Old School RuneScape Wiki
Old School RuneScape Wiki

Human Jogre Spider Ghost Demon


Kolodion is the master of the Mage Arena miniquest. He is fought to gain entrance to the Mage Arena, where players fight for their god of choice.

When a player fights him, during the Mage Arena miniquest, he first starts out as a man, then a jogre, a giant ice blue spider, a large ghost, and finally black demon, (which is the only form to have a combat level) at level 112. To prevent large hits, it is recommended that players achieve level 37 Prayer to use Protect from Magic. Also, they should bring the required runes for their highest-level and most powerful spell since you can not use melee or ranged to fight him, and either at least 20 or 25 cooked sharks (to keep up life points during the battle), or a few prayer potions (when using prayer).

Fighting Kolodion

A player fighting Kolodion.

He attacks players with the three god spells, which all have a maximum hit of 20, regardless of the form he is in.

After Kolodion is defeated, players may enter the sparkling pool, where players can then worship one of the three god statues, dedicated to Guthix, Saradomin and Zamorak. They will then receive a god cape, based on their choice. They can then claim that god's staff by speaking to the Chamber guardian for free, and additional staves (of any god) for 80,000 coins each.

Kolodion's final form is considered a black demon towards a slayer assignment.
