Old School RuneScape Wiki
Old School RuneScape Wiki

The Ninja Impling is an impling that can be caught in the Impetuous Impulses minigame, and are located throughout Puro-Puro and RuneScape. The player needs at least 74 Hunter to capture this type of Impling. To catch the Ninja Impling, the player needs either a normal or magic butterfly net and some impling jars. Once these requirements have been met the player simply needs to click on the Ninja Impling, and the character will attempt to catch it, though there is a chance of failure.

When the Impling is finally caught the player can either trade with Elnock Inquisitor or can free the Ninja Impling, which will leave an item behind. The player can get 3 impling jars for one Ninja impling. Capturing a Ninja impling will grant the player either 50 (if caught in Puro-Puro) or 240 (if caught in RuneScape) Hunter experience.

Bind, Snare, and Entangle may be used to stop them from moving for a brief period of time. This makes catching them much easier, as they may fly over water if not caught on the first attempt.



Item Quantity Rarity GE market price
Snakeskin boots Snakeskin boots 1 Common 248
Mystic boots (blue) Mystic boots (blue) 1 Common 6,153
Splitbark helm Splitbark helm 1 Uncommon 5,787
Rune chainbody Rune chainbody 1 Uncommon 29,475
Mystic gloves (blue) Mystic gloves (blue) 1 Rare 5,796


Item Quantity Rarity GE market price
Opal machete Opal machete 1 Common 192
Rune claws Rune claws 1 Common 6,899
Rune scimitar Rune scimitar 1 Uncommon 14,969
Dragon dagger(p) Dragon dagger(p+) 1 Uncommon 17,808


Item Quantity Rarity GE market price
Rune arrow Rune arrow 70 Common 4,900
Rune dart Rune dart 70 Common 79,380
Rune knife Rune knife 40 Common 12,520
Rune thrownaxe Rune thrownaxe 50 Common 10,450
Onyx bolts Onyx bolts 2 Uncommon 17,324
Onyx bolt tips Onyx bolt tips 4 Rare 32,884


Item Quantity Rarity GE market price
Black dragonhide Black dragonhide 6–10 Common 17,574–29,290
Prayer potion(3) Prayer potion(3) 4 (noted) Common 29,748
Weapon poison(+) Weapon poison(+) 4 (noted) Uncommon 5,336
Dagannoth hide Dagannoth hide 3 Uncommon 459
Clue scroll (hard) Clue scroll (hard) 1 Uncommon (1/25) Not sold
