Hopleez is an NPC who can be found east of the Hosidius Vinery. He is wielding a red chinchompa, and is wearing a white unicorn mask, amulet of fury (or), rangers' tunic, infinity gloves, black d'hide chaps, and flippers.
His name is a play on the phrase "hop please", which means to tell a player to change worlds so that their spot in a certain training area is not taken.
- Hopleez: Hop please.
- Player: Huh?
- Hopleez: I was here first...
- Player: No you weren't...
- Hopleez: I disconnected, I've been here all night.
- Player: Can't we share?
- Hopleez: Oh, that's not happening, my experience rates are too important to me.
- Player: Wouldn't hopping yourself and preventing this entire conversation have been better for experience rates?
- Hopleez: Just hop.
- Hopleez's appearance is based on Mitch Vanvaerenbergh's cosplay at RuneFest 2016.