The odium ward (or) is obtained by using a ward upgrade kit on an odium ward. It is a cosmetic addition, and provides the same bonuses as a regular odium ward, and becomes untradeable. The ward may be made tradeable again by right-clicking "Revert", returning it back to normal. However, the upgrade kit will not be retained.
If a player dies with the ward and it is not one of the player's protected items, the ward will revert to its default appearance, and players must use another ward upgrade kit to enhance its appearance again.
- The model for this item was originally polled as a graphical update for the odium ward in Content Poll #22. It gained 74.4% yes votes, 0.6% short of the passing threshold required. The model was then polled as a cosmetic upgrade kit in the Old School Bounty Hunter Rewards 2 poll, and passed by 77.9%.