- See also: Pay-to-play Crafting training
Quests that reward Crafting experience[]
Sheep Shearer: 150 experience
Goblin Diplomacy: 200 experience
Misthalin Mystery: 600 experience
Potter's wheel, spinning wheel and furnace locations[]
Barbarian Village has a
potter's wheel medium distance to closest bank (West
Varrock bank). No clay rocks or water source nearby.
Edgeville has the
furnace closest to the Barbarian Village. The
Crafting Guild has no bank nearby, but clay rocks and water source nearby, as well as two
spinning wheels.
Ultimate Ironman[]
Until level 40, ultimate ironmen can mine clay in
West Varrock mine, boat up to
Edgeville and use the well as a water source, then walk down to Barbarian Village wheel and kiln, then boat back down to
Champions' Guild/West Varrock mine. Yields 650-720 exp per run, depending on how much equipment you're carrying.
After level 40, use the Crafting Guild.
Common training methods[]
Level required | Method | Experience | Materials | Material cost | Product value | Profit / loss |
18 | Crafting leather chaps | 27 | Soft leather x 1 | 209 | 3 | −206 |
28 | Crafting hardleather bodies | 35 | Hard leather x 1 | 203 | 8 | −195 |
8 | Making bowls | 33 | Soft clay x 1 | 213 | 25 | −188 |
8 | Smelting unstrung gold amulets | 30 | Gold bar x 1 | 46 | 115 | 69 |
23 | Smelting tiaras | 52.5 | Silver bar x 1 | 103 | 76 | −27 |
20 | Cutting sapphires | 50 | Uncut sapphire x 1 | 455 | 371 | −84 |
27 | Cutting emeralds | 67.5 | Uncut emerald x 1 | 679 | 534 | −145 |
34 | Cutting rubies | 85 | Uncut ruby x 1 | 1,249 | 960 | −289 |
43 | Cutting diamonds | 107.5 | Uncut diamond x 1 | 2,627 | 1,891 | −736 |
Levels 1-99[]
Players are encouraged to change between training methods as necessary as the cost of certain methods fluctuates over time.
Leather armour | |||||||
Level range | Product name | XP per item | Experience needed | Materials needed | Material costs | Product value | Profit / Loss |
1-7 | Leather gloves | 13.5 | 650 | 48 Leather | 10,032 | 240 | : −9,792 |
7-9 | Leather boots | 16.25 | 319 | 19 Leather | 4,180 | 400 | : −3,780 |
9-11 | Leather cowls | 18.5 | 389 | 22 Leather | 4,389 | 63 | : −4,326 |
11-14 | Leather vambraces | 22 | 749 | 34 Leather | 7,106 | 102 | : −7,004 |
14-18 | Leather bodies | 25 | 1,416 | 57 Leather | 11,913 | 399 | : −11,514 |
18-28 | Leather chaps | 27 | 7,301 | 270 Leather | 56,430 | 810 | : −55,620 |
28-99 | Hardleather bodies | 35 | 13,023,607 | 372,103 Hard leather | 75,536,909 | 2,976,824 | : −72,560,085 |
Total | 13,034,431 | 450 Leather; 372,103 Hard leather | 75,630,959 | 2,978,838 | −72,652,121 |
This guide assumes all products are formed & fired.
Pottery | |||||||
Level range | Product name | XP per item | Experience needed | Materials needed | Material costs | Product value | Profit / loss |
1-7 | Empty Pots | 12.6 | 650 | 52 Soft clay | 11,076 | 208 | −10,868 |
7-8 | Pie dishes | 25 | 151 | 6 Soft clay | 1,278 | 360 | −918 |
8-99 | Bowls | 33 | 13,033,630 | 394,959 Soft clay | 84,126,267 | 9,873,975 | −74,252,292 |
Total | 13,034,431 | 395,017 Soft clay | 84,138,621 | 9,874,543 | −74,264,078 |
Gold jewellery[]
Gold jewellery | |||||||
Level range | Product name | XP per item | Experience needed | Materials needed | Material costs | Product value | Profit / loss |
5-6 | Gold rings | 15 | 124 | 8 gold bars | 368 | 920 | 552 |
6-8 | Gold necklaces | 20 | 289 | 14 gold bars | 644 | 1,568 | 924 |
8-20 | Gold amulet (u)s | 30 | 3,669 | 123 gold bars | 5,612 | 14,030 | 8,418 |
20-22 | Sapphire rings | 40 | 1,154 | 29 gold bars; 29 sapphires | 12,093 | 15,457 | 3,364 |
22-24 | Sapphire necklaces | 55 | 1,404 | 26 gold bars; 26 sapphires | 10,842 | 13,026 | 2,184 |
24-31 | Sapphire amulet (u)s | 65 | 7,805 | 120 gold bars; 120 sapphires | 50,040 | 55,320 | 5,280 |
31-40 | Emerald amulet (u)s | 70 | 22,391 | 320 gold bars; 320 emeralds | 185,600 | 224,000 | 38,400 |
40-43 | Ruby necklaces | 75 | 13,115 | 175 gold bars; 175 rubies | 176,050 | 195,650 | 19,600 |
43-50 | Diamond rings | 85 | 50,994 | 600 gold bars 600 diamonds | 1,162,200 | 1,168,200 | 6,000 |
50-56 | Ruby amulet (u)s | 85 | 82,707 | 973 gold bars; 973 rubies | 978,838 | 1,060,570 | 81,732 |
56-70 | Diamond necklaces | 90 | 553,587 | 6,151 gold bars; 6,151 diamonds | 11,914,487 | 12,418,869 | 504,382 |
70-99 | Diamond amulet (u)s | 100 | 12,296,804 | 122,968 gold bars; 122,968 diamonds | 238,189,016 | 244,952,256 | 6,763,240 |
Total | 13,034,431 | 131,506 gold bars; 175 sapphires; 320 emeralds; 1,148 rubies; 129719 diamonds | −252,685,790 | 260,119,866 | 7,434,076 |
Silver jewellery[]
Silver jewellery | |||||||
Level range | Product name | XP per item | Experience needed | Materials needed | Material costs | Product value | Profit / loss |
16-23 | Unstrung symbols | 50 | 3,545 | 71 silver bars | 7,313 | 6,958 | −355 |
23-99 | Tiara | 52.5 | 13,028,140 | 248,155 silver bars | 25,559,965 | 18,859,780 | −6,700,185 |
Total | 13,034,431 | 248,226 silver bars | 25,567,278 | 18,866,738 | −6,700,540 |
Gems | |||||||
Level range | Product name | XP per item | Experience needed | Materials needed | Material costs | Product value | Profit / loss |
20-27 | Sapphires | 50 | 5.260 | 105 uncut sapphires | 47,775 | 38,955 | −8,820 |
27-34 | Emeralds | 67.5 | 10,494 | 155 uncut emeralds | 105,245 | 82,770 | −22,475 |
34-43 | Rubies | 85 | 30,115 | 354 uncut rubies | 442,146 | 339,840 | −102,306 |
43-99 | Diamonds | 107.5 | 12,984,092 | 120,783 uncut diamonds | 317,296,941 | 228,400,653 | −88,896,288 |
Total | 13,034,431 | See above | −317,892,107 | 228,862,218 | −89,029,889 |
While crafting jewellery which requires two items to craft at the Al Kharid furnace, you can get an average amount of 750 items/hour. By using energy potions it is possible to craft up to 975 items per hour. And optimized routines 1000. This leads to 100k xp/h at its best.
One entire trip requires round about 20% running energy. Therefore one potion can refill two trips. At the end of use of a potion you can simply drop the vial.
If interested, you can earn additional profit and smithing experience by using silver ores instead of silver bars to craft unstrung holy symbols. For each run, carry a holy mould and 27 silver ores. Using this method at Edgeville bank, you would not have to resort to using energy potions because the time taken to smith and craft 27 silver ores into unholy strung symbols would replenish enough energy to run back and forth from the bank to the furnace.
Free-to-play guides | |
Members' guides |