King Sand Crabs are aggressive monsters that look like sandy boulders while disguised, but attack when walked by. They are found inside the Catacombs of Kourend in the southeast section of the dungeon, as well as the Crabclaw Caves found south of the Woodcutting Guild.
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Bones 1 Always 89
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Water rune 1–39 Rare 4–156 Earth rune 2–40 Rare 8–160 Air talisman 1 Rare 92 Mind talisman 1 Rare 3,875 Fire talisman 1 Rare 4,924 Cosmic talisman 1 Rare 784 Body talisman 1 Rare 1,028 Water talisman 1 Rare 171 Earth talisman 1 Rare 310
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Steel platebody 1 Uncommon 901 Black claws 1 Uncommon 407 Black platebody 1 Uncommon 3,696 Mithril axe 1 Uncommon 75 Rock-shell gloves 1 Uncommon 489 Rock-shell boots 1 Uncommon 275 Black warhammer 1 Rare 332 Adamant longsword 1 Rare 1,644
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Poison ivy seed 1 Uncommon 18 Belladonna seed 1 Uncommon 57 Guam seed 1 Uncommon 9 Marrentill seed 1 Uncommon 5 Tarromin seed 1 Uncommon 10 Harralander seed 1 Uncommon 31 Toadflax seed 1 Rare 795 Ranarr seed 1 Rare 45,466 Irit seed 1 Rare 47 Avantoe seed 1 Rare 1,675 Snapdragon seed 1 Rare 54,551 Cadantine seed 1 Rare 1,034 Lantadyme seed 1 Rare 2,358 Dwarf weed seed 1 Very rare 423 Torstol seed 1 Very rare 58,385
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Grimy guam leaf 1 Uncommon 15 Grimy marrentill 1 Uncommon 13 Grimy tarromin 1 Uncommon 132 Grimy harralander 1 Uncommon 674 Grimy ranarr weed 1 Rare 7,640 Grimy irit leaf 1 Rare 775 Grimy avantoe 1 Rare 1,814 Grimy kwuarm 1 Rare 1,165 Grimy cadantine 1 Rare 1,312 Grimy lantadyme 1 Rare 1,391 Grimy dwarf weed 1 Rare 448
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Coins 27; 28; 42; 70; 137 Common Not sold Raw lobster 1 Common 210 Raw bass 1 Common 457 Tinderbox 1 Common 62 Casket 1 Uncommon 731 Rock-shell splinter 1 Uncommon (1/64) 24,845 Rock-shell chunk 1 Uncommon (1/64) 12,280 Rock-shell shard 1 Uncommon (1/64) 21,332 Ancient shard 1 Rare (1/200) Not sold Dark totem base 1 Rare (1/300) Not sold Dark totem middle 1 Rare (1/300) Not sold Dark totem top 1 Rare (1/300) Not sold Clue scroll (medium) 1 Very rare Not sold
Gem drop table
In addition to the drops above, this monster has access to the gem drop table.
Show/hide gem drop table Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Uncut sapphire 1 Rare 455 Uncut emerald 1 Rare 679 Uncut ruby 1 Rare 1,249 Unknown talisman
(please specify)1 Very rare Error Uncut diamond 1 Very rare 2,627 Rune javelin 5 Very rare 875 Loop half of key 1 Very rare 10,307 Tooth half of key 1 Very rare 10,840 Rune spear 1 Very rare 11,933 Shield left half 1 Very rare 65,697 Dragon spear 1 Very rare 37,226
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