Old School RuneScape Wiki
Old School RuneScape Wiki

King Vallance is the official ruler of Asgarnia and great uncle of Miazrqa. However, he has not been seen for many years, and Sir Amik Varze rules in his stead.


After the death of his forebearer, Vallance inherited a kingdom with two major political rivals; the Black Knights and the White Knights. During his reign, Falador saw the continued prosperity that the previous king had established. However, when he grew old and ill, central authority began to weaken and the once controlled political rivalry between both parties turned for the worst when the White Knights gained political supremacy and declared that the Kinshra no longer had power in Asgarnia. This lead to a cold war and subsequently, an invasion by the Black Knights which climaxed in the Siege of Falador in the Year 164. Although the invasion failed, political tensions remain to this very day, with both sides plotting in their fortresses to end the other once and for all.

Since then, he has not been seen for many years in public. Sir Vyvin claims that the White Knights are helping Vallance rule because he is getting "old and tired". Sir Amik Varze, the current leader of the White Knights, rules in his place.

However, if the player talks to Denulth in Burthorpe after completing Troll Stronghold, he will tell the player that the White Knights took control of the 'old and weak king', which refers to King Vallance.


Preceded by Title Succeeded by
King Raddallin King of Asgarnia Sir Amik Varze (unofficial)