Old School RuneScape Wiki
Old School RuneScape Wiki

Lv 11 Lv 12 Lv 13 Lv 18 Lv 24 Lv 24 (Vial) Lv 108

Mourner chathead
Mourner chathead
Mourner chathead
Mourner chathead
Mourner 2 chathead
Mourner chathead

Mourners are a collection of elves and humans who have joined the Prifddinas Death Guard. They are located all across West Ardougne, and some are located at the gate of Arandar (entrance to Tirannwn). Some of the Mourners drop the mourner outfit, items used in Mourning's Ends Part I and Part II. As a side note, use caution when fighting the level 11 mourners as they will drain all your combat stats (including Hitpoints) to 20 when attacked.

The level 108 Mourners located in the basement of the Mourner HQ are considered as Elf warriors, so their stats and drop table is the same as an Elf warrior, with the exception of ensouled heads and seeds, and they will also count towards an elf slayer task. After Mourning's Ends Part II, the basement can be accessed easily by selecting the Dark beasts teleport on a slayer ring, and running through the door to the east.



Item Quantity Rarity GE market price
Bones Bones 1 Always 89
Mourner cloak Mourner cloak[1] 1 Always Not sold
Mourner boots Mourner boots[1] 1 Always Not sold
Mourner top Mourner top[2] 1 Always Not sold
Mourner gloves Mourner gloves[1] 1 Always Not sold
Mourner trousers Mourner trousers[3] 1 Always Not sold
Gas mask Gas mask[1] 1 Always Not sold
Mourner letter Mourner letter[4] 1 Always Not sold
Bloody mourner top Bloody mourner top[4] 1 Always Not sold
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Only dropped by the level 11 Mourners near the gates of Arandar and the level 108 Mourners in the Mourner HQ
  2. Only dropped by the level 108 mourners in the Mourner HQ
  3. Trousers dropped by the level 11 Mourners will need to be repaired
  4. 4.0 4.1 The Mourner letter will only be dropped by the level 11 Mourners near the gates of Arandar
