Old School RuneScape Wiki
Old School RuneScape Wiki

Jewellery is any item that can be worn in the amulet/necklace equipment slot or the ring equipment slot, plus bracelets which are worn in the glove slot. Jewellery can be enchanted to gain special properties. Unenchanted jewellery is purely decorative. Most jewellery can be made using the Crafting skill. Non-members may only craft, enchant or use amulets up to diamond, and cannot use any functional necklaces or rings. If you have the magic level to enchant jewellery, but not the Crafting level to make it, then see what you can buy at Grum's in Port Sarim.

Normal (unenchanted) jewellery[]

Gold can be crafted into plain rings, necklaces, bracelets, or amulets. A player can also craft gold jewellery together with cut gems such as sapphire, emerald, ruby, diamond, dragonstone, onyx, and zenyte. Meanwhile silver jewellery can only be crafted with cut opal, jade, or red topaz. Gem jewellery can be enchanted as noted below.

Unenchanted jewellery
Gemstone Ring Necklace Bracelet (m) Amulet
None Gold ring Gold Gold necklace Gold Gold bracelet Gold Gold amulet Gold
Opal Opal ring Opal Opal necklace Opal Opal bracelet Opal Opal amulet Opal
Jade Jade ring Jade Jade necklace Jade Jade bracelet Jade Jade amulet Jade
Red topaz Topaz ring Topaz Topaz necklace Topaz Topaz bracelet Topaz Topaz amulet Topaz
Sapphire Sapphire ring Sapphire Sapphire necklace Sapphire Sapphire bracelet Sapphire Sapphire amulet Sapphire
Emerald Emerald ring Emerald Emerald necklace Emerald Emerald bracelet Emerald Emerald amulet Emerald
Ruby Ruby ring Ruby Ruby necklace Ruby Ruby bracelet Ruby Ruby amulet Ruby
Diamond Diamond ring Diamond Diamond necklace Diamond Diamond bracelet Diamond Diamond amulet Diamond
Dragonstone Dragonstone ring Dragonstone Dragon necklace Dragonstone Dragonstone bracelet Dragonstone Dragonstone amulet Dragonstone
Onyx Onyx ring Onyx Onyx necklace Onyx Onyx bracelet Onyx Onyx amulet Onyx
Zenyte Zenyte ring Zenyte Zenyte necklace Zenyte Zenyte bracelet Zenyte Zenyte amulet Zenyte

Silver can also be crafted into plain tiaras which can be made into replacements for Runecrafting talismans by using the tiara with its corresponding talisman at a Runecrafting altar.


Name Materials Materials cost Item price Profit/loss gold/hour
Opal ring Opal ring Silver bar Silver bar Opal Opal −334 561 227 147,550
Opal necklace Opal necklace Silver bar Silver bar Opal Opal −334 573 239 155,350
Opal bracelet Opal bracelet Silver bar Silver bar Opal Opal −334 536 202 131,300
Opal amulet (u) Opal amulet (u) Silver bar Silver bar Opal Opal −334 440 106 68,900
Jade ring Jade ring Silver bar Silver bar Jade Jade −356 725 369 239,850
Jade necklace Jade necklace Silver bar Silver bar Jade Jade −356 702 346 224,900
Jade bracelet Jade bracelet Silver bar Silver bar Jade Jade −356 596 240 156,000
Jade amulet (u) Jade amulet (u) Silver bar Silver bar Jade Jade −356 719 363 235,950
Topaz ring Topaz ring Silver bar Silver bar Red topaz Red topaz −4,413 3,947 −466 −302,900
Topaz necklace Topaz necklace Silver bar Silver bar Red topaz Red topaz −4,413 1,389 −3,024 −1,965,600
Topaz bracelet Topaz bracelet Silver bar Silver bar Red topaz Red topaz −4,413 4,633 220 143,000
Topaz amulet (u) Topaz amulet (u) Silver bar Silver bar Red topaz Red topaz −4,413 4,733 320 208,000
Gold ring Gold ring Gold bar Gold bar −46 115 69 96,600
Gold necklace Gold necklace Gold bar Gold bar −46 112 66 92,400
Gold bracelet Gold bracelet Gold bar Gold bar −46 134 88 123,200
Gold amulet (u) Gold amulet (u) Gold bar Gold bar −46 115 69 96,600
Sapphire ring Sapphire ring Gold bar Gold bar Sapphire Sapphire −417 533 116 75,400
Sapphire necklace Sapphire necklace Gold bar Gold bar Sapphire Sapphire −417 501 84 54,600
Sapphire bracelet Sapphire bracelet Gold bar Gold bar Sapphire Sapphire −417 499 82 53,300
Sapphire amulet (u) Sapphire amulet (u) Gold bar Gold bar Sapphire Sapphire −417 461 44 28,600
Emerald ring Emerald ring Gold bar Gold bar Emerald Emerald −580 679 99 64,350
Emerald necklace Emerald necklace Gold bar Gold bar Emerald Emerald −580 700 120 78,000
Emerald bracelet Emerald bracelet Gold bar Gold bar Emerald Emerald −580 764 184 119,600
Emerald amulet (u) Emerald amulet (u) Gold bar Gold bar Emerald Emerald −580 700 120 78,000
Ruby ring Ruby ring Gold bar Gold bar Ruby Ruby −1,006 1,055 49 31,850
Ruby necklace Ruby necklace Gold bar Gold bar Ruby Ruby −1,006 1,118 112 72,800
Ruby bracelet Ruby bracelet Gold bar Gold bar Ruby Ruby −1,006 1,166 160 104,000
Ruby amulet (u) Ruby amulet (u) Gold bar Gold bar Ruby Ruby −1,006 1,090 84 54,600
Diamond ring Diamond ring Gold bar Gold bar Diamond Diamond −1,937 1,947 10 6,500
Diamond necklace Diamond necklace Gold bar Gold bar Diamond Diamond −1,937 2,019 82 53,300
Diamond bracelet Diamond bracelet Gold bar Gold bar Diamond Diamond −1,937 2,043 106 68,900
Diamond amulet (u) Diamond amulet (u) Gold bar Gold bar Diamond Diamond −1,937 1,992 55 35,750
Dragonstone ring Dragonstone ring Gold bar Gold bar Dragonstone Dragonstone −11,978 12,035 57 37,050
Dragon necklace Dragon necklace Gold bar Gold bar Dragonstone Dragonstone −11,978 12,093 115 74,750
Dragonstone bracelet Dragonstone bracelet Gold bar Gold bar Dragonstone Dragonstone −11,978 12,029 51 33,150
Dragonstone amulet (u) Dragonstone amulet (u) Gold bar Gold bar Dragonstone Dragonstone −11,978 11,767 −211 −137,150
Onyx ring Onyx ring Gold bar Gold bar Onyx Onyx −2,928,519 1,580,261 −1,348,258 −876,367,700
Onyx necklace Onyx necklace Gold bar Gold bar Onyx Onyx −2,928,519 2,618,791 −309,728 −201,323,200
Onyx bracelet Onyx bracelet Gold bar Gold bar Onyx Onyx −2,928,519 2,746,922 −181,597 −118,038,050
Onyx amulet (u) Onyx amulet (u) Gold bar Gold bar Onyx Onyx −2,928,519 2,697,179 −231,340 −150,371,000
Zenyte ring Zenyte ring Gold bar Gold bar Zenyte Zenyte −15,734,589 18,442,622 2,708,033 1,760,221,450
Zenyte necklace Zenyte necklace Gold bar Gold bar Zenyte Zenyte −15,734,589 18,549,252 2,814,663 1,829,530,950
Zenyte bracelet Zenyte bracelet Gold bar Gold bar Zenyte Zenyte −15,734,589 18,521,947 2,787,358 1,811,782,700
Zenyte amulet (u) Zenyte amulet (u) Gold bar Gold bar Zenyte Zenyte −15,734,589 14,260,504 −1,474,085 −958,155,250

Enchanted jewellery[]


Amulets are normally associated with a combat statistics advantage, while other jewellery has less defined roles. Amulets do not wear out, although the Amulet of glory needs its additional powers recharged after four uses.

Item Gem Attack Defence Strength Prayer Notes
Melee Magic Range Melee Magic Range
Amulet of accuracy Cannot be crafted; however can get another; see notes for more info. 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 A reward for Imp Catcher quest, useful for all combat classes, including ranged which does not have a specialised amulet. Not actually "enchanted". Players may reclaim more amulets after the quest by speaking to Wizard Mizgog with a complete set of beads (black, red, white, and yellow).
Amulet of magic Sapphire 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 A high magic attack bonus for a low level amulet.
Amulet of defence Emerald 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 Perfect for miners in monster-infested mines.
Amulet of nature Emerald, strung with magic string 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 It can be used to monitor the state of a farming patch.
Amulet of strength Ruby 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 The "amulet of hitting harder" for melee fighters.
Amulet of power Diamond 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 The top free-to-play amulet, with good balance for most classes of combat, though a little weaker for a mage attacking targets that cannot reach them.
Amulet of glory Dragonstone 10 10 10 3 3 3 6 3 Stronger in attack than defence, but otherwise the premier amulet with additional charge and teleport bonuses, until the Fury. The teleport capability is effective up to level 30 Wilderness, while the normal teleport spells fail beyond level 20
Amulet of fury Onyx 10 10 10 15 15 15 8 5 The same attack, better strength and much better defence than the "Glory", also higher prayer bonus - no teleports.
Amulet of torture Zenyte 15 15 15 0 0 0 10 2 Requires 75 Hitpoints to equip. Offers the highest attack bonuses and tied for highest strength bonus, but offers no defence bonuses.
Not amulets, but similar in effect
Holy symbol 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 8
Unholy symbol 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 8 Members only

Non-combat, specialised amulets:

Item Gem Lasts for Notes
Amulet of bounty Opal 10 uses 25% chance to save seeds when planting them in allotment patches.
Amulet of chemistry Jade 5 uses 5% chance to create a four-dosed potion when brewing potions.
Burning amulet Topaz 5 uses Can teleport the player to various locations in the Wilderness.

Other amulets:


At one time, the most limited category of enchantable items, but the full range are now enchantable by members.

Item Gem Lasts for Description
Games necklace Sapphire 8 uses Transport to Burthorpe Games Room, Barbarian Assault minigame, Corporeal Beast's Cave, Tears of Guthix (after completion of the Tears of Guthix quest), or Wintertodt Camp (must have visited Zeah).
Dodgy necklace Opal 10 uses 25% chance to prevent the player from being stunned and damaged while pickpocketing NPCs.
Necklace of binding Emerald 16 uses 100% success in making combination runes.
Necklace of passage Jade 5 uses Can teleport the player to Wizards' Tower, Jorral's Outpost, and the Desert eagle station of the eagle transport system.
Digsite pendant Ruby 5 uses Transport to Dig Site and Fossil Island. The spell to enchant it is learned during Varrock Museum miniquest
Necklace of faith Topaz 1 use Automatically restores the wearer's prayer points by 10% if their hitpoints drop below 20%. Degrades to dust after use.
Phoenix necklace Diamond 1 use Automatically restores Hitpoints equivalent to 30% of the max stat if wearer drops below 20%. Has priority over Ring of life.
Necklace of skills Dragonstone 4 teleports Allows wearer to teleport to Fishing, Mining, Crafting and Cooking Guilds. Slightly increases chance of getting a casket when big net fishing. Can be recharged at totem in Legends' Guild.
Berserker necklace Onyx Strength raised by 7. Stab Attack, Slash Attack and Crush Attack reduced by 10. Stab Defence, Slash Defence, Crush Defence, Magic Defence and Ranged Defence reduced by 20. Increases the amount of damage wearer does when wielding an obsidian melee weapon by 20%.


Many rings have a limited number of uses before they are destroyed. Charges (uses) cannot transfer to other players; so if you only have one charge left, and you trade rings with someone who has full charges, your new ring will still disappear after one more use, and the other person will still get full use out of his. All enchanted rings are members only.

Item Gem Lasts for Description
Ring of recoil Sapphire 40 damage Recoils 10% of the damage done to you onto your attacker, lasts for 40 returned damage.
Ring of pursuit Opal 10 uses 25% chance to reveal the entire track of hunter creatures caught via noose wand.
Ring of dueling Emerald 8 uses Teleport to the Duel Arena, also a quick way to get to Al-Kharid, near the Fire altar. An alternative teleport location is Castle Wars, with a convenient bank nearby.
Ring of returning Jade 5 uses The player will be teleported to their respawn point.
Ring of forging Ruby 140 bars Smelt iron with 100% success, instead of 50% - this makes iron excellent Smithing experience for members if you can buy or make these rings.
Efaritay's aid Topaz 200 uses The player will be able to attack vampyric creatures with any weapon. The ring consumes one charge per attack.
Ring of life Diamond 1 use An automatic teleport to Lumbridge (or Falador upon completion of Recruitment Drive) if you have less than 10% hitpoints remaining - can be a lifesaver, unless your opponent deals fatal damage from more than 10%. Ineffective beyond level 30 Wilderness, as with the Amulet of glory.
Ring of wealth Dragonstone Increased chance of obtaining a rare drop upon hitting the rare drop table on monster kills.
Ring of stone Onyx Turns the wearer into a rock. Effects: Can only talk or unmorph, attempting to move or being attacked will also unmorph. Poison damage and prayer drain are halted while morphed (probably all recovery as well).
Easter ring A reward for completing an Easter holiday event. Similar in effect to the Ring of stone, but turns the wearer into an Easter egg. Effects: Can only talk or unmorph, attempting to move or being attacked will also unmorph. Poison damage and prayer drain are halted while morphed (probably all recovery as well).


Bracelets are worn in the place of gloves. All enchanted bracelets are members only.

Item Gem Lasts for Description
Bracelet of clay Sapphire 28 clay Wearer will mine soft clay rather than hard clay while wearing bracelet.
Expeditious bracelet Opal 30 uses There is a chance to count one of its wearer's slayer assignment kills to count as two instead, but granting no additional experience. Must be worn on the killing blow to count.
Castle wars bracelet Emerald 3 games Wielder will do extra 20% of damage against a bearer of their side's flag. Castle Wars bandages heals 50% more to wielders of the bracelet.
Flamtaer bracelet Jade 80 uses Each build at the Shades of Mort'ton temple will become substantially more effective.
Inoculation bracelet Ruby 275 damage Protects the wearer from an amount of disease damage. Breaks when protection has been used up.
Bracelet of slaughter Topaz 30 uses There is a 25% chance for a slayer assignment kill to not count as a kill towards it, but still granting the appropriate Slayer experience. Must be worn on the killing blow to count.
Abyssal bracelet Diamond 5 uses Prevents wearer from being skulled when entering the Abyss. Player still suffers from Prayer drain.
Bracelet of combat Dragonstone 4 teleports Allows wearer to teleport to Warriors', Champions' and Ranging Guild as well as the Monastery. Updates wearer with their Slayer totals every tenth target they need to kill. Can be recharged at totem in Legends' Guild.
Bracelet of regeneration Onyx Doubles the natural Hitpoint recovery.