Narf is a strange fellow that can be thieved as well as attacked. He gives the same amount of coins as well as the similar drops and Thieving experience as a man. He is most likely in a gang of thieves including Jeff, Rusty and Cuffs. When talked to, the player automatically comments that his name is strange, and Narf responds, "Well, at least I don't call myself (player's username)! Where do you get a name like that?"
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Bones 1 Always 89
Runes and Talismans[]
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Chaos rune 2; 4 Unknown 178–356 Earth rune 4 Unknown 16 Fire rune 6 Unknown 30 Mind rune 9 Unknown 27
Weapons, Ammunition and Armour[]
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Bronze med helm 1 Unknown 76 Iron dagger 1 Unknown 23 Bronze arrow 7 Unknown 35 Bronze bolts 2–12 Common 4–24 Staff of air 1 Very rare 1,620
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Guam leaf(m) 1 Common 26 Marrentill(m) 1 Common 24 Tarromin(m) 1 Common 153 Harralander(m) 1 Uncommon 706 Ranarr weed(m) 1 Uncommon 7,682 Irit leaf(m) 1 Uncommon 789 Avantoe(m) 1 Uncommon 1,848 Kwuarm(m) 1 Rare 1,195 Cadantine(m) 1 Rare 1,339 Lantadyme(m) 1 Rare 1,419 Dwarf weed(m) 1 Very rare 427
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Coins 3; 5; 15 Common Not sold Copper ore 1 Common 95 Cabbage 1 Common 40 Fishing bait Unknown Uncommon 4 Earth talisman 1 Uncommon 310 Clue scroll (easy)(m) 1 Rare Not sold