Old School RuneScape Wiki

Logios chathead

Logios is a staff at the Library Historical Archive in the Arceuus House. He is studying the period of the Wintertodt Invasion in Great Kourend's history, and will offer players what they know about it.


  • Player: Hello, what are you doing here?
  • Logios: I'm studying the Invasion of the Wintertodt.
  • Player: Tell me more about the Wintertodt.
    • Logios: The Wintertodt is a fiercely cold being, capable of freezing entire areas with its mere presence. We do not know what exactly the Wintertodt is, nor where it came from.
    • Logios: When Wintertodt first attacked, it was feared that all Kourend may be lost. Fortunately the Order of the Sacred Flame and Dinh the Master Smith were able to stop it.
    • Player: How did they stop the Wintertodt?
      • Logios: Dinh was a great smith and engineer. He uncovered the power of the Bruma tree. Using bark from the Bruma tree and various metal compounds, Dinh forged the doors of the prison that hold Wintertodt.
      • Logios: In addition, the Order of the Sacred flame utilised the Bruma tree in firemaking, heating the environment to subdue Wintertodt.
  • Player: Tell me more about the Invasion.
    • Logios: More than one hundred and thirty-seven decades ago, seemingly from nowhere, the Wintertodt began terrorising the lands north of Kourend, freezing everything within its path.
    • Logios: After five decades of this terror, the people of Kourend were able to quell the beast, containing it in an icy prison.
    • Logios: The Wintertodt remained within its prison until very recently when it began to threaten Kourend once more. Fortunately the Order of the Sacred Flame is able to contain the Wintertodt and prevent another attack.
  • Player: Goodbye.
