Ogres are found in several locations, most notably the Ogre city of Gu'Tanoth. The ogres at the Combat Training Camp can only be fought with Ranged, Magic or Melee using a halberd; access to this area is granted after finishing the Biohazard quest.
The best place to kill ogres for Slayer is directly west of Yanille, near the little island surrounded by water, although the location may be crowded with cannon users that can make training there inhospitable. However, if you have level 46 Thieving, then you can access the Chaos Druid Tower, that has seven ogres in its dungeon, where it is usually quiet.
- Witchhaven Dungeon
- Gu'Tanoth
- Chaos Druid Tower basement (requires level 46 Thieving)
- Combat Training Camp (requires Biohazard, level 63, Ranged/Magic only)
- Underground Pass
- West of Yanille
- Feldip Hills
- God Wars Dungeon
- Wilderness God Wars Dungeon
Note: Ogres will rarely drop items other than big bones, unless they are fought at the Combat Training Camp or West of Yanille.
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Big bones 1 Always 262
There is a 19/128 chance of receiving an item from the allotment seed drop table.[1]
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Limpwurt seed 1 Uncommon (~137/6737) 30 Strawberry seed 1 Uncommon (~132/6737) 5 Marrentill seed 1 Uncommon (~123/6737) 5 Jangerberry seed 1 Uncommon (~93/6737) 2 Tarromin seed 1 Uncommon (~84/6737) 10 Wildblood seed 1 Uncommon (~83/6737) 53 Watermelon seed 1 Rare (~63/6737) 71 Harralander seed 1 Rare (~58/6737) 31 Ranarr seed 1 Rare (~40/6737) 45,466 Whiteberry seed 1 Rare (~34/6737) 4 Mushroom spore 1 Rare (29/6737) 67 Toadflax seed 1 Rare (~27/6737) 795 Irit seed 1 Rare (~19/6737) 47 Belladonna seed 1 Rare (~18/6737) 57 Poison ivy seed 1 Rare (~13/6737) 18 Cactus seed 1 Rare (~12/6737) 98 Avantoe seed 1 Rare (~11/6737) 1,675 Kwuarm seed 1 Rare (~9/6737) 379 Snapdragon seed 1 Very rare (~5/6737) 54,551 Cadantine seed 1 Very rare (~4/6737) 1,034 Lantadyme seed 1 Very rare (~3/6737) 2,358 Dwarf weed seed 1 Very rare (~2/6737) 423 Torstol seed 1 Very rare (1/6737) 58,385
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Ogre ribs 1 Common [2] Not sold Ensouled ogre head 1 Uncommon (1/30) 2,214 Looting bag 1 Uncommon (1/30)[3] Not sold Ecumenical key 1 Uncommon (1/60)[4] Not sold Long bone 1 Rare (1/400) Not sold Curved bone 1 Very rare (1/5,000) Not sold
- ↑ Twitter - 30 Mar 2017
- ↑ Only during Rag and Bone Man II.
- ↑ Only dropped by those found in the Wilderness.
- ↑ Only dropped by those located in the Wilderness God Wars Dungeon. Drop rate decreases to 1/70 if one key is owned, and 1/80 if two are owned. If the medium or hard Wilderness Diary is completed the drop rate of 1/60 still applies until a player owns two or three keys, respectively.