Hugor is a dwarf who lives in Land's End. He can be seen walking drunkenly while holding a glass of wine.
Dialogue 1[]
- Hugor: Got anymore *hic* wine?
- Player: Ummm... No, sorry. Looks like you've had enough anyway.
- Hugor: Well, I *hic* ...disagree.
- Player: Why are you drinking so much? To forget?
- Hugor: Nope, tastes mighty fine! Any chance you *hic* know where Horses go?
- Player: The what?
- Hugor: The Horses!
- Player: Are, the 'Horses'... How unfortunate, the wine has made you delirious. I've no idea what a Horse is my friend.
- Hugor: Oh.
Dialogue 2[]
- Hugor: You know this *hic* place was built twice?
- Player: Ummm... How come?
- Hugor: Storm swept in and erased it, had to be built again from scratch.
- Player: Huh, what a shame.
- Hugor: They did a better job second time round, but the builder sure was annoyed.
- Player: Who was the builder?
- Hugor: Some *hic* Westener.
- The second dialogue references the fact that during the creation of Land's End, Mod West accidentally deleted the area by saving Rimmington over it and lost 4 hours of work.[1]
- ↑ Mod West. "Some Westerner." 17 November, 2016. Reddit Forums.