Old School RuneScape Wiki
Old School RuneScape Wiki

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Healer hat detail
Healer hat chathead

The healer hat is a possible reward item from Barbarian Assault and requires 45 Defence to wear. Players who have killed the Penance Queen and have 275 Honour points in each of the four roles can purchase the hat from Commander Connad, located on the main floor of the Barbarian Outpost. The hat is part of the penance set, all parts of which are available from Barbarian assault.

The stats of the Healer hat are very similar to the farseer helm.  Both require 45 defence and offer +6 magic attack bonus with attack penalties of -5 to all other styles. However the healer hat has a slightly higher (+1) magic defence bonus at the cost of lower melee defence (-2 to stab, slash, and crush).

If the player dies below level 20 Wilderness, it will remain in the player's inventory. However, the item will be unusable and must be repaired with 45,000 coins by using the item on Perdu.
