This poll is copied verbatim from the Old School RuneScape website. It is copyrighted by Jagex.
This poll opened 31 January 2018 and closed on 5 February 2018
This poll opened 31 January 2018 and closed on 5 February 2018
For this week, we've collated the most popular PvM related player suggestions for you to vote on!
This poll will close on Monday 5th February.
Question 1
Should a peek option be added to the Lizardman Canyon, allowing you to check if there are any players currently in that area before entering?
Question 2
Should a peek option be added to the Monkey Madness 2[sic] tunnels, allowing you to check if there are any players currently in that area before entering?
Question 3
Should a peek option be added to the agility shortcut near the Kalphite Queen lair entrance, allowing you to check if there are any players currently in that area before entering?
Question 4
Should it be possible to automatically continue attacking your target after trying to use a special attack when you don't have enough energy to do so?
Question 5
Should there be a new orb added to the bottom-left of the minimap which displays your special attack energy level? This would be for information only, with no options to interact with it. By default, it will appear for all players, but can be disabled alongside all minimap orbs via the existing "Data orbs" option.
Question 6
Should the rewards from Champions' Challenge be improved by offering an XP lamp that provides 10x the standard XP normally received for each Champion slain? Players that have previously completed any of the challenges will be able to redeem the XP lamp by talking to an NPC.
Question 7
Should herb seeds appear on top of other less useful seeds?
Question 8
Should Dagannoth bones appear on top of Dagannoth hides?
Question 9
Should the number of Mallignum root planks required to build storage units within the Chambers of Xeric be reduced? The Small unit would require 2 planks, Medium would require 4 planks and the Large unit would require 6 planks.
Question 10
Should the name of the player who receives a drop from any of the bosses within the Chambers of Xeric be broadcast to the current raid party?
Question 11
When forming a party for the Chambers of Xeric, in addition to the current information shown on the interface, should it also display players current Chambers of Xeric kill count?
Question 12
Should a Bronze axe spawn be added to the Ice demon in the Chambers of Xeric?
Question 13
Should the number of Rune dragons assigned as a Slayer task be increased from 15-25 to 30-60 when the "RUUUUUNE" extension perk has been unlocked?
Question 14
Should we add XP drop indicators for those with 200m XP in stats? This will not provide any further experience, but would allow players to see how much experience they would have gained, if they were able to receive more.
Question 15
Where there is an existing item retrieval service that requires a payment, such as Torfinn, should it be possible for the money be taken directly from your bank if you do not have it in your inventory?