This is a complete list of spells in the game, including magic from the Ancient, Lunar, and Arceuus spellbooks. Casting a combat spell grants the spell's base experience plus 2 Magic and 1.33 Hitpoints experience for each point of damage the spell caused; "splashing" the spell (casting the spell but failing) grants only its base Magic experience and no Hitpoints experience.
Icon | Spell | Level | Runes | Exp | Category | Spellbook | Notes |
Home Teleport | 0 | None | 0 | Teleport | All | Transports the caster to Lumbridge (standard), Edgeville (Ancient), Lunar Isle (Lunar), or the Dark Altar (Arceuus). Using this spell takes around 10 seconds to cast, gives no experience, and is interruptible by combat. Players can only cast this spell once every 30 minutes. This teleport should be only used for emergencies. | |
Wind Strike | 1 | 11 | 5.5 | Combat | Standard | Maximum of 2 damage per cast. | |
Confuse | 3 | 123 | 13 | Combat | Standard | Reduces the target's Attack level by 5%. | |
Reanimate Goblin | 3 | 121 | 6 | Necromancy | Arceuus | Summons a reanimated goblin. Killing it will give 130 Prayer experience. | |
Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Opal) | 4 | 1210 | 9 | Enchantment | Standard | Enchants opal tipped bolts. | |
Water Strike | 5 | 111 | 7.5 | Combat | Standard | Maximum of 4 damage per cast. | |
Lumbridge Graveyard Teleport | 6 | 12 | 10 | Teleport | Arceuus | Teleports the caster to the Lumbridge graveyard. | |
Lvl-1 Enchant | 7 | 11 | 17.5 | Enchantment | Standard | Enchants sapphire jewellery. | |
Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Sapphire) | 7 | 11110 | 17.5 | Enchantment | Standard | Enchants sapphire tipped bolts. | |
Reanimate Monkey | 7 | 131 | 14 | Necromancy | Arceuus | Summons a reanimated monkey. Killing it will give 182 Prayer experience. | |
Earth Strike | 9 | 121 | 9.5 | Combat | Standard | Maximum of 6 damage per cast. | |
Weaken | 11 | 123 | 21 | Combat | Standard | Reduces the target's Strength level by 5%. | |
Reanimate Imp | 12 | 231 | 24 | Necromancy | Arceuus | Summons a reanimated imp. Killing it will give 286 Prayer experience. | |
Fire Strike | 13 | 132 | 11.5 | Combat | Standard | Maximum of 8 damage per cast. | |
Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Jade) | 14 | 1210 | 19 | Enchantment | Standard | Enchants jade tipped bolts. | |
Bones to Bananas | 15 | 122 | 25 | Skilling | Standard | Converts all bones in the inventory into bananas. | |
Reanimate Minotaur | 16 | 241 | 32 | Necromancy | Arceuus | Summons a reanimated minotaur. Killing it will give 364 Prayer experience. | |
Wind Bolt | 17 | 12 | 13.5 | Combat | Standard | Maximum of 9 damage per cast. | |
Draynor Manor Teleport | 17 | 111 | 16 | Teleport | Arceuus | Teleports the caster to the Draynor Manor. | |
Curse | 19 | 132 | 29 | Combat | Standard | Reduces the target's Defence level by 5%. | |
Reanimate Scorpion | 19 | 111 | 38 | Necromancy | Arceuus | Summons a reanimated scorpion. Killing it will give 454 Prayer experience. | |
Bind | 20 | 233 | 30 | Combat | Standard | Prevents target from moving for 5 seconds. | |
Low Level Alchemy | 21 | 13 | 31 | Skilling | Standard | Converts items into coins, equal to the value if the item was sold at a general store. | |
Reanimate Bear | 21 | 1111 | 42 | Necromancy | Arceuus | Summons a reanimated bear. Killing it will give 480 Prayer experience. | |
Reanimate Unicorn | 22 | 1121 | 44 | Necromancy | Arceuus | Summons a reanimated unicorn. Killing it will give 494 Prayer experience. | |
Water Bolt | 23 | 122 | 16.5 | Combat | Standard | Maximum of 10 damage per cast. | |
Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Pearl) | 24 | 1210 | 29 | Enchantment | Standard | Enchants pearl tipped bolts. | |
Varrock Teleport | 25 | 113 | 35 | Teleport | Standard | Teleports the caster to the centre of Varrock, by the fountain near the shop. | |
Reanimate Dog | 26 | 1221 | 52 | Necromancy | Arceuus | Summons a reanimated dog. Killing it will give 520 Prayer experience. | |
Lvl-2 Enchant | 27 | 13 | 37 | Enchantment | Standard | Enchants emerald jewellery. | |
Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Emerald) | 27 | 11310 | 37 | Enchantment | Standard | Enchants emerald tipped bolts. | |
Mind Altar Teleport | 28 | 12 | 22 | Teleport | Arceuus | Teleports caster to the Mind altar. | |
Earth Bolt | 29 | 132 | 19.5 | Combat | Standard | Maximum of 11 damage per cast. | |
Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Red Topaz) | 29 | 1210 | 33 | Enchantment | Standard | Enchants red topaz tipped bolts. | |
Reanimate Chaos Druid | 30 | 1231 | 60 | Necromancy | Arceuus | Summons a reanimated chaos druid. Killing it will give 584 Prayer experience. | |
Lumbridge Teleport | 31 | 113 | 41 | Teleport | Standard | Teleports the caster to the centre of Lumbridge Castle. | |
Telekinetic Grab | 33 | 11 | 43 | Skilling | Standard | Grabs an item off the ground without need for directly taking it. | |
Respawn Teleport | 34 | 11 | 27 | Teleport | Arceuus | Teleports the caster to their respawn point. | |
Fire Bolt | 35 | 143 | 22.5 | Combat | Standard | Maximum of 12 damage per cast. | |
Falador Teleport | 37 | 113 | 47 | Teleport | Standard | Teleports the caster to the centre of Falador, next to the statue of Saradomin. | |
Reanimate Giant | 37 | 1241 | 74 | Necromancy | Arceuus | Summons a reanimated giant. Killing it will give 650 Prayer experience. | |
Crumble Undead | 39 | 122 | 24.5 | Combat | Standard | Can only be cast on undead monsters. Maximum of 15 damage per cast. | |
Teleport to House | 40 | 111 | 30 | Teleport | Standard | Teleports the caster to their player-owned house. | |
Reanimate Ogre | 40 | 1341 | 80 | Necromancy | Arceuus | Summons a reanimated ogre. Killing it will give 716 Prayer experience. | |
Salve Graveyard Teleport | 40 | 21 | 30 | Teleport | Arceuus | Teleports caster to the ghoul area near the entrance to the Mort Myre Swamp. | |
Wind Blast | 41 | 13 | 25.5 | Combat | Standard | Maximum of 13 damage per cast. | |
Superheat Item | 43 | 14 | 53 | Skilling | Standard | Smelts ores without the need for a furnace. The chance of smelting iron ore increases to 100%. | |
Reanimate Elf | 43 | 2221 | 86 | Necromancy | Arceuus | Summons a reanimated elf. Killing it will give 754 Prayer experience. | |
Camelot Teleport | 45 | 15 | 55.5 | Teleport | Standard | Teleports the caster to the entrance of the castle at Camelot. | |
Reanimate Troll | 46 | 2231 | 92 | Necromancy | Arceuus | Summons a reanimated troll. Killing it will give 780 Prayer experience. | |
Water Blast | 47 | 133 | 28.5 | Combat | Standard | Maximum of 14 damage per cast. | |
Fenkenstrain's Castle Teleport | 48 | 111 | 50 | Teleport | Arceuus | Teleports caster to Fenkenstrain's Castle. | |
Lvl-3 Enchant | 49 | 15 | 59 | Enchantment | Standard | Enchants ruby jewellery. | |
Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Ruby) | 49 | 11510 | 59 | Enchantment | Standard | Enchants ruby tipped bolts. | |
Iban Blast | 50 | 15+ | 30 | Combat | Standard | Maximum of 25 damage per cast. Requires completion of the Underground Pass quest and Iban's staff to be used. Iban's staff has 120 charges of this spell and can be increased to 2,500 charges for a price of 200,000 coins. One charge is used when fighting monsters and two charges are used when fighting other players. | |
Magic Dart | 50 | 14+ | 30 | Combat | Standard | Maximum damage per cast of 10 + 10% of the Magic level of the caster, so essentially 15 to 19. The staff of the dead or toxic staff of the dead can also be used to cast this spell. | |
Smoke Rush | 50 | 2211 | 30 | Combat | Ancient | Maximum of 14 damage per cast. Poisons target starting at 2 damage. | |
Snare | 50 | 344 | 60 | Combat | Standard | Maximum of 3 damage per cast. Prevents target from moving for 10 seconds. | |
Ardougne Teleport | 51 | 22 | 61 | Teleport | Standard | Teleports the caster to the marketplace in East Ardougne in the centre of the square. Completion of the Plague City quest is required to use this spell. | |
Shadow Rush | 52 | 1221 | 31 | Combat | Ancient | Maximum of 15 damage per cast. Reduces target's Attack level by 10%. | |
Reanimate Horror | 52 | 2241 | 104 | Necromancy | Arceuus | Summons a reanimated horror. Killing it will give 832 Prayer experience. | |
Earth Blast | 53 | 143 | 31.5 | Combat | Standard | Maximum of 15 damage per cast. | |
Paddewwa Teleport | 54 | 211 | 64 | Teleport | Ancient | Teleports the caster to the entrance of Edgeville Dungeon. | |
High Level Alchemy | 55 | 15 | 65 | Skilling | Standard | Converts items into more coins than Low Level Alchemy, equal to the value if the item was sold at a specialty shop. | |
Blood Rush | 56 | 122 | 33 | Combat | Ancient | Maximum of 16 damage per cast. Heals the caster for 25% of the damage inflicted on the target. | |
Charge Water Orb | 56 | 3301 | 56 | Enchantment | Standard | When cast at the obelisk of Water, this spell turns an unpowered orb into a water orb. | |
Lvl-4 Enchant | 57 | 110 | 67 | Enchantment | Standard | Enchants diamond jewellery. | |
Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Diamond) | 57 | 211010 | 67 | Enchantment | Standard | Enchants diamond tipped bolts. | |
Reanimate Kalphite | 57 | 2341 | 114 | Necromancy | Arceuus | Summons a reanimated kalphite. Killing it will give 884 Prayer experience. | |
Ice Rush | 58 | 222 | 34 | Combat | Ancient | Maximum of 17 damage per cast. Freezes the target for 5 seconds. | |
Watchtower Teleport | 58 | 22 | 68 | Teleport | Standard | Teleports the caster to the top of the Watchtower. Completion of the Watchtower quest is required to use this spell. | |
Fire Blast | 59 | 154 | 34.5 | Combat | Standard | Maximum of 16 damage per cast. | |
Bones to Peaches | 60 | 224 | 65 | Skilling | Standard | Converts all bones in the inventory to peaches. Players must unlock this spell at the Mage Training Arena before using it. | |
Charge Earth Orb | 60 | 3301 | 70 | Enchantment | Standard | When cast at the obelisk of Earth, this spell turns an unpowered orb into an earth orb. | |
Saradomin Strike | 60 | 224+ | 35 | Combat | Standard | Maximum of 20 damage per cast, or 30 if under effects of the spell Charge. Successful hits will lower the opponent's prayer points by 1. Must be learned at the Mage Arena before it can be used. | |
Flames of Zamorak | 60 | 241+ | 35 | Combat | Standard | Maximum of 20 damage per cast, or 30 if under effects of the spell Charge. Successful hits will lower the opponent's Magic level by 5%. Must be learned at the Mage Arena before it can be used. A staff of the dead or toxic staff of the dead can also be used to cast this spell. | |
Claws of Guthix | 60 | 214+ | 35 | Combat | Standard | Maximum of 20 damage per cast, or 30 if under effects of the spell Charge. Successful hits will lower the opponent's Defence level by 5%. Must be learned at the Mage Arena before it can be used. A void knight mace can also be used to cast this spell. | |
Senntisten Teleport | 60 | 12 | 70 | Teleport | Ancient | Teleports the caster to the Digsite. | |
Trollheim Teleport | 61 | 22 | 68 | Teleport | Standard | Teleports the caster to the very top of Trollheim, near Eadgar's cave. Completion of Eadgar's Ruse is required to use this spell. | |
West Ardougne Teleport | 61 | 22 | 68 | Teleport | Arceuus | Teleports caster to West Ardougne. Requires completion of Plague City to cast. | |
Smoke Burst | 62 | 2422 | 36 | Combat | Ancient | Hits a 3x3 area around a target for up to 18 damage each. Poisons targets starting at 2 damage. | |
Wind Wave | 62 | 15 | 36 | Combat | Standard | Maximum of 17 damage per cast. | |
Reanimate Dagannoth | 62 | 3341 | 124 | Necromancy | Arceuus | Summons a reanimated dagannoth. Killing it will give 936 Prayer experience. | |
Charge Fire Orb | 63 | 3301 | 73 | Enchantment | Standard | When cast at the obelisk of Fire, this spell turns an unpowered orb into a fire orb. | |
Shadow Burst | 64 | 2241 | 37 | Combat | Ancient | Hits a 3x3 area around a target for up to 19 damage each. Reduces targets' Attack levels by 10% each. | |
Teleport to Ape Atoll | 64 | 2221 | 74 | Teleport | Standard | Teleports the caster to Ape Atoll. The Awowogei portion of Recipe for Disaster is required to use this spell. | |
Bake Pie | 65 | 154 | 60 | Skilling | Lunar | Bakes all uncooked pies in the caster's inventory. One set of runes is required for each pie. | |
Geomancy | 65 | 338 | 60 | Skilling | Lunar | Allows one to see the conditions of all Farming patches at once. Ones for quests are excluded. | |
Water Wave | 65 | 175 | 37.5 | Combat | Standard | Maximum of 18 damage per cast. | |
Reanimate Bloodveld | 65 | 2121 | 130 | Necromancy | Arceuus | Summons a reanimated bloodveld. Killing it will give 1,040 Prayer experience. | |
Harmony Island Teleport | 65 | 111 | 74 | Teleport | Arceuus | Teleports caster to Harmony Island. Requires completion of The Great Brain Robbery to cast. | |
Charge Air Orb | 66 | 3301 | 76 | Enchantment | Standard | When cast at the obelisk of Air, this spell turns an unpowered orb into an air orb. | |
Cure Plant | 66 | 18 | 60 | Skilling | Lunar | Cures a diseased plant. | |
Kharyrll Teleport | 66 | 12 | 76 | Teleport | Ancient | Teleports the caster to Canifis. This spell is the only Ancient Magicks teleport spell that can be used in a Portal Chamber of a player-owned house. | |
Vulnerability | 66 | 155 | 76 | Combat | Standard | Reduces the target's Defence level by 10%. | |
Monster Examine | 66 | 111 | 61 | Skilling | Lunar | Casting this on a monster produces the following information: combat level, hitpoints, maximum hit and whether it can be a Slayer assignment. | |
NPC Contact | 67 | 112 | 63 | Skilling | Lunar | Allows remote contact with Slayer masters and some other NPCs. | |
Blood Burst | 68 | 224 | 39 | Combat | Ancient | Hits a 3x3 area around a target for up to 21 damage each. Heals the caster for 25% of the damage inflicted on the targets. | |
Cure Other | 68 | 1110 | 65 | Combat | Lunar | Cures another player of poison. | |
Lvl-5 Enchant | 68 | 11515 | 78 | Enchantment | Standard | Enchants dragonstone jewellery. | |
Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Dragonstone) | 68 | 111510 | 78 | Enchantment | Standard | Enchants dragonstone tipped bolts. | |
Humidify | 68 | 113 | 65 | Skilling | Lunar | Fills all empty water-carrying vessels (such as vials and buckets) in the caster's inventory with water, excluding some quest-specific vessels. | |
Teleport to Kourend | 69 | 2254 | 82 | Teleport | Standard | Teleports the caster to the centre of Great Kourend. The book Transportation incantations must be read to unlock it. | |
Moonclan Teleport | 69 | 122 | 66 | Teleport | Lunar | Teleports the caster to Lunar Isle. | |
Reanimate TzHaar | 69 | 2131 | 138 | Necromancy | Arceuus | Summons a reanimated TzHaar. Killing it will give 1,104 Prayer experience. | |
Earth Wave | 70 | 175 | 40 | Combat | Standard | Maximum of 19 damage per cast. | |
Ice Burst | 70 | 244 | 40 | Combat | Ancient | Hits a 3x3 area around a target for up to 22 damage each. Freezes targets for 10 seconds. | |
Tele Group Moonclan | 70 | 124 | 67 | Teleport | Lunar | Teleports the caster, along with up to 4 other players (with Accept Aid on), to Lunar Isle. | |
Cure Me | 71 | 122 | 69 | Combat | Lunar | Cures the caster of poison. | |
Hunter Kit | 71 | 22 | 70 | Skilling | Lunar | Gives the caster a noose wand, a butterfly net, a bird snare, a rabbit snare, a teasing stick, an unlit torch, a box trap, and an impling jar. | |
Cemetery Teleport | 71 | 111 | 82 | Teleport | Arceuus | Teleports caster to The Forgotten Cemetery in the level 30 Wilderness. | |
Lassar Teleport | 72 | 24 | 82 | Teleport | Ancient | Teleports the caster to the top of Ice Mountain. | |
Waterbirth Teleport | 72 | 121 | 71 | Teleport | Lunar | Teleports the caster to Waterbirth Island. | |
Reanimate Demon | 72 | 2141 | 144 | Necromancy | Arceuus | Summons a reanimated demon. Killing it will give 1,170 Prayer experience. | |
Enfeeble | 73 | 188 | 83 | Combat | Standard | Lowers the target's Strength level by 10%. | |
Tele Group Waterbirth | 73 | 125 | 72 | Teleport | Lunar | Teleports the caster, along with up to 4 other players (who have Accept Aid on), to Waterbirth Island. | |
Cure Group | 74 | 222 | 74 | Combat | Lunar | Cures up to 4 target players of poison. | |
Smoke Blitz | 74 | 2222 | 42 | Combat | Ancient | Maximum of 23 damage per cast. Poisons target starting at 4 damage. | |
Teleother Lumbridge | 74 | 111 | 84 | Teleport | Standard | Teleports another player (who has Accept Aid switched on) to Lumbridge. | |
Barbarian Teleport | 75 | 223 | 76 | Teleport | Lunar | Teleports the caster to the Barbarian Outpost. | |
Fire Wave | 75 | 175 | 42.5 | Combat | Standard | Maximum of 20 damage per cast. | |
Stat Spy | 75 | 125 | 76 | Combat | Lunar | Casting this on another player allows the caster to see the target's combat and non-combat stats, along with whether or not any stats have been boosted or reduced. | |
Spin Flax | 76 | 215 | 75 | Skilling | Lunar | The spell spins flax into bow strings, spinning five flax. | |
Tele Group Barbarian | 76 | 226 | 77 | Teleport | Lunar | Teleports the caster, along with up to 4 other players (who have Accept Aid on), to the Barbarian Outpost. | |
Shadow Blitz | 76 | 2222 | 43 | Combat | Ancient | Maximum of 24 damage per cast. Reduces target's Attack level by 15%. | |
Superglass Make | 77 | 2610 | 78 | Skilling | Lunar | Converts all sand and soda ash (or seaweed) in the caster's inventory into molten glass. | |
Dareeyak Teleport | 78 | 232 | 88 | Teleport | Ancient | Teleports the caster to the western ruins in the Wilderness. | |
Khazard Teleport | 78 | 224 | 80 | Teleport | Lunar | Teleports the caster to Port Khazard. | |
Tan Leather | 78 | 125 | 81 | Skilling | Lunar | Tans up to 5 hides in the player's inventory with no cost. Requires completion of the hard Fremennik Diary. | |
Resurrect Crops | 78 | 881225 | 90 | Skilling | Arceuus | Gives one chance to resurrect a dead Farming patch. The chance of success is 50%-75% based on the caster's Magic level. | |
Reanimate Aviansie | 78 | 3141 | 156 | Necromancy | Arceuus | Summons a reanimated aviansie. Killing it will give 1,234 Prayer experience. | |
Entangle | 79 | 455 | 89 | Combat | Standard | Maximum of 5 damage per cast. Prevents target from moving for 15 seconds. | |
Tele Group Khazard | 79 | 228 | 81 | Teleport | Lunar | Teleports the caster, along with up to 4 other players (who have Accept Aid on), to Port Khazard. | |
Dream | 79 | 125 | 82 | Skilling | Lunar | This spell puts the caster into a "sleep" state, during which hitpoints regenerate at twice their usual rate. Any activity except talking will "awaken" the caster. | |
Blood Blitz | 80 | 42 | 45 | Combat | Ancient | Maximum of 25 damage per cast. Heals the caster for 25% of the damage inflicted on the target. | |
Stun | 80 | 11212 | 90 | Combat | Standard | Reduces the target's Attack level by 10%. | |
String Jewellery | 80 | 2105 | 83 | Skilling | Lunar | Strings all unstrung amulets in the caster's inventory. | |
Charge | 80 | 333 | 180 | Combat | Standard | Used to empower the 3 God spells from the Mage Arena. Increases maximum damage by 50% for 7 minutes. | |
Stat Restore Pot Share | 81 | 21010 | 84 | Combat | Lunar | This spell can target up to 4 other players. Each target receives a dose of a restoration potion (such as a prayer potion) from the caster's inventory. | |
Wind Surge | 81 | 17 | 44.5 | Combat | Standard | Maximum of 21 damage per cast. | |
Ice Blitz | 82 | 223 | 46 | Combat | Ancient | Maximum of 26 damage per cast. Freezes target for 15 seconds. | |
Magic Imbue | 82 | 277 | 86 | Skilling | Lunar | Allows combination of runes without the need for a talisman for a short time. | |
Teleother Falador | 82 | 111 | 92 | Teleport | Standard | Teleports another player (who has Accept Aid switched on) to Falador. | |
Fertile Soil | 83 | 2315 | 87 | Skilling | Lunar | Treats a Farming patch with supercompost. | |
Barrows Teleport | 83 | 212 | 90 | Teleport | Arceuus | Teleports caster to Barrows. | |
Boost Potion Share | 84 | 31210 | 88 | Combat | Lunar | Has the same effect as Stat Restore Pot Share, except with a potion that boosts a stat (such as a strength potion). | |
Carrallangar Teleport | 84 | 22 | 82 | Teleport | Ancient | Teleports the caster to the Graveyard of Shadows. | |
Tele Block | 85 | 111 | 80 | Combat | Standard | Blocks target from teleporting for 5 minutes. | |
Teleport to Bounty Target | 85 | 111 | 45 | Teleport | All | Teleports caster within 12 squares from their bounty target. This spell cannot be used in combat and the caster must be in the Wilderness and have a target in the Bounty Hunter minigame. Unlocked after purchasing the Bounty teleport scroll for 8,000,000 Bounty Hunter points. | |
Water Surge | 85 | 1107 | 46.5 | Combat | Standard | Maximum of 22 damage per cast. | |
Fishing Guild Teleport | 85 | 3310 | 89 | Teleport | Lunar | Teleports the caster to the Fishing Guild. | |
Reanimate Abyssal Creature | 85 | 4141 | 170 | Necromancy | Arceuus | Summons a reanimated abyssal. Killing it will give 1,300 Prayer experience. | |
Smoke Barrage | 86 | 2445 | 48 | Combat | Ancient | Hits a 3x3 area around a target for up to 27 damage each. Poisons targets starting at 4 damage. | |
Tele Group Fishing Guild | 86 | 3314 | 90 | Teleport | Lunar | Teleports the caster, along with up to 4 other players (who have Accept Aid turned on) to the Fishing Guild. | |
Plank Make | 86 | 1215 | 90 | Skilling | Lunar | Transforms one log in the caster's inventory into a plank of the appropriate type. Like the Sawmill, coins are still required to convert logs, but less than if the logs had been taken to the Sawmill. | |
Catherby Teleport | 87 | 3310 | 92 | Teleport | Lunar | Teleports the caster to Catherby. | |
Lvl-6 Enchant | 87 | 12020 | 97 | Enchantment | Standard | Enchants onyx jewellery. | |
Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Onyx) | 87 | 112010 | 97 | Enchantment | Standard | Enchants onyx tipped bolts. | |
Shadow Barrage | 88 | 3244 | 48 | Combat | Ancient | Hits a 3x3 area around a target for up to 28 damage each. Reduces targets' Attack levels by 15%. | |
Tele Group Catherby | 88 | 3315 | 93 | Teleport | Lunar | Teleports the caster, and up to 4 other players (who have Accept Aid on), to Catherby. | |
Ice Plateau Teleport | 89 | 338 | 96 | Teleport | Lunar | Teleports the caster to the Ice Plateau in level 53 Wilderness. | |
Recharge Dragonstone | 89 | 114 | 97.5 | Skilling | Lunar | Recharges the player's dragonstone jewellery. Requires completion of the hard Fremennik Diary. | |
Annakarl Teleport | 90 | 22 | 100 | Teleport | Ancient | Teleports the caster to the Demonic Ruins in the Wilderness. | |
Teleother Camelot | 90 | 21 | 100 | Teleport | Standard | Teleports another player (who has Accept Aid switched on) to Camelot. | |
Tele Group Ice Plateau | 90 | 3316 | 99 | Teleport | Lunar | Teleports the caster, along with up to 4 other players (who have Accept Aid on), to the Ice Plateau in level 53 Wilderness. | |
Earth Surge | 90 | 1107 | 48.5 | Combat | Standard | Maximum of 23 damage per cast. | |
Ape Atoll Teleport | 90 | 222 | 100 | Teleport | Arceuus | Teleports caster to the Ape Atoll Dungeon. | |
Energy Transfer | 91 | 213 | 100 | Skilling | Lunar | Transfers all of the caster's special attack energy and some run energy to the target at a cost of some hitpoints. | |
Blood Barrage | 92 | 144 | 51 | Combat | Ancient | Hits a 3x3 area around a target for up to 29 damage each. Heals the caster for 25% of the damage inflicted on the targets. | |
Heal Other | 92 | 133 | 101 | Combat | Lunar | This spell damages the caster for 75% of their current hitpoints and heals another target player the same amount. | |
Lvl-7 Enchant | 93 | 20201 | 110 | Enchantment | Standard | Enchants zenyte jewellery. | |
Vengeance Other | 93 | 2310 | 108 | Combat | Lunar | Another target player receives the Vengeance effect. The next time another player or an NPC attacks that player, the attacking player or NPC is dealt damage, up to 75% of the damage that player or NPC's first attack dealt. | |
Reanimate Dragon | 93 | 4241 | 186 | Necromancy | Arceuus | Summons a reanimated dragon. Killing it will give 1,560 Prayer experience. | |
Ice Barrage | 94 | 246 | 52 | Combat | Ancient | Hits a 3x3 area around a target for up to 30 damage each. Freezes targets for 20 seconds. | |
Vengeance | 94 | 2410 | 112 | Combat | Lunar | The caster receives the Vengeance effect. The next time a player or NPC attacks the caster, that player or NPC takes up to 75% of the damage their attack dealt. | |
Heal Group | 95 | 364 | 124 | Combat | Lunar | Damages the caster for 75% of their current hitpoints and distributes the lost hitpoints among all other players within a 3x3 grid of the caster. | |
Fire Surge | 95 | 1107 | 50.5 | Combat | Standard | Maximum of 24 damage per cast. | |
Ghorrock Teleport | 96 | 28 | 106 | Teleport | Ancient | Teleports the caster to Ice Plateau in the Wilderness. | |
Spellbook Swap | 96 | 123 | 130 | Skilling | Lunar | Enables the caster to cast a single spell from a different spellbook. |