Old School RuneScape Wiki
Old School RuneScape Wiki
Mahogany eagle lectern

A player creates tablets with the Mahogany Eagle Lectern.

Mahogany eagle lectern built

A mahogany eagle lecturn.

A Lectern is a piece of furniture that can be built in the study of their player-owned houses.

With the use of a lectern, the players have the ability to craft magic tablets. Each level of lectern allows new spells to be crafted. To craft a spell tablet, players needs one soft clay for each tablet and the runes and Magic level required to cast the spell. It takes 4.2 seconds, or 7 ticks to craft each tablet.

There is a difference between the eagle and demon lecterns, and although they both gain more spells the higher level construction needed to build the lectern, Eagle tend to have only teleport spells (with the exception of the Lvl-1 Enchant spell), while demon lecterns are composed of enchantment spells, as well as bone alchemy (such as Bones to Bananas) with the exception of a Varrock Teleport.

Types of lecterns[]

Lectern Image Level Materials Experience
Oak Oak lectern icon 40 1 Oak plank 60
Eagle Eagle lectern icon 47 2 Oak planks 120
Demon Demon lectern icon 47 2 Oak planks 120
Teak eagle Teak eagle lectern icon 57 2 Teak planks 180
Teak demon Teak demon lectern icon 57 2 Teak planks 180
Mahogany eagle Mahogany eagle lectern icon 67 2 Mahogany planks, 1 gold leaf 580
Mahogany demon Mahogany demon lectern icon 67 2 Mahogany planks, 1 gold leaf 580

Tablets available[]

The tablets that can be made on each lectern are as follows:

Oak Eagle Teak Eagle Mahogany Eagle Demon Teak Demon Mahogany Demon
Varrock teleport Varrock teleport Yes check Yes check Yes check Yes check Yes check Yes check Yes check
Lumbridge teleport Lumbridge teleport Yes check Yes check Yes check
Falador teleport Falador teleport Yes check Yes check Yes check
Camelot teleport Camelot teleport Yes check Yes check
Ardougne teleport Ardougne teleport Yes check Yes check
Watchtower teleport Watchtower teleport Yes check
Teleport to house Teleport to house Yes check
Enchant sapphire or opal Enchant sapphire or opal Yes check Yes check Yes check Yes check Yes check Yes check Yes check
Enchant emerald or jade Enchant emerald or jade Yes check Yes check Yes check
Enchant ruby or topaz Enchant ruby or topaz Yes check Yes check
Enchant diamond Enchant diamond Yes check Yes check
Enchant dragonstone Enchant dragonstone Yes check
Enchant onyx Enchant onyx Yes check
Bones to bananas Bones to bananas Yes check Yes check Yes check
Bones to peaches Bones to peaches Yes check
