Old School RuneScape Wiki

Quests that reward Crafting experience[]

Potter's wheel, spinning wheel and furnace locations[]

Link to Barbarian Village Barbarian Village has a Link to Potter's Wheel potter's wheel medium distance to closest bank (West Link to Varrock Varrock bank). No clay rocks or water source nearby. Link to Edgeville Edgeville has theLink to furnace furnace closest to the Barbarian Village. The Link to Crafting Guild Crafting Guild has no bank nearby, but clay rocks and water source nearby, as well as two Link to spinning wheel spinning wheels.

Ultimate Ironman[]

Until level 40, Link to Ironman mode#Ultimate ultimate ironmen can mine clay in Link to South-west Varrock mine West Varrock mine, boat up to Link to Edgeville Edgeville and use the well as a water source, then walk down to Barbarian Village wheel and kiln, then boat back down to Link to Champions' Guild Champions' Guild/West Varrock mine. Yields 650-720 exp per run, depending on how much equipment you're carrying.

After level 40, use the Crafting Guild.

Common training methods[]

Level required Method Experience Materials Material cost Product value Profit / loss
18 Crafting leather chaps 27 Soft leather x 1 209 3 −206
28 Crafting hardleather bodies 35 Hard leather x 1 203 8 −195
8 Making bowls 33 Soft clay x 1 213 25 −188
8 Smelting unstrung gold amulets 30 Gold bar x 1 46 115 69
23 Smelting tiaras 52.5 Silver bar x 1 103 76 −27
20 Cutting sapphires 50 Uncut sapphire x 1 455 371 −84
27 Cutting emeralds 67.5 Uncut emerald x 1 679 534 −145
34 Cutting rubies 85 Uncut ruby x 1 1,249 960 −289
43 Cutting diamonds 107.5 Uncut diamond x 1 2,627 1,891 −736

Levels 1-99[]

Players are encouraged to change between training methods as necessary as the cost of certain methods fluctuates over time.


Leather armour
Level range Product name XP per item Experience needed Materials needed Material costs Product value Profit / Loss
1-7 Leather gloves 13.5 650 48 Leather 10,032 240 : −9,792
7-9 Leather boots 16.25 319 19 Leather 4,180 400 : −3,780
9-11 Leather cowls 18.5 389 22 Leather 4,389 63 : −4,326
11-14 Leather vambraces 22 749 34 Leather 7,106 102 : −7,004
14-18 Leather bodies 25 1,416 57 Leather 11,913 399 : −11,514
18-28 Leather chaps 27 7,301 270 Leather 56,430 810 : −55,620
28-99 Hardleather bodies 35 13,023,607 372,103 Hard leather 75,536,909 2,976,824 : −72,560,085
Total 13,034,431 450 Leather; 372,103 Hard leather 75,630,959 2,978,838 −72,652,121


This guide assumes all products are formed & fired.

Level range Product name XP per item Experience needed Materials needed Material costs Product value Profit / loss
1-7 Empty Pots 12.6 650 52 Soft clay 11,076 208 −10,868
7-8 Pie dishes 25 151 6 Soft clay 1,278 360 −918
8-99 Bowls 33 13,033,630 394,959 Soft clay 84,126,267 9,873,975 −74,252,292
Total 13,034,431 395,017 Soft clay 84,138,621 9,874,543 −74,264,078

Gold jewellery[]

Gold jewellery
Level range Product name XP per item Experience needed Materials needed Material costs Product value Profit / loss
5-6 Gold rings 15 124 8 gold bars 368 920 552
6-8 Gold necklaces 20 289 14 gold bars 644 1,568 924
8-20 Gold amulet (u)s 30 3,669 123 gold bars 5,612 14,030 8,418
20-22 Sapphire rings 40 1,154 29 gold bars; 29 sapphires 12,093 15,457 3,364
22-24 Sapphire necklaces 55 1,404 26 gold bars; 26 sapphires 10,842 13,026 2,184
24-31 Sapphire amulet (u)s 65 7,805 120 gold bars; 120 sapphires 50,040 55,320 5,280
31-40 Emerald amulet (u)s 70 22,391 320 gold bars; 320 emeralds 185,600 224,000 38,400
40-43 Ruby necklaces 75 13,115 175 gold bars; 175 rubies 176,050 195,650 19,600
43-50 Diamond rings 85 50,994 600 gold bars 600 diamonds 1,162,200 1,168,200 6,000
50-56 Ruby amulet (u)s 85 82,707 973 gold bars; 973 rubies 978,838 1,060,570 81,732
56-70 Diamond necklaces 90 553,587 6,151 gold bars; 6,151 diamonds 11,914,487 12,418,869 504,382
70-99 Diamond amulet (u)s 100 12,296,804 122,968 gold bars; 122,968 diamonds 238,189,016 244,952,256 6,763,240
Total 13,034,431 131,506 gold bars; 175 sapphires; 320 emeralds; 1,148 rubies; 129719 diamonds −252,685,790 260,119,866 7,434,076

Silver jewellery[]

Silver jewellery
Level range Product name XP per item Experience needed Materials needed Material costs Product value Profit / loss
16-23 Unstrung symbols 50 3,545 71 silver bars 7,313 6,958 −355
23-99 Tiara 52.5 13,028,140 248,155 silver bars 25,559,965 18,859,780 −6,700,185
Total 13,034,431 248,226 silver bars 25,567,278 18,866,738 −6,700,540


Level range Product name XP per item Experience needed Materials needed Material costs Product value Profit / loss
20-27 Sapphires 50 5.260 105 uncut sapphires 47,775 38,955 −8,820
27-34 Emeralds 67.5 10,494 155 uncut emeralds 105,245 82,770 −22,475
34-43 Rubies 85 30,115 354 uncut rubies 442,146 339,840 −102,306
43-99 Diamonds 107.5 12,984,092 120,783 uncut diamonds 317,296,941 228,400,653 −88,896,288
Total 13,034,431 See above −317,892,107 228,862,218 −89,029,889


While crafting jewellery which requires two items to craft at the Al Kharid furnace, you can get an average amount of 750 items/hour. By using Energy potion(1) energy potions it is possible to craft up to 975 items per hour. And optimized routines 1000. This leads to 100k xp/h at its best.

One entire trip requires round about 20% running energy. Therefore one potion can refill two trips. At the end of use of a potion you can simply drop the Item image of %7B%7B%3Avial%7D%7D, File:vial vial.

If interested, you can earn additional profit and smithing experience by using silver ores instead of silver bars to craft unstrung holy symbols. For each run, carry a holy mould and 27 silver ores. Using this method at Edgeville bank, you would not have to resort to using energy potions because the time taken to smith and craft 27 silver ores into unholy strung symbols would replenish enough energy to run back and forth from the bank to the furnace. 
