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Old School RuneScape Wiki

There are multiple potions that exist solely within the Chambers of Xeric. These potions are made from herbs obtained from within this raid.

Making Potions[]

There are three components required to make raid potions. A water-filled gourd vial is obtained by picking an empty gourd vial from gourd trees in farming rooms, and using it on the nearby water spring. Herbs are obtained from farming seeds, which are dropped by certain mini-bosses. Lastly, secondary ingredients such as endarkened juice are dropped by Scavengers.

These three components can be combined to make a potion. The potion has three variants: weak, standard and strong. The weak and strong potions are indicated by (-) and (+) in their name, respectively. The strong variant provides the strongest boost while weak variant provides the weakest boost. The type of potion made depends on the player's Herblore level. Potions can be traded to other players.

An example of how to make a potion is provided below.

Gourd tree (farming room) Empty gourd vial Empty gourd vial Water-filled gourd vial Water-filled gourd vial

52 Herblore icon
Xeric's aid (4) Xeric's aid (-)

65 Herblore icon
Xeric's aid (4) Xeric's aid

78 Herblore icon
Xeric's aid (4) Xeric's aid (+)

Guardian (Chambers of Xeric) Guardian

Lizardman shaman Lizardman shaman

Skeletal mystic Skeletal mystic

Buchu seed Buchu seed Grimy buchu leaf Grimy buchu leaf Buchu leaf Buchu leaf
Corrupted scavenger Scavenger Endarkened juice Endarkened juice

Seeds and Herbs[]

There are three types of seeds. These three seeds are always dropped together by the following minibosses: Guardians, Lizardman shamans, and Skeletal mystics. They may also be found by raking the weeds at the end of each floor of the raid.

Buchu herbs are used to make utility potions, golpar herbs are used to make combat potions, and noxifer herbs are used to combine combat potions into overloads.

Each farming room contains two plots from which to farm grimy herbs. The number of herbs obtained per seed scales with the harvesting player's Farming level.

Seed Farming level Planting XP Harvesting XP Grimy Herb Cleaning XP Herb Produces
Golpar seed Golpar seed 27 4 10 Grimy golpar Grimy golpar Golpar Golpar

Elder potion (4) Elder potion

Kodai potion (4) Kodai potion

Twisted potion (4) Twisted potion

Buchu seed Buchu seed 39 6 15 Grimy buchu leaf Grimy buchu leaf 2 Buchu leaf Buchu leaf

Revitalisation potion (4) Revitalisation potion

Xeric's aid (4) Xeric's aid

Prayer enhance (4) Prayer enhance

Noxifer seed Noxifer seed 55 12 30 Grimy noxifer Grimy noxifer Noxifer Noxifer Overload (4) (Chambers of Xeric) Overload

Secondary ingredients[]

There are three types of secondaries. They are mostly dropped by Scavenger runts and Scavenger beasts which are found in Scavenger rooms. Some other monsters may also drop small quantities of secondaries.

Stinkhorn mushroom Stinkhorn mushroom
Endarkened juice Endarkened juice
Cicely Cicely

Potion Recipes[]

Refer to this table to know which herb and secondary ingredient you must use to make each type of potion. The required Herblore level for the weak, normal and strong variant are also displayed in the table. Noxifer herbs must be combined with an Elder, Kodai and Twisted potion to make an Overload.

Herb Weak (-) Standard Strong (+) Stinkhorn mushroom Stinkhorn mushroom Endarkened juice Endarkened juice Cicely Cicely
Golpar Golpar 47 Herblore icon 59 Herblore icon 70 Herblore icon Elder potion (4) Elder potion Kodai potion (4) Kodai potion Twisted potion (4) Twisted potion
Buchu leaf Buchu leaf 52 Herblore icon 65 Herblore icon 78 Herblore icon Revitalisation potion (4) Revitalisation potion Xeric's aid (4) Xeric's aid Prayer enhance (4) Prayer enhance
Noxifer Noxifer 60 Herblore icon 75 Herblore icon 90 Herblore icon Elder potion (4) Kodai potion (4) Twisted potion (4) + NoxiferOverload (4) (Chambers of Xeric) Overload


Potion Effect
Elder potion (4) Elder potion(-)(+) Boosts Attack icon Strength icon Defence icon (similarly to super combat potion).
Kodai potion (4) Kodai potion(-)(+) Boosts Magic icon Defence icon (similarly to battlemage potion).
Twisted potion (4) Twisted potion(-)(+) Boosts Ranged icon Defence icon (similarly to bastion potion).
Revitalisation potion (4) Revitalisation potion(-)(+) Restores all stats including prayer, except for hitpoints (similarly to super restore).
Xeric's aid (4) Xeric's aid(-)(+) Boosts Hitpoints icon Defence icon, but lowers Attack icon Strength icon Ranged icon Magic icon (similarly to Saradomin brew).
Prayer enhance (4) Prayer enhance(-)(+) Restores 1 prayer point every few seconds.
Overload (4) (Chambers of Xeric) Overload(-)(+) Applies a boost every 15 seconds to Attack icon Strength icon Defence icon Magic icon Ranged icon. Deals 50 damage when used (hits 10 five times), and heals 50 Hitpoints when it expires.
