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Old School RuneScape Wiki

For a list of every task sorted by certain requirements, see Achievements/All achievements.

The Kandarin Achievements is a set of Achievements relating to the kingdom of Kandarin and its surrounding area, released on 5 March 2015.

To complete all of the tasks, players will need the stats shown below.


Items Required
Skills Needed
Quests required
Task Quest(s) Needed Skill(s)


Items Needed
1. Catch a mackerel at Catherby. None 16 Fishing icon Big fishing net (or 20 coins to buy one at the Catherby Fishing Shop)
2. Buy a candle from the candle maker in Catherby. None None 3 coins
3. Collect 5 flax from the Seers' Village flax field. None None None
4. Play the Church organ in the Seer's Village church. None None None
5. Plant jute seeds in the farming patch north of McGrubor's Wood. None 13 Farming icon 3 jute seeds, rake and a seed dibber
6. Have Galahad make you a cup of tea. None None None
7. Defeat one of each elemental in the Elemental workshop (can NOT kill same elemental 4 times—earth elementals in rock form do not count). Started Elemental Workshop I None Battered key, weapon
8. Get a pet fish from Harry in Catherby.

(Talk to Harry with items needed in inventory.)

None 42 Crafting icon (Ironman to make fishbowl) Fishbowl filled with water, seaweed and 10 coins
9. Buy a stew from the Seers' Village pub. None None 20 coins
10. Speak to Sherlock between the Sorcerer's Tower and Keep Le Faye. None None None
11. Cross the Coal Trucks log balance. None 20 Agility icon None (Tip: Take a pickaxe to mine coal for a medium task.)



Items Required
Skills Needed
Quests required
Task Quest(s) Needed Skill(s)


Items Needed
1. Complete a lap of the Barbarian agility course. Alfred Grimhand's Barcrawl 35 Agility icon None (Tip: Games necklace teleports you to the entrance.)
2. Create a Superantipoison potion from scratch in the Seers/Catherby area. None 48 Herblore icon Vial of water, irit leaf, unicorn horn dust
3. Enter the Ranging Guild. None 40 Ranged icon None (Tip: Combat bracelet teleports you to the entrance.)
4. Use the grapple shortcut to get from the water obelisk to Catherby shore. None 36 Agility icon

22 Strength icon 39 Ranged icon

Mith grapple, Rope, any crossbow, dusty key or 70 Agility. Recommended: Anti-dragon shield and antipoison. Also, a mithril bolt to attach the grapple and rope to.

(Tip: Take an unpowered orb and runes for Charge Water Orb for a hard task.)

5. Catch and cook a bass in Catherby. None 46 Fishing icon

43 Cooking icon

Big fishing net (or 20 coins to buy one at the Catherby Fishing Shop)
6. Teleport to Camelot. None 45 Magic icon 1Law5Air
7. String a maple shortbow in Seers' Village bank. None 50 Fletching icon Maple shortbow (u), bow string
8. Pick some limpwurt root from the farming patch in Catherby. None 26 Farming icon Limpwurt seed, rake, seed dibber it is strongly recommended that you take supercompost or ultracompost as your limpwurt plant can die easily
9. Create a mind helmet. Elemental Workshop II None Mind bar, hammer, beaten book, battered key
10. Kill a fire giant in the Waterfall Dungeon. Waterfall Quest None Glarial's amulet (if Waterfall Quest isn't completed), rope, combat equipment
11. Complete a wave of Barbarian Assault. None None, but decent Multicombat recommended Combat equipment
12. Steal from the chest in Hemenster. None 47 Thieving icon Lockpick—the chest is located in the building between the range and the anvil.
13. Travel to McGrubor's Wood by Fairy ring. Started Fairytale II - Cure a Queen None Dramen or Lunar staff (code: als)
14. Mine some coal near the coal trucks. None 30 Mining icon Any pickaxe



Items Required
Skills Needed
Quests required
Task Quest(s) Needed Skill(s)


Items Needed
1. Catch a leaping sturgeon. Barbarian Training - Fishing 70 Fishing icon(boostable)

45 Agility icon 45 Strength icon

Barbarian rod, fishing bait or feathers
2. Complete a lap of the Seers' Village Agility Course. None 60 Agility icon None
3. Create a yew longbow from scratch around Seers' Village. None 70 Fletching icon(boostable)

60 Woodcutting icon(boostable)

10 Crafting icon

Any woodcutting axe, bow string, knife (obtained south of Seers' bank)
4. Enter the Seers' Village courthouse with Piety turned on. King's Ransom, Knight Waves Training Grounds 70 Prayer icon

70 Defence icon

5. Charge a water orb. None 56 Magic icon 3Cosmic30Water, unpowered orb, dusty key or at least 70 Agility icon for shortcut
6. Burn some maple logs with a bow in Seers' Village. Barbarian Firemaking 65 Firemaking icon Maple logs, any bow (except Ogre bow, Crystal bow, Twisted bow, Dark bow, Craw's bow or Cursed goblin bow)
7. Kill a shadow hound in the Shadow Dungeon. Started Desert Treasure None Ring of visibility
8. Kill a Mithril dragon. Barbarian Firemaking None, but high Multicombat and 43+ Prayer icon recommended Combat equipment, anti-dragon shield
9. Purchase and equip a granite body from Barbarian Assault. None 50 Strength icon 50 Defence icon Combat equipment to pass through Waves 1-10 and 95,000 coins
10. Have the Seers estate agent decorate your house with Fancy Stone. None 50 Construction icon 25,000 coins (30,000 if your house is already decorated with Fancy Stone) You must finish the dialogue with the estate agent, or the task will not count!
11. Smith an adamant spear at Otto's Grotto. Barbarian Smithing (with Tai Bwo Wannai Trio as a prerequisite) 75 Smithing icon(boostable) Yew logs, adamantite bar, hammer



Items Required
Skills Needed
Quests required
Task Quest(s) Needed Skill(s)


Items Needed
1. Read the blackboard at Barbarian Assault after reaching level 5 in every role. None None None
2. Pick some dwarf weed from the herb patch at Catherby. None 79 Farming icon Dwarf weed seed, seed dibber, spade, rake, ultracompost (recommended)
3. Fish and cook 5 sharks in Catherby (at the range next to the bank) using the Cooking gauntlets. Family Crest 76 Fishing icon

80 Cooking icon

Harpoon, cooking gauntlets
4. Mix a Stamina mix on top of the Seers' Village bank. Barbarian Herblore 86 Herblore icon

60 Agility icon

Stamina potion (2-dose), caviar
5. Smith a rune hasta at Otto's Grotto. Barbarian Smithing 90 Smithing icon Runite bar, magic logs, hammer
6. Construct a pyre ship from magic logs. Barbarian Firemaking 85 Firemaking icon

85 Crafting icon

Magic logs, chewed bones, tinderbox, and any woodcutting axe
7. Teleport to Catherby. Lunar Diplomacy 87 Magic icon 3Law3Astral10Water



