]


Picture Item Notes
Bow string Bow strings Bow strings are one of the materials used in making bows. They can be spun from flax using a Spinning Wheel and are commonly purchased from other players in large quantities.
Flax Flax Flax can be picked in Seers' Village and in the Taverley courtyard right next to the fountain. It can be spun into a bow string on a spinning wheel. There is a spinning wheel on the 2nd floor of the house north of the churchyard. Spinning flax gives 15 Crafting experience, and requires level 10 Crafting. Using the spinning wheel on the second floor of Lumbridge Castle is a favorite among players because of its proximity to the bank on the floor above.


Picture Item Notes
Crossbow string
Crossbow strings Crossbow strings are one of materials used to make crossbows. They can be spun from sinew and tree roots below magic trees.
Runite limbs
Metal Limbs Smithed from metal bars, metal limbs are used in the production of crossbows by using them with a crossbow stock. All limbs, except for Runite, are in stock by default at the crossbow stall in Keldagrim.
Sinew Sinew can be made by using a piece of raw beef with a range and choosing to make sinew.

Toxic blowpipe[]

Picture Item Notes
Tanzanite fang
Tanzanite fang Obtained as a rare drop from Zulrah. To make the fang into a Toxic blowpipe, use a chisel on the fang with level 53 fletching.


Picture Item Notes
Ballista limbs
Ballista limbs Ballista limbs can be obtained as a drop from Demonic gorillas.
Heavy frame
Ballista frame Ballista frames can be obtained as a drop from Demonic gorillas.
Ballista spring
Ballista spring Ballista springs can be obtained as a drop from Demonic gorillas.
Monkey tail
Monkey tail Monkey tails can be obtained as a drop from Demonic gorillas.

Making projectiles[]


Picture Item Notes
Rune arrowtips
Arrowtips Arrow heads can be bought in a ranging shop or smithed. 15 arrowtips are made from each bar.
Arrow shaft 5 Arrow shafts Arrow shafts can be made by using a knife on some logs. 15 shafts are made from each pile of logs. Normal logs can be fletched into 15 arrow shafts, oak into 30, adding 15 additional shafts for each tier of logs higher.
Feather Feathers Feathers can be acquired by killing chickens. Chickens have a chance of dropping 0, 5, 10, or 15 feathers. Feathers can also be bought in Shantay Pass. Shantay holds up to 500 feathers at a time, and feathers can be bought for a base price of 2 gold coins, as well as a 100 feather package for 200 coins.
Headless arrow
Headless arrows Combine feathers with arrow shafts. About 180 000 fletching experience per hour with maple logs while bankstanding. Buy materials from Grand exchange. A lot better experience than making maple longbows.
Steel arrow 5
Arrows Combine headless arrows with arrow heads.
Rune nails Nails Smithed from metal bars, nails are used in the production of Brutal arrows, as well as for Construction.
Wolfbone arrowtips
Wolfbone arrowtips These can be made by using wolf bones with a chisel.


Picture Item Notes
Barb bolttips
Barb bolttips Barbed tips are rewards from the Ranging Guild minigame.
Feather Feathers Feathers can be acquired by killing chickens. Chickens have a chance of dropping 0, 5, 10, or 15 feathers. Feathers can also be bought in Shantay Pass. Shantay holds up to 500 feathers at a time, and feathers can be bought for a base price of 2 gold coins, as well as a 100 feather package for 200 coins.
Dragonstone bolt tips 5 Gem bolt tips Gem bolt tips are attached to unfinished bolts (with feathers already attached) to make gem tiped bolts. They can be made by using the gem with a chisel. Every gem in RuneScape, including the Shilo gems, can be made into gem tips.
Pearl bolt tips 5
Pearl bolt tips Pearl bolt tips can be made by using an oyster pearl with a chisel.
Runite bolts (unf) 5
Unfinished bolts Unfinished bolts can be smithed from metal bars. 10 Unfinished bolts are made from each bar.


Picture Item Notes
Rune dart tip
Dart tips Dart tips can be smithed from metal bars. 10 are made from 1 bar.
Feather Feathers Feathers can be acquired by killing chickens. Chickens drop an average of about five feathers each. Feathers can also be bought in Shantay Pass. Shantay holds up to 500 feathers at a time, and feathers can be bought for a base price of 2 gold coins, as well as a 100 feather package for 200 coins.


Picture Item Notes
Rune javelin heads 5
Javelin heads Javelin heads can be smithed from metal bars.
Javelin shaft 5 Javelin shafts Javelin shafts can be made by using a knife on some logs. 15 shafts can be made from each pile of logs.

Making the items[]



To fletch bows, a player must use a knife on a log to whittle a short bow or long bow of that wood. Then, bow string must be attached to the unstrung bow. Bows, especially Yew longbows and Magic longbows, are frequently high alched as a means of income.

Bow Level Half Exp
Shortbow 5 5 10
Longbow 10 10 20
Oak shortbow 20 16.5 33
Oak longbow 25 25 50
Willow shortbow 35 33.3 66.6
Willow longbow 40 41.5 83
Maple shortbow 50 50 100
Maple longbow 55 58.3 116.6
Yew shortbow 65 67.5 135
Yew longbow 70 75 150
Magic shortbow 80 83.3 166.6
Magic longbow 85 91.5 183


To fletch crossbows, a player must make a crossbow stock out of a log using a knife. Then, metal limbs must be added using a hammer. Finally, a crossbow string must be added to the unstrung crossbow.

Crossbow Level Stocking exp Limbs exp Stringing exp Total
Bronze crossbow 9 6 12 6 24
Blurite crossbow 24 16 32 16 64
Iron crossbow 39 22 44 22 88
Steel crossbow 46 27 54 24 108
Mithril crossbow 54 32 64 32 128
Adamant crossbow 61 41 82 41 164
Rune crossbow 69 50 100 50 200
Ballista Level Limbs exp Spring exp Stringing exp Total
Light ballista 47 15 15 300 330
Heavy ballista 72 30 30 600 660


To fletch shields, players must have at least two logs in the inventory. The shields are used as the base for leather shields, which require Crafting levels to make.

Fletching the wooden shields grants the same amount of Fletching experience as fletching a full longbow of the same level.

Shield Level Experience
Oak shield 27 50
Willow shield 42 83
Maple shield 57 116.5
Yew shield 72 150
Magic shield 87 183
Redwood shield 92 216



To fletch arrows, use a knife on logs to create arrow shafts. Each log yields a variable amount of arrow shafts. Add feathers and arrow heads.

Achey logs can be whittled into Ogre arrow shafts. Each achey log yields between 2 and 6 arrow shafts. Four feathers are needed for each shaft. The shafts may be tipped with wolf bone arrow heads or with nails. Ogre shafts tipped with nails are called "brutals" and are especially useful for killing Zogres. Any type of metal may be used for the nails.

The following table shows experience per item made, although 15 items are made at a time:

Arrow Level Needed Experience Experience for 15
Arrow shafts 1 1/3 5
Headless arrows 1 1 15
Bronze arrows 1 1⅓ 20
Ogre arrow shafts 5 1.6 3.2-9.6 (2-6 shafts)
Wolfbone arrowtips 5 2.5 5-15 (2-6 arrowtips)
Flighted ogre arrows 5 0.9 13.5
Ogre arrows 5 1 15
Iron arrows 15 2.5 37.5
Steel arrows 30 5 75
Mithril arrows 45 7.5 112.5
Broad arrows 52 10 150
Adamant arrows 60 10 150
Rune arrows 75 12.5 187.5
Amethyst arrows 82 13.5 202.5
Dragon arrows 90 15 225


This section or article is incomplete and could do with improvement.
Reason: This subsection needs to be added; see bolts for different types
You can discuss this issue on the talk page or edit this page to improve it.

Bolts are the standard ammunition for crossbows. They are created by combining unfinished bolts with feathers. One feather is consumed for every unfinished bolt and are finished bolts are created in stacks of 10. Finished bolts can be improved by adding bolt tips to them. For example Sapphire bolt tips can be attached to Mithril bolts to create Sapphire bolts. Improved bolts can be enchanted using the Enchant Crossbow Bolt spell.

The following table shows every type of bolt available:

Bolt Level Needed Experience Experience for 10
Bronze bolts 9 0.5 5
Opal bolts 11 1.6 16
Blurite bolts 24 1 10
Kebbit bolts 26 4.77 28.6 (6 bolts)
Iron bolts 39 1.5 15
Pearl bolts 41 3.2 32
Long kebbit bolts 42 7.95 47.7 (6 bolts)
Silver bolts 43 2.5 25
Steel bolts 46 3.5 35
Red topaz bolts 48 3.9 39
Barbed bolts 51 9.5 95
Mithril bolts 54 5 50
Broad bolts 55 3 30
Sapphire bolts 56 4.7 47
Emerald bolts 58 5.5 55
Mithril grapple 59 59 590
Adamantite bolts 61 7 70
Ruby bolts 63 6.3 63
Diamond bolts 65 7 70
Runite bolts 69 10 100
Dragonstone bolts 71 8.2 82
Onyx bolts 73 9.4 94
Amethyst broad bolts 76 10.6 106


You can fletch darts by adding feathers to a smithed dart.

Dart Level Needed Experience Given
Bronze dart 10 1.8
Iron dart 22 3.8
Steel dart 37 7.5
Mithril dart 52 11.2
Adamant dart 67 15
Rune dart 81 18.8
Dragon dart 95 25


Javelin are made by attatching javelin heads to javelin shafts.

Item Level Needed Experience Exp for 15
Javelin shaft 3 1/3 5
Bronze javelin 3 1 15
Iron javelin 17 2 30
Steel javelin 32 5 75
Mithril javelin 47 8 120
Adamant javelin 62 10 150
Rune javelin 77 12.4 186
Amethyst javelin 84 13.5 202.5
Dragon javelin 92 15 225


Level advancement[]

See Fletching training.

The best way to pick up Fletching is to buy arrow shafts & feathers and make headless arrows — far better exp/hr than making arrow shafts or shortbow (u)s. (At lower levels making darts, bolts, arrows and javelins are the better exp/hr and better gp/hr than making unstrung bows.)

Levels Items to make Notes
1 - 35 Arrow shafts The best way to pick up fletching is to grab a knife, which spawns where Cook's Assistant is started, and an axe and enter any woods. Since a large portion of the map is normal trees, the training area is wide. Arrow shafts stack, so proximity to a bank is no issue. It is best to continue with arrow shafts instead of switching to oak bows. Since the introduction of Construction, oak logs have been too expensive for simple training. Additionally, fletching several thousand arrow shafts at this point means that they will not have to be fletched later.You can gain money from this.(Around 2k logs needed)
22 - 53 Iron darts Fast experience. Requires Tourist trap quest.
35 - 40 Half willow shortbows Willow logs can be acquired easily for a reasonable price. Money loss can be minimised by selling the unstrung bows to shops. (Roughly about 450 willow logs will be needed.)
40 - 70 Half willow longbows The medium level fletcher will make thousands of willow longbows. As with shortbows, they should not be strung, as cutting and stringing give the same exp but stringing can cost 6 times as much. Instead unfinished bows should be sold to shops. (Around 17k willow logs will be needed.)
52 - 99 Broad arrows 350 000 fletching experience per hour. Unlocking requires 300 slayer points.
70 - 85 Yew longbows Fletching yew longbows is the most popular method to gain fletching experience at this stage. Finally, it becomes cost effective to string the bows. Completed bows can be high alched for 768 coins or sold for less. Above level 70, you can train Fletching for free, as alchemizers who either do not have the levels or do not have the time trade raw materials for finished bows. Occasionally an alchemizer will also offer money as well, making it profitable. (Please note that if you want money, you are better to sell the bows and rebuy the supplies. This is often not cost effective however, as yew logs are difficult to obtain while hundreds of people make 'supps for longs' trades.
85 - 99 Yew or magic longbows Magic logs are more difficult to obtain, but provide greater experience. As completed magic longbows high alch for 1536 coins, the margin between items required to both fletch and high alch is better in comparison to yew long bows. Since both yew and magic longbows turn a profit when alched or sold, fletchers may choose to do either or both depending on availability of logs.

Random events[]

Players will encounter many random events while fletching; however, there are no random events that pertain to fletching.

Temporary boosts[]

Currently, the only known method to boost one's Fletching level is by eating orange spicy stews. However, the amount of boost is random.

As with all skills, your Fletching level will temporarily rise by one when a Fletching cape is worn. However, this requires level 99 Fletching to buy/wear.

Quests rewarding Fletching experience[]

Quest Experience
Fletching req. Other requirements
Big Chompy Bird Hunting 262 5 Fletching icon 30 Ranged icon, 30 Cooking icon
Animal Magnetism 1,000 - 18 Slayer icon, 19 Crafting icon, 30 Ranged icon, 35 Woodcutting icon
Zogre Flesh Eaters 2,000 30 Fletching icon 4 Smithing icon, 8 Herblore icon, 30 Ranged icon
The Fremennik Trials 2,812 25 Fletching icon 40 Woodcutting icon, 40 Crafting icon if crafting your own lyre
Devious Minds 5,000 50 Fletching icon 65 Smithing icon, 50 Runecrafting icon
Temple of Ikov 8,000 - 42 Thieving icon, 40 Ranged icon
Total 19,074

Skill choice[]

Upon completing any of the following quests, players may choose to allocate experience to Fletching. These rewards usually come in the form of items, such as lamps or books, and are independent of any experience rewards directly received for completing the quest.

Quest Experience
Skills available Skill requirements
Client of Kourend 500 twice Any -
Fairytale II - Cure a Queen 2,500 Any skill above 30 49 Farming icon, 57 Herblore icon
A Tail of Two Cats 2,500 twice Any skill above 30 -
The Great Brain Robbery 5,000 Any skill above 30 16 Crafting icon, 30 Construction icon, 50 Prayer icon
King's Ransom 5,000 Any skill above 50 65 Defence icon
Darkness of Hallowvale 2,000 three times Any skill above 30 5 Construction icon, 20 Mining icon, 22 Thieving icon, 32 Crafting icon, 33 Magic icon, 40 Strength icon
Curse of the Empty Lord
10,000 Any skill above 50 Some players will need 31 Prayer icon
The Tourist Trap 4,650 twice Agility icon Fletching icon Smithing icon Thieving icon 10 Fletching icon, 20 Smithing icon
One Small Favour 10,000 twice Any skill above 30 36 Agility icon, 25 Crafting icon, 18 Herblore icon, 30 Smithing icon
Recipe for Disaster
(The final battle)
20,000 Any skill above 50 175 Quest point icon, 48 Agility icon, 50 Mining icon, 53 Fishing icon, 53 Thieving icon, 25 Herblore icon, 59 Magic icon, 40 Smithing icon, 50 Firemaking icon, 40 Ranged icon, 40 Crafting icon, 10 Fletching icon, 10 Slayer icon, 36 Woodcutting icon
Total 83,800


  • There was once an error with the chat filter that lead to the word 'Fletching' being blocked when typed in chat for an entire day.
