Ogress Warrior women are found in the Corsair Cove Dungeon.
These monsters are a good way for free-to-play ironmen to obtain rune battleaxes and rune full helms, as well as law runes.
Note that they have somewhat higher defence than lesser demons (especially magical defence), so 65+ ranged or magic is recommended if you are safespotting.
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Big bones 1 Always 262
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Mithril kiteshield 1 Common 1,044 Iron arrow 1–40 Common 5–200 Steel arrow 1–30 Common 32–960 Mithril arrow 1–14 Common 19–266 Rune med helm 1 Uncommon 11,084 Rune full helm 1 Uncommon 20,588 Rune battleaxe 1 Uncommon 24,487 Shaman mask 1 Very rare (1/1,200) 8,369
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Air rune 10–25 Common 50–125 Mind rune 10–20 Common 30–60 Water rune 10–20 Common 40–80 Earth rune 10–20 Common 40–80 Fire rune 10–20 Common 50–100 Chaos rune 15–30 Common 1,335–2,670 Cosmic rune 10–15 Common 1,430–2,145 Nature rune 8–15 Common 1,736–3,255 Law rune 8–15 Common 1,328–2,490 Death rune 8–23 Common 1,624–4,669
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Jangerberry seed(m) 1 Uncommon 2 Limpwurt seed(m) 1 Uncommon 30 Watermelon seed(m) 1 Uncommon 71 Tarromin seed(m) 1 Rare 10 Toadflax seed(m) 1 Rare 795 Poison ivy seed(m) 1 Rare 18 Strawberry seed(m) 1 Unknown/rare 5 Ranarr seed(m) 1 Unknown/rare 45,466
Item Quantity Rarity GE market price Coins 5–1,000 Common Not sold Salmon 1–3 Common 114–342 Limpwurt root 1 Common 918 Uncut sapphire 1 Common 455 Uncut emerald 1 Common 679 Uncut ruby 1 Common 1,249 Uncut diamond 1 Common 2,627 Ensouled ogre head(m) 1 Uncommon 2,214