Lizardman shamans are giant reptilian humanoids that are stronger than their normal lizardmen and lizardmen brute counterparts. They are often sought after for their dragon warhammer drops. They never become tolerant to the player.
Note that players are required to have 100% favour with the Shayzien House in order to kill lizardman shamans.

From Xeric's Inferno, follow the blue arrow to reach the shamans.
Lizardman shamans can be found in two locations:
- Lizardman Canyon, western side
- Lizardman Caves, on the northern end of the Lizardman Settlement (slayer assignment only)
Lizardman Canyon
Three shamans reside in the western area of Lizardman Canyon, and is completely multi-combat. Shayzien soldiers will not attack the shamans (nor will the shamans attack them), since they are busy dealing with a small group of lizardmen. Below are a couple ways to get there. Fairy Rings are the fastest way to reach them. These three shamans are present in a multi-combat area.
Players can check how many players are currently in the western area of the canyon by speaking to the wounded soldier outside the canyon.
Warning: The player should be wary if more than one shaman attacks them at a time as they can quickly stack up damage from their abilities and attacks, which can quickly end a trip. If the players do not want to be attacked constantly by the nearby lizardmen and their brute forms, killing the ones in the north and south-west corners is recommended.
Xeric's talisman
- Use Xeric's talisman to teleport to Xeric's Inferno.
- Run south through Lovakengj.
- Once you've reached the south end near some giant bats and a house with a water source, head a bit west to reach some patrolling Kourend guards.
- Go south into the canyon and down the handholds to the west.
Fairy rings
Partial completion of Fairytale II - Cure a Queen is required to use the fairy rings. A fairy ring (code DJR) is nearby, just south of Lizardman Canyon.
Lizardman Caves

From Xeric's Look-Out, follow the blue arrow to reach the shamans.
Eight shamans reside inside a cave at the northern end of the Lizardman Settlement before Xeric's Shrine. This is a single-way combat area.
Xeric's talisman
- Use Xeric's talisman to teleport to Xeric's Look out.
- Run west through Shayzien to Shayziens' Wall past the Shayzien Graveyard.
- Once you've reached the wall, head west past some lizardman brutes.
- The shamans are inside the Lizardman Caves, and Xeric's Shrine is due north past the bridge.
Fairy rings
- Use the fairy ring code: DJR — requires partial completion of Fairytale II - Cure a Queen.
- Run south-west through Shayzien to Shayziens' Wall past the Shayzien Graveyard.
- Once you've reached the wall, follow the trail north-west past some lizardman brutes.
- The shamans are inside the Lizardman Caves, and Xeric's Shrine is due north past the bridge.
It has several special attacks that it can utilise during the fight. Excluding the spawns, there is no cooldown so it is possible for a lizardman shaman to repeatedly use the same ability over and over again.
- A green acidic attack that will deal 25-30 damage. Wearing tiers 1-4 Shayzien armour will reduce the damage of this attack greatly. It can also poison the player starting at 10 damage.
- Wearing a full set of tier 5 Shayzien armour will reduce this damage to 0.
- A jump attack that targets a small area where the player was previously standing on. If the player is in that landing area when the shaman crashes down, they will be dealt with 20-25 unblockable damage. This jump has a 3x3 AoE and is not used if the jump location is obstructed.
- It may summon several small purple spawns that appear next to the player. After a few seconds, the spawns will explode. The damage dealt is anywhere from 5-10 depending on the player's proximity next to them; their explosion covers a 5x5 area, or a 2 tile radius from them.
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Big bones 1 Always 262
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Red d'hide vamb 1 Uncommon 1,792 Mystic earth staff 1 Uncommon 25,022 Earth battlestaff 1 Uncommon 8,973 Rune med helm 1 Uncommon 11,084 Rune chainbody 1 Uncommon 29,475 Rune warhammer 1 Uncommon 24,832 Dragon warhammer 1 Very rare (1/5,000) 59,512,023
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Iron ore 24–35 (noted) Common 4,152–6,055 Coal 20–25 (noted) Common 3,240–4,050 Runite ore 3–5 (noted) Rare 33,507–55,845
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Grimy kwuarm 1–3 (noted) Uncommon 1,165–3,495 Grimy dwarf weed 1–3 (noted) Uncommon 448–1,344 Grimy lantadyme 1–3 (noted) Uncommon 1,391–4,173 Grimy cadantine 1–3 (noted) Uncommon 1,312–3,936 Ranarr seed 1 Rare 45,466 Snapdragon seed 1 Rare 54,551 Watermelon seed 15 Rare 1,065 Torstol seed 1 Rare 58,385 Willow seed 1 Rare 3,620 Teak seed 1 Rare 85 Maple seed 1 Rare 28,320 Papaya tree seed 1 Rare 3,589 Mahogany seed 1 Rare 3,029 Palm tree seed 1 Rare 39,781 Yew seed 1 Rare 68,162 Magic seed 1 Rare 118,931 Spirit seed 1 Rare Not sold
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Air rune 60–80 Common 300–400 Chaos rune 40–60 Uncommon 3,560–5,340 Fire rune 66–80 Uncommon 330–400 Death rune 20–30 Uncommon 4,060–6,090
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Coins 100–6,000 Common Not sold Xerician fabric 2 Common 3,114 Lizardman fang 10–14 Common 190–266 Chilli potato 2 Common 552 Rare drop table 1 Common (1/25) Not sold Clue scroll (hard) 1 Rare (1/200) Not sold Xeric's talisman (inert) 1 Rare (1/250) Not sold Long bone 1 Rare (1/400) Not sold Clue scroll (elite) 1 Very rare (1/1,200) Not sold Curved bone 1 Very rare (1/5,000) Not sold
Rare drop table
In addition to the drops above, this monster has a 1/25 chance to access the standard rare drop table.
Show/hide rare drop table Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Coins 3,000 Rare (1/145.45) Not sold Loop half of key 1 Rare (1/158.76; 1/158.35)[R 1] 10,307 Tooth half of key 1 Rare (1/167.05; 1/166.59)[R 1] 10,840 Uncut sapphire 1 Rare (1/640; 1/480)[R 1] 455 Runite bar 1 Rare (1/640) 12,368 Nature talisman 1 Rare (1/922.52; 1/882.76)[R 1] 744 Nature rune 67 Very rare (1/1,066.67) 14,539 Rune 2h sword 1 Very rare (1/1,066.67) 37,758 Rune battleaxe 1 Very rare (1/1,066.67) 24,487 Uncut emerald 1 Very rare (1/1,280; 1/960)[R 1] 679 Law rune 45 Very rare (1/1,600) 7,470 Death rune 45 Very rare (1/1,600) 9,135 Steel arrow 150 Very rare (1/1,600) 4,800 Rune arrow 42 Very rare (1/1,600) 2,940 Adamant javelin 20 Very rare (1/1,600) 1,220 Rune sq shield 1 Very rare (1/1,600) 22,459 Dragonstone 1 Very rare (1/1,600) 11,932 Silver ore 100 (noted) Very rare (1/1,600) 7,000 Uncut ruby 1 Very rare (1/2,560; 1/1,920)[R 1] 1,249 Rune kiteshield 1 Very rare (1/3,200) 32,015 Dragon med helm 1 Very rare (1/3,200) 58,488 Rune spear 1 Very rare (1/3,378.14)[R 2] 11,933 Shield left half 1 Very rare (1/6,756.29)[R 2] 65,697 Dragon spear 1 Very rare (1/9,008.38)[R 2] 37,226 Uncut diamond 1 Very rare (1/10,240; 1/7,680)[R 1] 2,627 Rune javelin 5 Very rare (1/20,480; 1/15,360)[R 1] 875

A former safespot for the Swamp shamans.

Another former safespot.
- When the Chambers of Xeric was released, two shamans were added into the Lizardman Settlement. Unlike the shamans at the canyon, these did not require 100% favour. This led to backlash, as the Shayzien House did not have many incentives to gain reputation. These shamans were eventually removed in favour of a task-only area on 13 July 2017. In the same update, safespots in the canyon were removed.
- On release, shamans could summon spawns in quick succession. This was changed in an update on 8 February 2018.