Old School RuneScape Wiki
Old School RuneScape Wiki

Marble burners are pieces of furniture that can be built in the Chapel of a player-owned house with the Construction skill. Marble burners improve Prayer experience gained when using bones with the Gilded altar, one lit burner giving 300% normal Prayer experience while 350% is gained with two burners lit. The player must have a marrentill herb and a tinderbox to light a burner.

Building marble burners requires at least 69 Construction, two marble blocks and two steel bars. Creating marble burners gives 1600 Construction experience.

The burners burn 2 minutes and 10 seconds before they burn out. They will however scale with firemaking, at level 99 firemaking the burners burn for double the time, at 85 firemaking they burn for around 3 minutes. They will not stay lit when all players have left the house. However, if there are other players in the house when the owner leaves through the entrance portal; they will stay lit as long as the owner returns to the house within 5 seconds, effectively making it possible for hosts to advertise for themselves or check to make sure their advertiser is doing their job.
