Old School RuneScape Wiki
Old School RuneScape Wiki

Lantadyme detail

Lantadyme is a high level herb requiring a Herblore level of 67 to clean. It is obtained by cleaning grimy lantadyme which can be grown from a lantadyme seed with a Farming level of 73.

Lantadymes are used to make anti-fire potions (with ground blue dragon scales) and magic potions (with potato cactus).


Potion/item Level Second
XP Effect/usage
Antifire potion(3) Antifire potion

Herblore icon 69

Dragon scale dust 157.5 Reduces Dragon fire damage taken for six minutes.
Magic potion(3) Magic potion

Herblore icon 76

Potato cactus 172.5 Boosts Magic by 4 levels.
