Old School RuneScape Wiki

A magma mutagen is an untradeable item dropped by Zulrah. It allows a player to cosmetically recolour their serpentine helm to a magma helm. The mutagen is consumed upon use.

Dropping monsters[]

Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity
Zulrah 725 1 5; Very rare (1/6,553.6)

Drop rate[]

The drop rate for this item is calculated from two different rolls: The chance of rolling Zulrah's flax table (1/25.6) and the chance of rolling the mutagen table (1/256)[1].

Thus, multiplying these two fractions will result in 1/6,553.6, which is Zulrah's chance of dropping a mutagen, or a 1/13,107.2 chance of a specific mutagen.

However, since Zulrah gives two rolls to its drop table per kill, the chances are doubled, giving a 1/3,276.8 chance for any mutagen or a 1/6,553.6 chance for a specific mutagen.


  1. Jagex. Mod Ash's Twitter account. 10 May 2015. Mod Ash: "Yes. The flax bit is 10/256, so each mutagen is therefore 1 in 13.1k. or 1 in 6.5k of getting either colour."