Old School RuneScape Wiki

Magic Imbue enables the caster to craft combination runes without needing to use opposing talismans for about 12 seconds. The spell removes the requirement for a talisman to be present in the inventory at all; to craft combination runes after casting Magic Imbue, players must use the opposing runes on the Runecrafting altar. For example, to create lava runes at the earth altar, players would use fire runes on the altar after casting Magic Imbue. This spell can be only cast once about every 12.6 seconds.

Note: The spell does not increase the 50% chance of success when crafting combination runes. For a 100% chance of success, a binding necklace is still required

Combined with a steam battlestaff or mystic steam staff, Magic Imbue substantially reduces the cost and effort of crafting combination runes, as some talismans can be quite expensive. On a related note, the difficulty of crafting dust, smoke and mist runes is reduced, as it becomes economically viable to craft these runes at the air altar outside Falador, due to the proximity to a bank.

Magic Imbue can also be cast without being at an altar, and will still provide Magic experience. This can be useful if the player wishes to train Magic while training other skills such as Agility, Mining, or Hunter. A player can receive around 23k exp/hr simply by casting Magic Imbue over and over. It is recommended to use a staff for this method to save on elemental runes.

As with all Lunar Spells, the quest Lunar Diplomacy must be completed to cast this spell.


Spell cost
7Water rune7Fire rune2Astral rune381
Combo runes
7Fire rune2Astral rune7Mud rune2,054
7Water rune2Astral rune7Lava rune374
7Water rune2Astral rune7Smoke rune843
2Astral rune7Steam rune794
7Fire rune2Astral rune7Mist rune1,487
7Fire rune2Astral runeStaff of water353
2Astral runeMud battlestaffTome of fire318
7Fire rune2Astral runeMist battlestaff353
7Fire rune2Astral runeKodai wand353
7Water rune2Astral runeTome of fire346
7Fire rune2Astral runeMud battlestaff353
7Water rune2Astral runeLava battlestaff346
2Astral runeSteam battlestaff318
2Astral runeMist battlestaffTome of fire318
2Astral runeKodai wandTome of fire318
7Water rune2Astral runeStaff of fire346
7Water rune2Astral runeSmoke battlestaff346
2Astral runeStaff of waterTome of fire318


This spell's animation is similar to Bones to Bananas and Bones to Peaches.
